Are YOU an Aryan?

Are YOU an Aryan?

Or would hitler send you to the gas chamber

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There were no gas chambers.

Proofs? Tbhhh


Not a gas chamber but guess that'a s bullet

I'm not Aryan but I'm also not one of the races Hitler sent to the gas chamber

>Hitler existed
Nice human suit.

Gas Chamber, because they'd send all non-normies into it anyways.

I don't even mind if it is only the gas chamber.
It's fast and frees you from any burden.

Are you saying you're a slav or the Swedish man I posted up?

This. I don't know about you but I never met this "Hitler" fella

This is what a gas chamber looks like.

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I'm an italian and look like this italian, is he an aryan?

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How's that proof that the hollocaust didn't happen

If you ask a kid how the cookies disappeared from the cookie jar and he tells you a bird came in and opened the cookie jar and ate them, you know he's lying.

Hitler would probably send us to a work camp and it would do us a ton of good, and we would have a pretty good time building roads with out autism bros

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You're being overly skeptical. I'm all for the skeptic mindset but not so much so where my brain falls out. It's not that extraordinary for a dictator to commit genocide so I take it's merit with historical evidence and accept it as having happened.
It probaby did happen.
You're bird analogy is an extraordinary claim and can't be compared

The nazis allegedly killed 1,000,000 jews with doors like these. They allegedly used TAPE to seal the slats of the door to prevent lethal wisps of gas from escaping and killing guards.

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Sorry, that's just auschwitz. This is literally the official record of the construction of the gas chambers, was that they used doors EXACTLY like this. This flimsy wooden door allegedly held back 2,000 people panicking for their lives.

Are you stupid or what? This could never work as an efficient gas chamber, ergo the story is bollocks.

Attached: gas_auschwitz_20110328_1816791341.jpg (600x399, 151K)

Again, so what, they found some tape around the doors years later. Proves not very much

Nope roman or rhaeto features, there was a terrone far back too.
Same deal with fabio he's still a blond part romano.
It's hard to breed out mediterainni's of the dna fully, just like slav's trying to outbreed different asian in them.

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How do you know it couldn't? Have you conducted a scientific experiment on the matter

Because of how gas chambers work, you dingus.

So the soviets put some tape on the door or something when they quickly gussied up an air raid shelter to look like a gas chamber. Doesn't prove much indeed.

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I look exactly like the dude on the Untermensch poster so i guess bye bye me

>half irish
>quarter mexican
>quarter native american

I'd send myself tbqhwy friend

I was blond haired and blue eyed when I was a kid but my hair changed colors to brown

>How do you know it couldn't?
It really doesn't take an expert to look at the facilities and see that something's fishy. Jow Forums probalby isn't the best place to learn about this conspiracy. Much smarter, much more educated people than that idiot and myself have tried to get this information out before being sued, jailed, fined, fired, arrested, attacked by media, defamed, etc. So you can go just look at their work.

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So your saying I'm half aryan, half med

Who are you calling an idiot you stupid faggot.

Come and get me dumbo

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Why are you posing as me, pay no attention to him

This user is also an imposter. I'm the real

Imma kick your ass.
Shut up, moron. Are you so stupid you can't comprehend the idiot comment was mounted on me?

Born Scotland to Scottish families. Pale as fuck. Not sure if that counts.

I'm a mexican. So hitler would beg for my help and i would turn him down.

Pretty sure hitler considered the britts aryan

He viewed them and not for no reason as the close cousins of the Germanics. He never wanted to fight Britain for this reason

More like indentured servitude. Until we rise up and overthrow the germ*nic subhumans

Mediterranean/Filipino, I would be grounded into the dirt. I could probably pass for half Jap, but I'm not sure

I am a tall blond blue eyed male. Very Aryan thanks

Which country of origin

Dunno but probably either Germanization or Siberia.

Im italian, but look rather germanic for some reason

France, but my ancestry is part Germanic/Luxembourgish

>Im italian, but look rather germanic for some reason
North or South italy?

(Comment not original)

ok russian

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Abruzzo, central italy.
Most of my family are blondes and red heads

>ok russian
nah, not even from russian parts.

One grandfather was in the SA, one in the Wehrmacht.
Probably as Aryan as it gets.

I wish m8, I'm autistic as fuck and can't talk to people at all. Just sever my fucking brainstem desu

Yeah, I know that feel broo

Blue and Blonde bro.

Gay ass fuck nigger

6'4 blonde hair blue eyed Aryan master race reporting in

Excellent, so many Aryans here today

I have blonde hair and decent genetics (I'm 6'1 and have wide shoulders so I look big even with little muscle)

Downside is I have brown eyes though, I think I'd get a pass.

Gas chambers look like group showers and you can get more people into it than into that thing.

My great-grandmother had an Arierpass, and I'm not aware of any of the usual targets in the closer family, so I would probably not get gassed.

the term aryan itself is invented by anglo to justified the indian colonization

I had blond hair as a kid but it turned brown around 7-8 years old.


>dirty blond
>green eyes
Where do I sign up for death

i'm a fingol so propably gas chambers

Why are there so many ridiculous lies about the holocaust? Why do they Jews feel the need to make up shit that literally nobody will believe? I've never met a single person, not even normies, that believe that stupid lampshade bullshit, yet Jews still fucking talk about it.

It's a good fucking story.
My grandmother had a lamp we half-suspected to be of said making. It might also just be pigskin. That and human skin look and feel very alike.


Maybe, yeah, might take it dna test one day. I would still expect a lot of italian buy also some germanic and scandinavian

Yeah, because Indians are in no way related to Europ-

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t. putin

I am an Anglo (and therefore at least somewhat Germanic) but I have brown eyes and light brown hair. Had the third reich fully succeeded then I think I probably would have been killed eventually; more likely, I would have been sent to work in the mines as many Poles were during the occupation.

I am ethnically Germanic, all of my Family living in that time period were in the Wehrmacht or SS.
I think this question answers itself doesn't it?

I'm Polish. Hitler unironically did Poland one of the greatest services ever by ridding us of our MASSIVE Jewish population during the war. Think about it: there are still tons of Jews in Germany. Meanwhile, Poland is basically a Catholic state now because they're all gone. We got all of the benefit, and literally none of the guilt. West Slav master race.

Didnt wermacht hate ss?

No. Some of the Wehrmacht generals may have but overall, no.

Hitler saw you slavs as subhuman, he didn't just kill jews in poland, he also exterminated the poles in poland.

Seig heil
Long live my fellow aryans

Hello rabbi what are you doing

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You decide, Jow Forums

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jew its so easy to see get in the oven faggot

I would probably pass since I have predominant German/Dutch ancestry.

Your brows look sort of ethnic, idk if hitler would approve. Also eyes not blue enough

No Jewish admixture.

Brows are black but my hair is very light brown


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They never found skeletons, even bone, buried (where it was said to suppose to be i.e. individual graves) despite there supposedly being mass graves, which even then couldn't have worked because in places like Auschwitz it's quagmire/marshland.
>Why does it matter if it's a quagmire/marshland?
Well, I'm glad you asked, Jimmy. You see, dumbing all those, or even a fraction of those, bodies there would have poisoned the ground table and killed literally everyone stationed there because it was on a well. BEYOND, the simple spread of wanton disease beyond supposed reports. There was also supposedly "cyanide gas chambers"... which is just ludicrous. Cyanide gas is lethal in seconds, and even in places like fucking Auschwitz they had CRACKED WOODEN DOORS to said places from where it would have escaped from. BEYOND, that Cyanide can linger, let alone in the amounts said to have been used even once a day, for up to or over 24 hours making it quite simply LITERALLY impossible for the amount of people said to have been gassed to have been gassed. Then you can get into people outright lying about it and saying that "millions" more died despite they did, and if they can make up a few million bodies why not more, or the few Jews who went to Auschwitz who said it wasn't actually anything like what they said and was even sometimes nice for a holding camp. Or the simple fact that Germans then and even now are just not that inefficient. If they were ordered to kill all Jews, they'd be dead. The plan was to remove dissenters, send the rest back to Israel. Christ, even that the Allies bombed German supply lines which would have obviously restricted food.

THE Holocaust did not happen. A small holocaust of no more than 200,000 people happened on strenuous circumstances. Of those 200,000, scant few comparably died from fucked experiments which still at the end of the day were beneficial to modern science, so take your fucking pick. The others that died where because of in compatibility with the holding camps (they where shot), disease, or they staved because the Germans no longer have rations to spare after having been bombed. It's madness. It's absolute madness. And these are only a handful of problems why, but all damning in of themselves. If you think it happened like it the books, you're just fucking retarded. Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries and they started it in almost literally every case. They started the German Revolution of 1918, and then they got their shit kicked in for being turncoats who where literally selling the land out from underneath the German people.
>Are YOU an Aryan?
>Or would hitler send you to the gas chamber BEYOND, that there where nonwhite Nazis, you absolute kike.

English isn't my first language, and I just woke up. Forgive the typos.

what if you're aryan but jew ?

im indian
we invented the word aryan (=noble) faggots.
look it up

this has nothing to do with anything, but there was a recent study showing that nearly 20% of Indians are infertile
just thought you should know

India-Indians, anyway

Aryan but weak ass bitch and sunlight sensitive skin.


Prob going to the gas chambers cos of that, but technically I am Aryan. Considering that North Indians are the true OG aryans.

i am 1/4 jew ev-13 just like adolph. i would get a kindred spirit medal or gas chambers i am not sure.

neither because hitler didn't want to kill all non-aryans, retard.