Why havent you started hrt user, it works wonders they say

Why havent you started hrt user, it works wonders they say

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fuck off reikofag

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this really shows the nature of redditors. he hasn't changed one bit, but they still congratulate him.

So how many beta orbiters does she have now?

Just looked him up. He has a wife. He has a fucking wife that is supporting him through whatever this is. Fuck my life.

Should killing trannies be legal? Like putting down an animal

he doesn't look much better nice try though kike

atleast 103 by the looks of it

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why do they insist on having abhorrent bright coloured hair

unironically end yourself you fucking cunt
telling suicidal/vulnerable people to cut their dicks off to make them happy should be a crime. slaughtering trannies and their enablers should be legal

why are you such a bigot user?
you are soo insecure about your true seld that you mascarade as a homophobe

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takes attention away from their obvious man face

I'm not mentally ill and im proud of my nation and my people. you deserve death for your crimes.

you can be happy like her user and get married to a nice indian man, just let go of your culturally enforced pride

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le fuckin disgusting

hrt is not for everyone, just like revealing clothing

If you're ugly you're going to be ugly no matter which gender you try to pass yourself as

you may now be disgusting but once yoy take the hrt pill you will be cute just like her

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Hrt also does nothing if you're old like most trannies

these are so easy to spot as men
chop your dick or cunt out as much as you want you fucking degenerate. your depression wont fade and your self hatred will hit extreme when you realize the unfixable mistake you made on the advice of a group of mentally unstable retards.
enjoy the suicide user. you deserve it.

>that adam's apple bulging out the choker

>user is being fussy again ill have to spank him

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wow middle pic was his best, all he needed was a shaved beard and a haircut. dude could have looked like a fatty in his 20s.

kinda makes me want to try hrt for 3 months to soften my appearance, def don't want to commit to a full treatment.

>dat hope in his eyes in the middle picture
>dat "i'm giving up" look in the right picture
I genially feel sorry for him. Instead of providing qualified psychological help, so called "modern society" pushed him to this shitty "you are girl, take hrt" meme.

This is so sad, he wasn't even that ugly, with a semi-decent haircut, and a less dead inside stare he could've been a 4 or 5. Girls aren't /that/ fussy over appearance as long as you look like you made an attempt and are confident, he could've been a happy normie.

>he could've been a happy normie
but she is a happy normie and so could you

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Imagine thinking that this is okay.

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I don't have a need to travel through the north pole at the moment. If I become a merchant vessel and need to break ice with my chin I'll definitely do that since it worked wonders for pic related.


but it just makes it so much worse

Why even try with a chin like that?

He actually became uglier desu.

bretty cute desu lads

for a CD bottom fag maybe

Why do people and even doctors estimulate this kind of behavior? I know what it's like to not be comfortable in your body and how horrible it is, but they will never look like the women they want to be. It will only lead to frustration and depression, and probably suicide later in their lives when they find people still treat them as males. I guess it's easier to just blame the patriarchy than to face your own delusions, though.

Kinda looks like a tranny version of blackops2cel.

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>someone makes a thread making fun of hrt
>gets called reikofag