User! Why don't you wear shoes like mine...

user! Why don't you wear shoes like mine? Your feet are dainty and small so I'm sure you won't have any problems finding shoes of my size. You'd look really cute and stand out unlike your boring sense of fashion now. Come on, lets go to the store!

Attached: black-round-toe-bow-ankle-fashion-wedge-heels.jpg (560x560, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Uh, um, okay Stacey, but why are you so excited about this?!

Just want to help you look nice dude. I think this is much more your style

I want to unironically wear girly shoes too!

Reiko just stop right now

Why do you think I'm reiko desu?

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You can be tall too! This is a cure for manlets as well

Attached: CVJEIIHNW2O2VR_5BFDROBKMR_original.jpg (554x525, 212K)

too girly for guys
this one is more unisex and I reckon could go well with skinny jeans

I don't think they're too girly. If you wear something unisex with it, it would work

I have big feet and am plenty tall. No thanks roastie.

user just get one of the bigger sizes for big feet boys like yourself. It would definitely make you stand out. Women will unironically talk to you more

Do tuned come in a size 12

Yeah they do! Heels look so cute on a guy, you should get one user

Because you're turning the friggin' robots gay!

Attached: crap.webm (320x180, 94K)

I hate heels and inclined platforms.

Attached: 1528365619245.png (501x819, 830K)

Just wear something like this then user! It's better than your boring sneakers

Attached: best-25-cute-shoes-flats-ideas-on-pinterest-cute-flats-shoes-sandals-zvcutpm-.jpg (700x700, 40K)

I have some sandals with flowery ornaments but somehow now it's raining every day. I'm also looking for a mori-kei aesthetic so I'm picky about shape and colour palettes.
I don't wear sneakers at all. Mostly boots.

Attached: 1499489151126.jpg (750x850, 211K)

>tfw as a kid I'd try on my mothers shoes
>she'd ask me why I would do it
>I dunno it feels good XD
Fuck I had no chance from the start, didn't I.

My feet are a men's size 13 wide and hairy.

That's a cute style user. You should definitely get some asian flats and wear some nice socks under them. Like pic related

Attached: new-women-lady-chinese-mary-jane-ballerina-work-velvet-shoes-cotton-sole-flats-black-0902-68768062-2 (233x233, 6K)

Uh, I like how those look. Thanks for the rec.

Attached: 1497048901692.png (540x540, 145K)

Yep, no choice from the start. Doesn't mean you wont look cute though.

user just shave and wear some nice heeled boots like pic related. It would hide your wide feet and you'd look v cute

Attached: 0db5e8922194d5f4484114d81451d5f8.png (758x710, 325K)

My feet are fucking clown sized retard. They are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too big for heels.

Pleaser makes heels up to a woman's size 15, which works out to size 13 in men's. They're available on Amazon too.

That doesn't mean they should.

I'm not a faggot sadly

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is this thread a personal attack towards me? who are you? leave me alone. it's not my fault my feet are the most erogenous part of my body

Yep there are some companies that makes women styled heels for men. Pleaser is just one of them, you should check it out.

user just wear some cute shoes like pic related. Cute as cute can be

Attached: TB2gI1Vc4mI.eBjy0FlXXbgkVXa__1111591525_480x480.jpg (480x480, 21K)

i was actually discussing heels with a friend earlier. i'd like to wear them to a certain degree

these feet don't belong in heels.

Attached: 41F69038-61F1-42BB-8322-719F0BEF00D0.jpg (4032x3024, 1.97M)

Shave them, paint your toenails, and stop being a pussy. A scaled-up cuteboi is good too.

No fuck you nobody would look at my feet and think
>those belong in high heels

Even if I was biologically female, I would never wear heels. If I was a chick I would be a goth tomboy and probably wear combat boots without heels or platforms.

dont make me gay fuck off

user, shave and wear these. It doesn't matter the shape of your feet, the cuteness of the shoes would mask it

Attached: 93983ecaecdaab2d21fca04f2ed60b2b.jpg (454x301, 28K)

no fuck you I don't want to.

Ok user, keep wearing your boring sneakers. No one will ever notice it. Atleast with cute shoes, girls would want to talk to you more. You actually have something in common with them

Attached: TB2C7jyuXXXXXX2XpXXXXXXXXXX__98836477_6511c25f-a06e-4254-88cc-b3d28cd006e8_1024x1024.jpg (640x640, 22K)

I wear fucking flip-flops cause I live in fucking florida. And I don't do anything to get noticed by women fuck that.

maybe once I move out

Just wear some open toed shoes like this then. Don't worry, even in Florida you could still be cute.

Attached: 4uvkc7-l-610x610-shoes-t+strap-heels-bow+heels-girly-asian-japanese-gyaru-korean-boho-pretty-sandals (610x587, 37K)

i really want to give a footjob

Just imagine how much cuter it would look if you were wearing some nice heels like pic related before giving the footjob

Attached: images (1).jpg (223x226, 6K)

i don't think they'd add anything significant to the experience...

I don't want to be sending people the wrong message, if you know what I mean.

Of course it won't add to the actual experience of a footjob, but you'd look fucking hot if you wore them before the footjob

You'd have much more people approach you though

they aren't unisex
even if style wise you get something that isn't feminine women's shoes always tend to make you look narrow and small even when they fit you perfectly

>much more people approach you though
more like laughing at me from a distance

Yeah and? Some shoes tend to make you look narrow regardless

they don't go well with male pants

Loose fitting unisex clothing can match well with some heels/girly shoes

Heels are painful but wedges aren't bad, kind of comfy kino in a way

is it a good idea to go running in those stealthy wedge sneakers?

hehe you really think my feet are dainty and small? ; 3

Attached: feet.jpg (891x1186, 199K)

You can run in them, but I mean something like the op pic but less extreme

enjoy your calcaneal spur

anonn like we said, just shave your feet and put on some cute socks with some nice boots and you're good to go. The boots usually make your feet look slimmer too



will shaving my feet shrink them from a size 12 as well

>Have giant feet.
>6'4" tall motherfucker with linebacker shoulders.
>Literal Chad manbody with ugly slav face thanks to grandparents from both sides aka poorfag farmers who moved to thirdworld shithole after WWI

Nigga, no girl would ever tell me that, I tend to sadly scare people when I'm out because where I live everyone is fucking tiny.
If I could turn into a pretty tiny girl I would but not for these weird tranny reasons like you and other anons have.

>weird tranny reasons like you and other anons have
so you want to turn into a girl for disingenuous reasons

No, I would be happier as a girl and probably feel better all around but I'm not le 4chin girl (male) pls gibe me attention check my nude picz ecksdee shitposter.
Also I don't even like trannies, I'm talking about being a literal girl, the real kind with everything properly working even being able to be a mom one day.

As a trans user this thread makes me really look forward to start transitioning and kind of warms my heart.

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Sounds like you have some seriously repressed gender dysphoria my "man"

>Implying that shit is even real.
I'm killing myself after my parents die anyways, just don't want them to have to bury me.

>being a literal girl, the real kind with everything properly working even being able to be a mom one day
that's what trannies want, but a tranny is all they are able to become

idk if you are baiting but you just described gender dysphoria

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>your feet are dainty and small
Motherfucker I wear size 13 1/2's.

How do we start a petition or whatever to ban faggotry from r9k? Go back to lgbt.

Why is this shit all over the board now?

Yeah this is literally textbook gender dysphoria, dude.

>board for random topics without /b/-tier retardation
>wtf why are there threads I don't like

Attached: IMG_3448.png (1800x1578, 199K)

>using normiegram memes

>Has no issue with the recruit-a-tranny nature of this bullshit.

Fuck off faggot. Go back to lgbt, this board is not for you.

I scrolled through the whole thread just to see if someone else had enough brains to write this before me.
Thanks based user

I don't care about what stupid trannies want.
I'm not trans and I have lurked many places I'm pretty sure this isn't dysphoria stop trying to say I'm a girl xDD.
And no alice won't take her pills. Bitches.

>recruit a tranny
Give me one single reason why I should give a rats ass about gullible retards being gullible retards.

Attached: IMG_4635.png (414x419, 255K)

Psh always going on about "boring sneakers"
I'll have you know that my shoes are red and attract a lot of attention, cunt.

Because it's r9k. And they're vulnerable cloistered social retards with no idea what's happening to them and they're trusting a stranger that's one of the few people being nice to them.

It's pretty god damn fucked up, imo.

Plus, this shit is clogging the fucking board up. Let's get back to the shitty woman hate threads and the "am I a retard" threads and the "a girl talked to me today" threads and this stuff can go back to the containment sub where it belongs.

Plus, don't fucking let degeneracy spread unchecked. The normalization of this freak shit is what's wrong with society.

Nothing wrong with people who have legitimate issues and need medical attention and mental health work. It's the prevalence of it in society and the attempts to make it seem like just another thing that's being talked about and observed when it's just the most degenerate husks of what used to be human beings trying to make their fucked up lives have any semblance of normalcy to them by dragging down normal human beings into their filth.

The entire thing is disgusting.

Here are some nice boots and heels for guys with Size 11.5 - 12 and a half

> tfw no cute femboys with big-ish feet to wear these heels with

>they're vulnerable social retards with no idea whats happening to them
That is a decent point, and I can't really find a rebuttal to that. But at the same time they tend to also be the type of person to delve deep into the rabbit hole either here or someplace else, I personally find the whole sissy shit completely tacky and annoying, but if it isn't this it's something else.
>this shit is clogging the board up more than the old threads
So make those threads yourself you waste of quads, instead of bitching about all the other threads here.
>don't let degeneracy spread
No one outside of these cesspits gives a shit about a bunch of autistic trannies and their ringleader. Jow Forums is hardly the place to act on a moral highground either, it may not be as edgy as it was a decade or so ago, but edgy nonetheless.

lgbt are fucking stupid though and i want nothing to do with them
they have an obnoxious demeanor nvm their own agenda that they have to push

Thanks for the calm response.

I don't post threads like that. I go in there and yell at incels and retards and try and straighten them out so they're normal sane people. I"m married and relatively comfortable in life, even though I was and still am in part a robot.

I might be on reddit too much as well. Just the creep of degeneracy and overt sexuality and all of it is just really disgusting to me. I grew up in the south so I'm not used to it to begin with and now that I'm in a blue state and on blue websites it's really disapointing sometimes.

I don't get out enough to see that it doesn't have much real world impact and I have no friends so don't know how it is impacting social groups, etc, either.

I hope you're right.

bitch i'm size 14

You are that person.

FFS< do you not get that?

The exact same faggotry that you find obnoxious and annoying and agenda pushing is the exact same faggetry that makes the discord threads, anime avatar threads, and this bullshit.

LGBT is a fucked up mentality that prioritizes sex and hedonism above all else. Coming to another board and posting it won't change that.

you're in denial
t. guy who has gender dysphoria but would rather kill himself than take hrt

>exact same faggetry that makes the discord threads, anime avatar threads
i don't like those either

This. Repressor here, and what you described is why I don't trap myself.

Transition has no long-term proven benefits.

We're just men with mental illnesses fighting it as best we can.

hope you're doing good, repressing sucks and i wish we could be without this weird mental illness

No problem, IMO this place can use more of that.
>I go in there and yell at incels and retards and try to straighten them out
This may work for a small number of people, but to them you're either a larper or normie just saying he's a robot to be a part of the kool kidz. Just leads to more shitflinging, it's like when someone goes up to a leper and tells them to just bee themselves. Not saying they don't need a smack to the face, but their issues won't be solved by sperging out at them on a Taiwanese silk spinning forum.
>I might be on reddit too much as well
Redditors should not be taken as a sample of the "normal" populace. Seriously, just look at the meetup pictures. The people who tend to use the site a lot are basically Jow Forums rejects of various flavors.
>I don't get out enough
I'm far from a social butterfly, but at the same time I can't stand being cooped up inside all the time. There's definitely some fucked up shit out there but most people tend to at least keep it under wraps, even taking into account the list of problems where I live and grew up at. I could see bigger cities like LA and NYC being total shitholes though, but I can't really say that the Jow Forums rhetoric of muh degens is accurate minus their already existing biases. Just know that the typical user of Jow Forums and reddit are not in any sense of the word "normal" people, despite how much they pretend to be.

I try my best, but my life is pain and indeed it sucks.

Probably going to an hero within the next few years desu but I'm trying my best to survive.

I wish there was a cure or a treatment that worked that wasn't becoming a FREAK, but sadly not.

Maybe one day we will be free, until then we must fight.

an heroing seems likely for me as well, I'm going to try and do the one thing I enjoy and see if I can succeed at that at least
if I'm still alone, miserable and a failure at life I'll be out in some years from now
a cure would be nice, but we'll see. maybe if we live long enough biotech will get advanced enough for us not to be men with tits

I don't even enjoy anything at all desu.
My life is just a waiting game at this point.

I hope you succeed and can better your life!
I doubt I'll ever be a cute girl, and at this point probably wouldn't take a biotech solution as I'd still feel like a fake pretender.