Shit/feel/ (Brit/feel/) - PreußeY Best Tripfag

you're all fucking clowns

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Other urls found in this thread:

good nite frens

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anyone listen to o&a?

More like fucking gayfeel.

What's wrong with you people?

Have you lads renewed your butter knife licence?

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fucking gay cunts

Got a date with another Chinese girl off tantan tonight lads. Let's hope this one actually understands that it's a date and not a free English lesson.

Attached: 1527997380644.webm (960x540, 1.97M)


reported for threadsplitting

fucking autist

What happened on .britfeel/radio lads. I was at bjj so missed it

fucking dick

stream started at 8:00pm

48 year old would love the new spec savers advert, lads.

This is a shitposter troll one newfag

tantan? Never heard of it before but as someone whos into Asian girls this interests me.

Is it free to use?

tantan is the Chinese tinder, it's free.
Good luck lad autistic chinese girls ahead.

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don't bother all they want is to practice their english

Holy fucking shit is this real?

>Get new cutlery set from Argos
>Driving home
>Get pulled over by cops and car searched
>They find the cutlery set
>Get arrested for offensive weapons
>Cutlery set confiscated

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threadsplitting is against the rules you shitposter newfag

Some of them are willing to let you do a lot to them in exchange for that though.

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>reported for threadsplitting
No it's not but this is ^ newfag

Dew duty

Want to drop kick Pubes desu

Attached: dk.jpg (500x333, 32K)

I think it's fake, I couldn't find anything

Cool, got nothing to lose.

Learn a few Chinese phrases lad they fucking love it.

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Attached: 69f.jpg (354x286, 14K)

Saudi Arabian fashion show lads. (Female models are illegal)

Attached: DismalParallelAngwantibo.webm (720x720, 986K)

Apu posters are the paedophiles from dubtrack fm

t. Jow Forums radio nonce

where my theremin bros at

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State of thread
other is far better