That guy looks so weird like he's gonna shoot up the school. I know let's bully him

>That guy looks so weird like he's gonna shoot up the school. I know let's bully him.

Is this really how normies think?

Attached: chads.jpg (750x750, 131K)

A Chad would never bully you. This is bellow a Chad. The only thing he would want to do is to help you improve yourself. This is why they tell you to hit the gym, or to go out to a bar with them. A typical depressed loser would think these are insults, because how could a Chad actually want to help them?

Chad is the ultimate bro who just wants you to have a taste of what he has, but the beta could never understand.

We're looking at things on absolute terms. There's nice Chads and bully Chads, OP might be talking about the latter.

bully chads don't exist, you're thinking of brads

>Chad is the ultimate bro who just wants you to have a taste of what he has

He'll share his wife with me? didn't know Chad was a cuck. Sweeeeet!

the chad on the bottom left looks a bit retarded.

Tb100%h, a Chad won't share his wife or gf but he will definitely share some slut he's fucking.

Amateur anthropologist here, but I think what's going on is that bullies are trying to intimidate weirdos into going away. Their instinct is correct, but they're hampered by the fact that the decision to expel kids is in the hands of the school adminstration and not them (even so in some cases it is actually successful if the student is bullied so hard they move to another school).

It's a bit like say fucking a chick using a condom, yeah you know it's a waste of time but it still feels good because you've evolved to want to fuck, similarly bullies have evolved to intimidate outcasts even if this doesn't produce the desired effect or even produces exactly the opposite

>This guy is different than all of us!
>we're all sheeps scared of the unknown right? Let's bully him because we're either scared or have some giant complexes as need to compensate, that sounds like a good idea!
>the guy we bully turned dark and depressed, he's probably gonna shoot up school if we continue like this, let's drive him to the edge! That'll teach him! He'll never gonna mess with us!
>----Possible scenario A-----
>*robot shoots up school*
>see? See?! we knew it all along he's dangerous! there is no need to reflect on our behaviour because now that we made him snap, he clearly deserved it! *dies*
>----Possible scenario B-----
>*robot confronts bullies later in life that he never wanted any of this and that the bullying ruined him as a person resulting in ruining his life*
>we were just joking around, you know? it's pathetic to cling to the past like that lmao
every shooting that happens is a little tear drop of justice on this hot stone of a shit life, too bad it isn't enough. all blood spilled by a shooting is on the normalfags. too bad they'll never reflect on their behaviour but rather blame the symptoms instead of curing the illness, which in fact is caused by their shitty behaviour, which is caused by a lack of parental education.

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bullying leads to 999 losers becoming normal/tolerable and 1 loser lashing out violently. it's not a bad thing itself.

Chad will always be a bro unless you wronged him but even then he has a thick skin and can easily forgive other people's mistakes.

Do you even go outside? Stop watching movies. Real life Chads are not like Channing Tatum in your movies.

Stop ruining the chad meme. Chad is the guy that used to play football, call you a faggot and shove you into lockers. Then he would get blowjob from your crush and bust a nut on her face that you only dreamed of kissing

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Chads are too good looking to even waste their time with you, its the non Chads who bully you.

I grew up around Chads. They were a lot better people than I'd expect any of you to be. I had a crush on some girl who looked like Remy LaCroix. My Chad friend new I was attracted to her but he didn't know the extent of my oneitis and fucked her. When he found out how strong my feelings were, he felt terrible and tried to set me up on a fuckdate with one of his girls. Of course I failed because I'm retarded but the fact that he was gonna let me borrow a girl for the night because he felt bad was cool.

>he will definitely share some slut he's fucking
Sure they will
Just... not with losers like you and me, user.

Bullying is a meme.

That would be Brad

Chad is the male perfection, and a perfection doesn't resort to bullying others

>this samefag that idolizes chad in every thread

Fuck chads, they're even worse then the roasties and cucks (you) that enable them.

Chads won't bully you, they legitimately want the best for everyone. They're just not aware of the fact that not everyone in the world has it as good as them, as they essentially just live life on easy mode. You're thinking of Brads, who are insecure and have something to prove to the world. They'll see your insecurities and will use them to bring you down because they're genuinely terrible people who will be balding alcoholics by age 40.

Speak 4 urself how is this not original

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You know some people have a different opinion than you, right?

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He's only talking to his "bros". (None who will be charged with rape). But if one ugly guy gets in on that train you better believe he's going to the slammer.

>Go to uni gym
>See the literal definition of Chad setting up the bench
>See ultra fat gook standing next to him
>Chad is teaching him about bench pressing
>Everyday I go in I see Chad and Fat Gook working out together with Chad encouraging him and congratulating him each week when he pushes past his previous week's lifts
>After a month there's 2 more out of shape dudes with him
>Ask Fat Gook where he met Chad
>Chad lives on the same floor as him and he simply asked and Chad was happy to oblige
It's Brad that acts like an absolute nigger towards lesser males. Chad will gleefully take a fat incel and help bring him to Chaddom

try again

Attached: not samefag.png (600x175, 8K)

Yes actually I'm not fucking joking I've got normie friends who actually think like this I'M NOT JOKING.
Turbo austist chad here btw

>tfw you'll never be virtuous Chad with a seat next to God in the kingdom of heaven
yep time to start drinking

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Man i wish people like you posted instead of the people who used the work cuck so much that it lost meaning

Mind if i make this a copypasta im going to anyway


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Straight outta your ass

Not him, but personal experience.

The worst robots are the neets who don't have to interact with others. If you go to school and work, you will become aware of your abnormal habits and start to end or hide them.

Only faggot incels who dont belong here think chads are mean

Hello, fellow Redditor!

Narwhal bacon!

I wish I was fucking dead man

Narwhal bacon to you too, my gentlesir!

if you're using it to show normalfags their hypocrisy, go ahead.
pic related if you are one of those /s4s/ or redditfags wanting to laugh at robots seeing society as the shithole it is.

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These people don't even look human, they look like caricatures. Who could find this attractive? Women are you really such a meme?

actually true
oregano 1231

>cries reading greentext
fuckfuckfuck why can't i be committed to people for the sake of good will FUCK I HATE MYSELF

Put yourself out there and a chad may find you

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No, it's not.
Bullies bully people who look weak and easy to extort, and sometimes it happens that those people turn into school shooters.
It's not like the majority of bullied kids shoot up schools, it's an pretty low amount.

Attached: Renge.png (264x264, 103K)

>Their instinct is correct

they're teenage idiots with brains that have not fully developed yet. their ((("""instinct"""))) is complete fucking bullshit.