ITT: We give ourselves historical sounding names based on our personalities and appearances

ITT: We give ourselves historical sounding names based on our personalities and appearances.
I'll start:
>Shitbeard the Vulgar
For me, I guess I'd be a pirate.
>crappy patchy beard
>equally disgusting behavior, swear constantly and uncivilized

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Carnist C. McMeatcuck

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Fuck up autists.

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you know what your name would be?
Cringimus Maximus.

you fucking faggot.

Everybody hates you lmao.

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Not more than they hate you.
cringe boy.

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Viiiiirgiiiiiiiiin, everybody's mocking yoooouuuuuu.

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>HP camera
>not using Colgate
you wimp.

Whi'gger,the pale one
>Extremely pale
>Do nigga shit all the time

Keep at it eventually you'll still lose

> no response, spergs out about the brand of the camera instead
> being this much of a virgin

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Shut up rap fag.
Lmfaoooo virgin

colgate is a toothpaste brand you silly :)

Everybody's mocking you and your virginity again.

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Quit shitting up the board you collosal fucking faggot.

>Do nigga shit all the time
such as?

Fuck up pussy no one fuckin' likes you lmao.

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David Henry Reginald the third
I would be an explorer and an anthropologist.

Yikes, this definitely belongs in a cringe compilation.

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Shaggus, the Haggard Troll Bard
>Shaggus = My hair is fairly long, kind of shaggy and unkempt too
>Haggard = I'm a lazy fuck who's always tired
>Troll = Look like a Troll from WoW, lanklet with a bit of a slouch, some mild acne / pockmarks, very tall and skinny, just not blue, grey, or purple skin
>Bard = I play a few instruments and like music

Wow, so humiliating.

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What's humiliating is that you're bumping OP's thread every time you post this dead meme, giving more attention to the thread you're attempting to derail.
Pls learn to sage.

Fuck up pussy you're embarrassing yourself again faggot.

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Stop responding to him retard. He is doing this to deter people from posting because he thinks it is some fbi thing.

asshole the alcoholic

Slim Jim the Chinkeyed

All historical records of why I have that name and what I did is destroyed due to lobbying by an Asian Pride group. But seriously, holy shit do I have squinty eyes. Not even very Asian.

Fuck you retards.

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