Anyone wanna play minecraft

anyone wanna play minecraft

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Can you give me an account? If so yes

>Can you give me an account?
if only there was some way to crack the launcher and still play online with other people... hmmmmm

I'm down for some.

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I'd like that, t b h.

Server called Mein Kraft. Be there

do you have a server we could play on comrade?

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I have nothing better to do with my life.

No, but you can get a free server with that whole Minecraft Realms thing Mojang is doing. It lasts for 30 days but the problem, however, is that there's a 10 player cap. Don't know how many Robots want to play.

Also, that is a very cute picture.

bump origineaux

post your names so i can invite people

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If anyone has a cracked r9k server, I'm game.

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I don't want to play minecraft, but I think it's really cute that you do. I'll just massage your shoulders for you while you play, how does that sound? Maybe I'll whisper nice things in your ear until you think of something we'd both enjoy.

Hmm, what could that be? Something fun with two people. On the bed. Naked.

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im sorry friend but i do not erotic roleplay

If this takes off I am in

please, I'd love to play mc with r9k, but rarely find a server that can accept cracked mc anons

the problem with cracked is that it means everyone has the default skin

wait people still use skins?
can't you quickly identify someone by name?

Sure but it looks ugly as hell when everyone uses the crappy default skins from 2009.

Sure, if you want to add me it's Utter_Filth

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r9k counted mine as unoriginal so here's mine

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Get in front and massage lower