>only just realised highschool was about socialisation and not learning
Only just realised highschool was about socialisation and not learning
You done goofed up there
>only just realized highschool was about brainwashing and not learning nor socialization
>highschool was not about learning
you probably didn't socialize nor get the grades needed for college, didn't you?
>yfw you graduated 9 years ago
>mfw didn't socialize
>mfw dropped out
>mfw don't even have a ged and it's been years
Someone please tell me I can still make it
I drink to forget high school
no, i just took things too seriously and wasted my teens
I just finished high school yesterday
Why do people unfriend me on normanbook but not old accounts of more popular people?
They wanted to remember those people.
wow youre retarded buddy
oh well, i failed at both of those things anyway
you were supposed to do both you deadbeat
Not OP but I got into that situation. It was horrifying watching all the kids in my senior year start to pick up responsibility and goals for the future, when I was stuck still wishing I could start living like they did when they were in late middle school, living carefree and experiencing new things for the first time.
Only nine? It has been over ten for me. I didn't even go to the ten year anniversary, nor did I get notified about it.
>Did the learning and socialised with pokemon kids and one goth girl
>Breeze through mech engineering degree
>KHV though but voluntary because I never approached any girls
Did I do good?
>that 19 year old boomer who not socializing with anyone nor taking any serious advantage of learning during highschool
>had "friends" in high school
>never once hung out with them outside of high school
>never occurred to me that maybe i should try to even
>enjoyed being alone at home after socializing all day at school
>now alone at home with just online friends and no old high school buddies worth even trying to contact
>realizing it wouldn't have mad much of a difference because you'd still be ugly
>7 years since graduating
>have twin
>he goes outside so he consistently sees people we graduated with
>know for a fact that it'd just be awkward silence if any of them saw me and they wouldn't even acknowledge me if i wasn't with my twin
>Not really friends with any of my highschool friends anymore
>Still have them on steam
>Kept track with nicknames and no one's removed me
>Give all of them a copy of bad rats every Christmas so they don't forget me
Same here user, I wasted my teen years and missed the teen romance ;-;
Congratulations! :D
I hope u have a gud life
you can still make it brubby
Dmn, u srs bro?
what did that elliot rodger slut do in HS
> tfw when wanted to socialize, but just sat at home not even going to school because of acne
> tfw cystic acne still there at 27
> tfw accutane didn't work and now impotent and ibs because of it
>highschool was about socialization
>mfw i'm a dropout that left high school in the first year
16 years here. Nothing has changed since then, it's like I have been frozen in time.
Not your fault. The entirety of society lied to you about it.
I'm in the same boat. 16 years and my life's gone nowhere. I feel like peter pan, except I have grey hairs now.
>take children, sort them into rooms based on geography and age, separate them from famiky, assign a government paid minder who prevents from playing game or even talking for hours a day
>at a certain age randomly mix them during the day with time limits on travel, make the environment highly competitive, advantage girls over boys, advantage liars and the cruel over honesty and compassion
School is meant, designed, managed to erase your humanity
The only way you're not going to wageslave for a penny an hour is nepotism, get into a college and make 'connections' my lad.Try to be a bit of a Machiavellian monster too.
Decently socialised, not complete autist at least, and got a STEM degree.
Pretty solid given how shit things are lad, but unless you're a KHV because you honestly do not care, get that sorted. If only so you can say you conquered it.
Unless you're ugly then idk lol just buy a noose.
Peter Pan is a very fitting description both for me and my apartment, which is like some sort of eternal childhood pocket dimension, cut off from reality and only inhabited by echoes of my dreams.
Damn user that's relatable
I got complacent as fuck, I just breezed through schoolwork and then went home to play vidya. Now I'm in uni with only a few friends who I still don't see outside of it, and missed so many opportunities I'm fucked for getting a job.
Fuck man, I hate my younger self.
It's a place you go to to become whatever the powers that be want of you, and you're told the lie the only way to get a happy life is to go through school, then university.
Over 12 years now for me.
Wonder what my old classmates are doing...
>get good school marks
>go into IT because i don't know what to do
>hate it and can't even brign myself to do the work
>fuck marks
>tfw completely unable to enforce my will on the world or convince anyone to even be friends with me but would be Machiavellian as fuck if i had the opportunity.
Why not? Not attractive enough for people to like you?
I guess i'm just uncharsimatic, I'm not particularly ugly.