If you're a youngfag, you are legally obligated to post in this thread.
>your age (if 22 or lower)
>your Jow Forums classification (beta/basedboy/normalfag/robot/chad)
>why you're here now
If you're a youngfag, you are legally obligated to post in this thread.
>your age (if 22 or lower)
>your Jow Forums classification (beta/basedboy/normalfag/robot/chad)
>why you're here now
all my games are fucked
>your age (if 22 or lower)
>your Jow Forums classification (beta/basedboy/normalfag/robot/chad)
>why you're here now
Because I'm legally obligated to
Started using this site when I was 11. Got used to it. It's the only "social media" I like to frequent. I related to Jow Forums because I'm a friendless NEET who spends all his time sitting alone in my room, even though I'm not a virgin.
I didn't grow up playing video games, and I feel very fortunate in that aspect. Definitely would have wasted money and time into those pursuits.
I'm a friendless NEET too, but I don't relate to other robots.
>too old for young thread
>too young for old threads
It's fun to mindlessly scroll through and read the content in this site, way more fun than all the other social media sites, sense of humor tends to align more on here than other sites plus I relate to some of the stuff in here, and ultimately, it's just addicting.
Am I truly still a youngfag at 22?
I feel like my life is already over, since I am not getting sex anytime soon.
And im legally obligated to tell you to fuck off
You're young until your 30s, and your life is over after 65. Prior to that, you can still pursue your goals, and fuck young girls.
>for epic memes
Failed Normie Beta Faggot
I am here because I don't have a live in girlfriend to forbid me to browse here and distract me from this place
>your age
just turned 18!
>Jow Forums classification
not sure what this is but probably chad!
>why you're here now
to meet some new friends :D xD
I grew up poor and weird and although I can talk to people and they think I'm alright I am too strange with personal relationships to make friends that actually like to voluntarily spend time with me. Strangers and acquaintances like me but friends avoid me; so I've gotten pretty used to spending a lot of time alone. I browsed a lot on here from freshman year to now but I never really posted until recently.
I feel really bad I started browsing this site the same time reddit seemed to really start taking over and I wish I was here when it was less popular and stupid.
out you fags
failed normie
because this site gives me a feeling of belonging somewhere
Fuck if I know? Slightly beta normie? The robot test said I'm a Chad but that's far from true
I've known about Jow Forums for a decade,
never really browsed it because it looked like a pathetic porn/virgin site. I came here 2 days ago because I've got work to do and I needed to procrastinate, saw that this board has some redeemable threads and I started posting
Got board on /b/
>nothing better to do
Most people would say I'm a Chad
Got bored on fit and decided to laugh at some pathetic stuff on here
I already had a few boards that I frequented, then began snooping around and first discovered this board. I initially found it to be a laughing stock, even though I shared some of the same opinions and social tendencies as most robots. Then I hit sort of a rough spot and found myself relating to them a bit more. It's been a while since then and now it's sort of a second /b/ for me, but with more solidarity and sadness.
I see a lot of people post on this board saying that, but I really wonder how fragile someone's ego has to be to come here for laughs.
If you were an actual chad you wouldn't need this for your ego in the first place, but we already knew you weren't an actual chad when you knew what this place was in the first place.
if you're on here, you're by default not a chad.
I don't know how much you guys are projecting, but there really isn't much more in it for me other than maybe once a month I visit this board and remind myself what it is and I'm glad I'm not a part of it - think of it as you want
It's even my first time on Jow Forums entirely in 2 months
Good on you.
To keep your life an track, stay away for longer.
(Telling people you come here to be reminded that you're "not part of it" makes you look a little beta, my dude.)
And now you're trying to validate yourself to us?
No matter how much you lift nothing will ever fix that shit personality.
I hope an actual chad comes along and completely mogs you in front of the qt you've been struggling to hold eye contact with.
>you can still pursue your goals, and fuck young girls.
i'd say this is over at 25, especially if you're starting from zero
I see how it could come off that way, but I am genuine about it, like how some people watch shitty tv shows about poor drug addicts because it's kinda fascinating
Yea, leaving the chan is one of the best things you can do, I have no intention of coming back after all these years, but I just like checking up on my fav boards and see if they might be better than when I left
>your age (if 22 or lower)
>your Jow Forums classification (beta/basedboy/normalfag/robot/chad)
>why you're here now
NEET demiwizard
I have nowhere else to go. It's like I made the wrong kind of friends and now there are a bunch of gutterpunk druggies squatting in my house and wrecking the place and I just try to live with the chaos. Please get out of my house.
>You told me to post here
> 21
> Normie
> Because I want to
im in the process of completely fucking uni and have little to no future
I'm here because I have sympathy for some of you guys. I have been close to being a robot a few times in my life. I also enjoy being in "spaces" where people don't fawn over women
I also frequent MGTOW communties even though I have a healthy long term relationship
>to read what I shouldn't be to avoid it . I am good at seeing paterns in people's behavior .