Der Anime poster

I would like to address a particular group of people on this board you should think twice about replying to.

Anime posters, people who post anime images along with their text. I have realized these posters lack the ability to think wisely about any subject or situation thats set in reality. Anime posters have an altered state of judgment thats not comparable with reality, Anime posters think in terms of cute, friendship, emotions and perversion they can't help but see people as deep, interesting and complicated beings who are kind at heart because in their animes everyone is a well thought and out well written deep, interesting and complicated person whos kind at heart.

They don't understand that most people are dull, evil shallow people who would like nothing more than to fuck with you or fuck you up. They lack the foresight and "street knowledge" to understand that sometimes a bitch just has to die, that normies are by nature deplorable humans.

they are dumb all around and they will ignore everything you say to keep their fantasy afloat

"Anime poster's opinion's are worth 1/3rd" - some random user.

thank you for your time and watch who is replying to you.

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After some thinking I came to the conclusion that you are correct based frogposter.

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Yeah you're right dear frogposter

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the frogposter is correct and based

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Based frogposter
You are absolutely right

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Animeposters also tend to be weak and will deal with opposition by indirect means. See

as peterson says "They are high in agreeableness"

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>lacks the street knowledge to understand that sometimes, a bitch just has to die
>implying wasting a putrid roastie would even make me bat an eyelash

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absolutely correct my fellow frogposters

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yes yes
this guy is on to something guys

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I never heard someone be more correct

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What about Erica posters?

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basically the some deal just more stupid.

>are people who mindlessly throw money at some roastie whore bad?


What if we don't give her money and just post her?

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I agree, anime in itself is okay (don't watch it personally) but anime posters are the lowest form of subhumans. They lack the basic thought process to see that life isn't perfect.

I've never seen an anime poster that I liked

Well, I'm sure you've never seen a REAL anime poster. It's all ironic.

true, during the time. when i used to watch over 10 episodes of anime a day i was quite autistic and saw deep meaning behind everything.

gay failed normie

Who? Me or her?
Either way you're wrong, because we both succeeded at becoming normies

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Your analysis of us anime-posters is the deepest ever somebody got into the nature of a postergroup. Shut up, hypocrite

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you. No better than anime posters plus she's barely average. You aren't even good at having a waifu

thats besides the point.

I didn't go into their personal lives or anything i just pointed out that they are gay and dumb

Fuck you fag go hang from a rope by your neck

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>LARPING as a frog
avoid these posters

>I the fag

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i-is this better OP-kun?

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Why are most anime posters gays and trannies? It's embarrassing and pathetic.

>spongebob poster
>I the normalfag

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Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you fugging frogposter. Besides, this site was founded to discuss anime. We were here first. Don't be a jew and push us off our own homeland.

great post op
this is an original comment i swear

Preach it, brother.
OP`s not a faggot rn

There is a difference between watching and discussing anime and being an animeposter. An animeposter is a vile fag that posts anime pictures to go along with their posts.

>Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Just open your door lmao

>getting this asshurt about a certain type of reaction pics
Perhaps rebbit would be more up your alley?

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>anime poster
>has the AUDACITY to insult another Jow user

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>reading comprehension
It's not the images it's the written content

No they shouldn't because others will throw stones back ar their house. That's the meaning of the statement. Unless you were joking... There're so many brainlets here now, I can't tell anymore

>No they shouldn't because others will throw stones back at their house
Then you close the door again

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Yeah but frogposters are pretty messed up as well, and spongebobposters are normies. Why not go after them as well?

I agree with everything OP has posted here.

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Are you messing with me or something or just autistic? If their house is made of glass, then when stones are thrown at it, the walls will break, and they won't have a place to live.

Frogposters are the defenders of Jow Forums. Spongebob faggots are just retarded niggers.

>If their house is made of glass, then when stones are thrown at it, the walls will break
Uh they'd probably miss because glass is transparent so they can't fucking see it

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You are fucking dumb because you are a dumb NEET.

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>muh reality
This place wasn't meant for reality, it's for autists to escape from reality. Perhaps Reddit is more your taste.

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They can see the things and people inside niggerfaggot

Not when they're inside 4 walls in a fucking house you idiot

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Don't give yourself such airs. Frogposters are a fairly recent phenomenon. This board we founded in 2008 and pepe was present since only a few years. I don't know that much about spongebobposters.

The only thing that annoys me is when someone throws up a "cute" (God I gag at that word.) Throws up an anime female pic, then starts a thread with, I'm a fembot. Literally annoys me to no end. Firstly, who gives a flying fuck if you have a vagina, why make this shit about you? Then they cry and do the whole, b-b-but I'm a sensitive flower. Honey, being a certain gender doesn't make you a special snowflake. The real fembots, as few as we may be, only speak when needed, or when we feel like it. Our skin is much thicker than these pretenders. Does that make me or them special? Fuck no. Point is, stop pretending to be a fucking woman when you aren't, it's not as cracked up as people think it is anyway.

oh im just covering up something else

That's not what I said. Well, here's your presupposition...

As an anime poster I agree.

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Are you incapable of following a simple argument? Here it is in greentext format:
>be me
>live in a glass house, was the only house available on the block when I moved in
>be 23, khhv, no gf
>hate my chad neighbor, he always has loud parties and I can hear him fucking stacy all the time
>I guess I can also be pretty loud when I watch my hentai at full volume, but whatever
>one night, it's really bad. Chad's party is really loud, and I can't focus on my hentai >I call the police to report a neighborhood disturbance.
>they say they'll send someone, but I live in fairly ghetto area, so all the cops are probably busy
>decide to resolve this myself
>go up to chad's house and yell "Hey Chad! How do you like this?" and start throwing stones at his house
>mfw Chad's house is not made of glass, but of brick
>run back into my house
>close door
>Chad comes out to see what all the ruckus is about
>says "Two can play at this game, user" and starts picking up the stones and throwing them at my house
>he gets his normie followers to join in as well
>some of the dumber ones say "hurr durr, it's made of glass, how do we know where to aim?"
>Chad tells them to aim for the objects inside the house
>thats okay, I have four walls
>they have me surrounded
>hear four walls break one by one
>Chad says "And let that be a lesson to you user. If you live in a glass house don't throw stones. I'm fact don't bother throwing stones at all, know what I mean?"
>Chad goes back to partying while simultaneously fucking Stacy, leaving me homeless
>some gang members some into the broken house and steal my computer and phone
>no more hentai, unless I go to the library now

Your board from 2008 is dead and gone, only trace remnants still exist.
Jow Forums belongs to the frogposters now.

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Well it is important not to forget ones roots user

>no face
See I can't see it because you're inside the house

No, chad burned it off for even daring to challenge him. The house is transparent.

sorry op can't read all that text have an anime pic

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i'm not pretending to be pepe, pepe is an expressive image.