Anyone wanna talk about neetbucks...

Anyone wanna talk about neetbucks? I live in Texas and I'm trying to get them for schizophrenia but it's a more difficult process than I thought it would be

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You'll almost undoubtedly be denied and have to appeal, which can take a long time....

What are your specific circumstances?

Absolutly this. Bump
Free me of wagecucks

I accidently got neetbux because my lawyer put on file i was a schizoprenic without any written note from my psychiatrist or therapist. Along with other actual illnesses i have, im legally a schizoprenic.
>jew diagnoses wasnt a meme

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i just go to the doctor, tell him im depressed and cant keep a job cause i lose my shit and start fights. refuse to take any meds because im not going to walk around zombied out and dribbling. the docs office even sends my med.cert through to the govt. peoples and bingo. money in my bank acc.

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Someone should just beat you with a fucking club every time you tard out, eventually you would learn.

>Someone should just beat you with a fucking club every time you tard out, eventually you would learn.

That's not even necessary. Just stop giving him the neetbux. After a few days of no tendies he'll suck dick to get a job if he has to.

The better way to get neetbux is through investments rather than government shit. It often takes years and many denials to even just get on one program. And from what I've seen, most people don't last on them anyway because of all the hoops they have to jump through.

It does depend on the exact government program and the state, though.

Salty wageies incoming

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I live with my sister and her two kids. I'm their "Uncle Chad" (my name is Chad Horvath)

Yes, I cry myself to sleep at night while you have a few hundred dollars a week while I make 6 figures plus bonus.

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It's not the amount of money you have, it's how you use it.

Whatever bullshit you have to feed yourself you tard.

UP here. I emailed Aaron horvath, the producer of teen titans go to see if I could work as as a writer for the show.

My Kindle keeps autocorrect g me how do I turn that off

Nevermind i figu red it out u norigkdjdndndndn

You fucking spergs. How do you actually get neetbux?

There are dozens of programs in both federal and state level. Which one exactly are you talking about?

op here. I was talking about ssi. A couple years ago i used to post on /x/ as jenny, does anyone remember that?

A neighbor of mine worked at in govt disability and because of the onerous process around it, she said that the estimates of fraud is very low. This means that it's very tough to get on it and even if you do, the payments don't amount to much and can quite easily be gained in other ways.

what do you think about being homeless in texas???

>tfw get paid 6 figures in Bay Area
>tfw browse reddit for 7/8 hours at work
>tfw "software engineer"
>tfw the other 1/8 hour is talking to friends and boss who is chill AF
>tfw can buy anything I want and drive a new car
>tfw take expensive holidays
>tfw family all proud of me for my 'incredible job'
>tfw in 5 years will have enough saved to live on interest alone
must suck to be a neet

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