>one chance at life
>born American
Literally the worst first world nationality you can be born as, the only thing that comes close is being Australian but at least they seem to be pretty chill about the whole thing and generally seem like lads, Americans have the lack of history as a culture + a general cuntish attitude
One chance at life
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At least your country is the worlds richest and strongest. It's richer than most (or all?) of europe in Gdp per capita. It has the strongest military in the world. Your fleets dominate the oceans all over the world. You even have a space corps!
Americans have a large amount of material wealth but a dearth of cultural wealth
lol try britain
>awesome nature
>quality if life is high
>"im so le depressed :((( i hate being american :(("
>break away from the strongest on the planet
>become the strongest country on the planet
>literally no one ITT has refuted me
America being "strong" or having a "high quality of life" (not even true btw) has nothing to do with anything I said
Australia's only good point is free healthcare. Everything else sucks. In America, even a retard can get a McJob. Here, you gotta be young and sharp and lucky. Fuck.
if i wasn't born in america i'd at least still have foreskin
>one chance at life
>born in the one "first world" nation that mutilates baby genitals
>dearth of cultural wealth
Are you retarded? The United States has the most influential culture in the world. So much so that it gets its own word for making other countries like America, Americanization. And besides we have more culture than any European country. Each state has their own distinct culture, there's the Chicano culture in the southwest, creole in Louisiana, iron range culture in northern Minnesota, a different culture on every block in New York and Los Angeles, we have the "American Dream" culture of the 50s, Confederate vs Union history, cowboy shit in the west, I could go on.
The fact you think this is disgusting. Mass capitalist culture is rootless as fuck, it arose in America by chance.
>Literally the worst first world nationality you can be born as
Anything is going to be necessarily the worst of its class if it's the only one in its class.
Yeah it's pretty bad BUT it could be worse.
>we have more culture than any European country
how can you believe this, i don't understand, we have a different definition of culture
I concur. At least if born in some 3rd world one, you can do as you please because there are no police problems there, and you can even get a entry level programming job if in India.
>you will never shit on the streets then sell your daughter to a sex ring for a tuk tuk to live in and drive tourists around in
So sad.
It's not evenly spread you know. And shit is just more expensive here to make up for it.
>Free healthcare
>white country
>free healthcare
>free college education
>no prison/police problem
>safer streets
>where the US gets it's shit from anyway
It's easier to get into harvard than get a mcjob here.
You don't just get a job here. We have shit min wage too. You must, if not sharp, be in debt, risk college/second-ed, and then you get a job after the second education.
>be born in the US
>get arrested
>get shot
>get penis chopped
>no nuclear family
>die homeless because they hate welfare
America only exists because the French wanted to spite the English
US is England but on the opposite side of the world, from all the powerful nations.
Of course they'd have an advantage.
>steals German scientists for nukes
All ogre.
>one chance at life
>born in Germany
>many years before Hitler
>everyday somebody is robbed outside my house by a muzzie
France only exists because America wanted to spite the Germans
*many years after
I fucked that up
America has 10th generation niggers and now go counties
This thread is now bumped to the top.
I want to hear more things about how shit countries are, no bullshit style.
America has an insanely diverse culture and if you spent 10 minutes looking up something about any genre of American music, the history of any city, or even looked at how our clothes are different here you'd see that America has its own culture.
>jazz music
It was compiled from other countries. That's all the US is, other countries.
Is it really that much worse than being Canadian?
Lel. Same uncultured shit everywhere in every state.
That's pretty pathetic of you to say. There's grunge, rock, and hip hop to name a few. We have football baseball and basketball. We have food of every nationality which is just awesome regardless. And we have the history of being the country that went from fucking farmers to being our own country by beating the absolute shit out of the British. We have some awesome history and culture but you'd have to actualy look for it.
>implying that music isn't a spawn of other countries
Artists don't compose. They steal. They call it, inspiration.
>putting on twenty lbs of gear to play rugby
Not going to bother making fun of the incessant nigger bouncing.
>farmers to own country
Like literally every successful country? Irac did that 5000 year ago, except they pretty much invented farming, areas like that did. Did the US invent anything?
Or is it too new and sissified hiding at the opposite side of the world, spending it's tax on military, ironically, being tyrannical, fighting for freedom from the world so it can forcefully westernize the world later, after escaping England.
England of whom we beat by gorilla tactics, whilst they had actual non-barbaric rules of war, that we broke. Now ironically we bomb people or breaking our precious geneva convention.
The US, land of the free has the highest of it's own citizens locked up.
You wanna know what we're beset at?
Being ironic.
If you earn more than 30k a year you're a part of top 1% of people on planet Earth.
If you count in poor fucks who lived before in feudalism and slavery the numbers describing your luck become fucking cosmic.
Be grateful anons.
>if you make 30k
Guess what?
You're on a NEET board talking about a country that hates socialism.
Whatever man I'm just trying to be optimistic. And realistic as well. No matter how much you act like a filthy poltard that doesn't mean that your opinion becomes fact.
I actually hate pol, am not a right winger.
Pol is all trumpf emperor and all that gay noise. They defend the country. You're being the poltard, the Jow Forums is depression and mental illness. Not fitting in doesn't give you a good sense of patriotism.
>be born into wealth
>complain on wojack forum
>impling the US doesn't have poverty
>misspelling wojak
Actually I'm glad to here that. Hate the country because of its fucked system and pointless wars rather than hating it because of its perveived lack of culture.
US poverty is others richness.
>make $2,400 a month
>live in commiefornia
>top 1% of people on planet earth
I just can't stop getting depressed over 1st world problems, user.
>One chance at life
>Born in one of the worst parts of Spain
I don't care for culture anyway to be honest.
Not everyone is successful mcdonalds wagecucks you realize.
t. worth at most 300 per month
As an example of my life, despite being fat, I'm about to go a week without Internet because le too expensive my parents say, of whom neither own a house nor car.
I'd have to walk no less than five miles to get to good Internet. But the US makes you fat before anything else, pretending that would benefit you more than actual money or a job.
is obviously by the by
I'm not going to be thankful for not being raised in a mud hutt, because if I were raised in one I'd not know what I was missing and be no more unhappy.
Ahhhhhhhh, US-American delusions make me kek every day.
I'm not an Amerimutt but I 100% agree. If you're ever feeling down then remember to be grateful that atleast you weren't born as one of those boorish pigs.
get out of my country then snowflake
Look up comcast internet essentials. it's like ten bucks a month
Worst feel is being personally blamed for your country's faults.