I will never get an asian Chad as a below average azn girl

>I will never get an asian Chad as a below average azn girl
Why live?

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Asian chads don't exist/are called white people.

still avoid beta white dudes with yellow fever even if they are more attractive than average gooks.

>Asian chads dont exist
I saw one yesterday holding hands with an asian Stacy.

There are asian chads you nigger, have you never watched korean dramas

>Asian chads don't exist

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kpop boys exist?

An Asian Chad is called Wang Hung Lo

even the ripped ones are twink as fuck lul

Asian features are objectively unattractive. From hair to eyes to skin tone to height to jawline/cheekbone structure.

I have never seen an attractive asian without massive plastic surgery to look more white.

I thought it was Chang Dik Deep

"I'm not good enough for the top 2% of alpha males! Life is so unfair! :(:(:(:(:(:("

lol were you expecting pity from r9k you entitled brat?

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>how to trigger r/asianmasculinity, who of course are on the incelboard
really makes you think

do asian really just think all asians are the same like american whites now? I never thought I'd see asains just wanting any asian and not a japense/han chinese/vietnamese whatever they are.

>I have never seen an attractive asian without massive plastic surgery to look more white
Heres one

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When I say asian im most specifically referring to Korean.


Marrying an ugly but smart and hardworking Asian girl is actually a good gameplan. It's something I'm considering. What throws a wrench into this plan is that it's a suggestion for the average Asian guy. I'm quite a good looking guy so an ugly wife might an extreme mismatch.

dark hair/eyes are not attractive. neither is being christmas cake

well thats your personal opinion, asshole. Its funny how youre so adamant on bringing down asian features and how ugly they look but want me to avoid white betas for reasons? kys

faggot alert, find a rope please

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stop larping as an insectoid girl.

Your parents aren't networking right

>muh opinion
attractiveness is not relative. people who are attracted to asians are mentally ill or just settling. Same goes for model thots that look like men.

this is why whites cannot be robots. thank you for making me feel like shit user!

Are you the asian girl with BDD?

low self esteem is an attractive and feminine trait. You should be thanking me, I just increased your chance of landing the mythical "asian chad" bf.

keep bumpin my thread :)))

Good question
What reason do you have to live?

I'm guessing this is a tranny but if a girl was on this site I would guess it would be a jungle monkey asian.

>jungle monkey asian
Surprisingly im not, but you should cool down on your racism.

Kojima smiles smuggly in your direction


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South east asians of low caste look like jungle monkey's. you know the really dark ones with big teeth and wrinkles. You are apparently a korean tranny though.

I never said I was Korean or a tranny. Nice try though.

SE Asia doesn't practice the caste system retard.

kojima is a westaboo who has never had a girlfriend, and needs to pay white thots to be in his movies just to interact with them.

you sir, are an insane faggot
wtf are you talking about? There are plenty of pretty girls with dark hair and eyes. Are you just gay?

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Asian Chads dont exi.....

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brainlet, they do have a caste system, asians are autistic about having light skin. Jungle monkey skin=poor=lowcaste

high caste in every society is the ones with the lightest skin.

That thot is fucking vile though. My dick retracted into my body upon seeing that image.

It's literally the definition of relative you fucking mong.

dark hair and eyes give me uncanny valley effect. like they aren't even human. lack of eyelashes on gook eyes is creepy too.

having a twink body type doesn't make you chad. Chad is 95%face.

t. retard that's never been in SE Asia
I'm Vietnamese and there certainly isn't a caste system in Vietnam. I know the neighboring countries have hindu pasts but they never adopted a caste system.

whatever user

originality in question possibly

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I heard there's too many dudes in china cause they aborted all the girls so you should be in demand

how below average are you ?
add glasses and you're fine

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It's not, people are attracted to the same attractive features, beauty is NOT in the eye of the beholder unless you are so insecure you convince yourself you like ugly asians because you think they won't reject you. One step further is finding animals attractive like furfags because they can't say no.

What do you think the word "twink" even means?

caste systems aren't exclusive to hindustan zipperhead.

I'm not attracted to ugly people, but I am attracted to "dark hair and eyes". So am I mentally ill?

being a skinny feminine ectomorth faggot who thinks ottermode makes you chad

you don't even know what attraction is. you are mostly likely emotionally retarded and find dark features non-threatening.

Yes and Vietnam has no race based social system between locals of any kind you inbred retard.

Maybe you're thinking of asian features, but dark hair and brown eyes are very cute
Additionally, brown eyes are far more humanizing.
My eyes are hazel, so I don't think I really have a bias. A girl I meet just has to be cute and fair skinned.

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nope, even white (jews) with dark features creep me the fuck out. especially the eyes. very Light brown hair and hazel eyes are most I can tolerate.

hey frick you, below average asian girls are meant for average and below average white guys

That guy is definitely not skinny, feminine, or an ectomorph.

>r/asianmasculinity resorts to flat out ignoring reality

he's twink as fuck and his hair is cringe.

white guys are racist shitheads.

Lmfao ok bud. I'm sure whatever neo nazi website you pulled your "statistics" off of is reliable

lol yeah i'm sure communism totally destroyed the natural order of light skin/features=rich, pretty and jungle Asians=disposable.

You just don't know you are low caste.

hes right though.

you're gonna end up with a mark zuckerberg-tier white dude since you'd still prefer that over an average asian male

Have you never liked the winners of Miss Universe pageants?
I'm not sure what your damage is, but to each his own I guess
It's less competition for the us normal-folk

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> your "statistics"

who are you quoting? are you a scitzo yerrow man? I never mentioned or posted any "statistics"

who the hell calls people neo-nazis when they are upset? Is this tumblr?

nah I prefer hapas over all else. theyre unironically the most attractive and exotic looking men ive ever layed my eyes on.

Homosexuals decide all models. The women are hideous and have male jawlines. They try to redefine beauty and no one but boomers will fall for it. This is irregardless of race. the stereotypical "blonde bombshell" is ugly as fuck.

Walking around with a Miss Universe model (minus the black ones ofc...) would be a dream come true! Of course I'm a bit too young now to truly appreciate their beauty, but if I know once I hit my mid-30s I would totally give up a lot to wife one of those girls up. I mean, who wouldn't want to introduce their wife to someone as Ms. [insert country here]

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Hapas are mentally ill abominations.

Just fuck the ugly souless asian you deserve. pic related, your future.

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Vietnam is around 90% Kinh, a racial caste system couldn't work like in a diverse country like India you retard. Also I suppose you're talking about light skin beauty standards but too retarded to realize. It isn't nearly the same as caste system and is more like Americans liking tans. Most Vietnamese people can reach the same levels of darkness/paleness because we share an ethnicity, unlike India. I wouldn't expect a mutt burger to understand homogeneous societies though. Status here has always been by wealth, since race can't be used as a division in homogeneous countries.

thats a bit racist of you

>hapas are mentally ill abominations
Youve probably never met one in person. there are tons of them in my school and they arent so caught up on race as you are.

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the low caste zipperheads look like indonesians.

They all look very boring

I have and hapas are obsessed with race because they are confused and rejected from birth.

Of course you are a newfag that doesn't know the facts of hapas and mental illness.

You're talking about Malay ethnic groups, but Vietnam doesn't have many, most left after Vietnam defeated the Chams.

here's a high caste viet

Attached: high caste.jpg (1242x1714, 178K)

and low caste

Attached: low caste.jpg (336x400, 17K)

I live in California bitch, youre probably from racist Hicksville yourself where minorities and others alike tend to feel excluded and left out.

Most of them are very mannish.

>I live in California bitch,
go back to the reddit

I was born here, why would I leave?

>tfw incel and have rejected half a dozen creepy asian girls in class this year

Only blacks, south italians, asians and indians ever hit on me. it's really awkward, I keep telling them I don't have a phone so i can't give them my number.

>tfw tall korean guy
not chad material and im not buff but i like being a lanklet

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>unironically calling yourself involuntary celibate when youve had numerous offers from several different girls.

lol this is the average robot everyone. he thinks he is incel because a Stacy wont approach him.

>I will never get an east asian male as a below average white girl
Fuck you OP at least you have the privilege of being asian

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social standing =/= caste
The bottom one is darker from working in the fields, but she could still advance in society and if she got wealthy, would get more pale from working inside. Whereas castes separated by ethnicity and don't allow ethnic groups to advance. Again, caste systems wouldn't work in a homogeneous country like Vietnam. It's just wealthy = better, and wealthy people tend to be lighter from working inside.

Any guy, especially asians, would choose a below average white girl over a below average Asian girl without a doubt. There is no privilege in being an uggo asian gril.

r/asianmasculinity is full force ITT

I'm an incel because I don't want a non-virgin approaching me and any miscegenator/girl who would approach and average guy like me and strike up a conversation is obviously a whore. I have never had even a white thot sit beside me in class and try to talk.

not him but most guys wouldnt go for below average girls to being with

I dont understand the half shit you said in your post, nor do I give a fuck but repeat after me: male incels do not exist. You are all involuntary celibate by choice because of your ridiculous standards. MALE INCELS DONT EXIST.

You're not an incel because even if you're not interested in these women you still have an opportunity to fuck them. Because you decide not to fuck them, you are chosing to stay celibate, so you cannot be involuntarily celibate. Cyborg or autist, maybe, but not an incel.

Incels defacto exist, obviously anyone can just buy a hooker.

> because of your ridiculous standards.
just want my female equivalent.

Your second statement contradicts the first, you do realize that right?
And why even bother calling yourself incel when you clearly arent?

Does this mean only Americans can be incels

Bruce Lee is a quarter white.