How do I get a Latina gf
I'm white and 6ft tall
How do I get a Latina gf
keep dreaming, manlet
Don't be a racemixer op.
>Basedheight and Race
Literally just be yourself and you can get a green card marriage with a big ass latina. Go visit braxil, colombia or some central american shithole
I'm 6'0 I'm close to manlet hope but not quite
But I want one that loves me not after a green card
>use duolingo until you are done with the flirting module
>go out of your way to not lose your american accent
>make an interpals account with your picture and list your superior first world stats and properties
>seek out latin american girls
>drown in wife candidates
Manlet hood* not hope my bad
Will they like me for me or only see me as a green card
>Be me
>Actually did this shit with duolingo
>Practiced a fuck lot with interpals
>One day normal shitting on Omegle
>>Match with a 19 F from colombia
>Be total toxic and call her cocaine escobar dweller
>She takes offense
>I apologise in spanish
>We get talking
>"Where you from btw user?"
>Say 21 M from Bongistan
>Chat with her actually for over 4 hrs
>Nothing deviant
>"user you are interested in colombia. Here's my tumblr acc. See some photos of my local area and my skills"
>Based average college girl acc
>31 photos of landscape around
>Leave a message on tumblr
>Mfw she actually replies on it
>Exchange emails and phone numbers (I told her I am off social grid like twitter and fb and shit)
>Talk for over 3 months
>Have received nudes and scanty pictures in this time. Have sent same as well
>chatting over Telegram "user I am going video call today"
>tfw I realise she thinks I am a white bong but
I am actually refugee African in SEA
>still flick camera on
>"Oh my god. You are black"
>"No. I literally gave you my personal tumblr as an user on omegle and for 3 months you never told me you are a black living in India"
>get ghosted
>she has blocked and stopped replying
>deleted both her tumblr's
>mfw I realized I was a white bong, I could have scored an obedient latina as a basedwife
6'7". What do I do? Nice legs btw
That fucking sucks lmao
Holy fucking shit dude. I have to screenshot this.
>I am actually refugee African in SEA
Tell me more, user. Where in India do you live? Are you studying or living there permanently?
>She has an ass and face and house rearing quality you require
>You have a race identity and citizenship she requires
Its pure exchange of goods between you two. You make a healthy working marriage. Why would you not want that?
She can't escape a green card marriage before 7-10 years without arising suspicion which gives you plenty time to dick her down so she can bear your sons. Then she so busy, she don't wanna escape. Latinas love their kids. Based boy use your situation to advantage
Dad escaped with me when I was 4 from Democratic republic of congo. I live in Mumbai. Living here permanently. Both of us have our citizenships now but it was never an issue here. Dad runs a juice shop and is extra in numerous movies as the black villian dude extra
Indians are more racist than anyone. They always assume your name is "odumbe". Middle aged women and young girls are the worst. Some young boys are cool now and they treat as equal
How do I get a 6ft tall latina gf with muscular legs?
Hmm you make a pretty good case
That's very interesting. I was asking because I'm Indian too but I was born and raised in the US. I have very dark skin, and honestly I agree that Indians are very racist. I am always looked down upon as being dumb, dangerous, or incapable even though light skins are usually the retarded ones. I know that Mumbai and Delhi are probably the most racist cities in India, northies are pretty fucking terrible about it. South India has more people who look like pic related, and so they'll be a lot less racist.
I'm glad that some guys are treating you with respect though. Your english is pretty good. Do you speak Hindi or Marathi as well?
Get a deeeeeep spray tan. Dye your hair black and start looking for your clothes in lost and found bins. Once you've got yourself a pair of dirty work boots, cheap blue jeans (dirty) and a faded black t-shirt (dirty, of course) you can begin phase 2. Go to the grocery store and get a bag of oranges (naranja). Walk to border carrying the oranges (naranja) and start yelling gibberish at the seniorita of your choice.
I never bothered to learn marathi
I am totally fluent in Hindi and Punjabi as the landlord and whole damn locality was punjabi and all school friends (those who cared to talk) were Hindi or Punjabi speaking.
North Indians are really racists but they hush about it and don't say bad shit to your face but the fucking southies or marathans are so fucking upfront. North indian ladies will murmur or laugh while covering their faces while sothies will talk shit to your face. To be fair, I can live with northie passive racism like not giving me job or credit line or against me talking to their kids but I can't live with fucking marathans or southies calling me emememwe to my face and chanting it with friends. If I and dad had citizenship back in my school days, the kids would all have had 4 out of 32 teeth by now
Top kek
>"Buenos dias senoras. Ustedes Como naranjas si?"
That's really racist bro
gtfo off of boards.Jow
I just want serious advice on how to get a Latina gf
see or if still no hope
It's really telling that that was an original sentence.
Also, gtfo plebbitor
You're joking right? I was just joking. Tell me why you think it's racist I actually really want to understans
I have social anxiety
Original origami
read between the lines dummy. Get a mail order latina bride
That seems like something losers do tho
and yeah you are not a loser for asking advice about how to get the best body to wife responsibility ration girls on an Uzbekistani bicycle repair forum
Yeah but I'm not that big of a loser
Move to SoCal. They're everywhere.
Do they like white guys tho
Yeah, I see a good number of white male/latina female couples around here. Not too many since the white population is pretty low.
Do you think I'll be able to get one