anyone else here /daydrinking/?
Anyone else here /daydrinking/?
yes drinking on weekends is for super normies only
i forgot i made this, what you drinking bro? ive been having tom collins for the past two hours but almost out of gin so i have to switch over to cheap beer soon
i would if i was actually able to drink alcohol
I day drank then went to apply to a job while drunk and having the shakes. Hope it wasn't noticeable.
why cant you drink?
i wish i could say otherwise but it was probabaly noticeable and if the job interview was in a closed space they probably smelled you as well. hopefully you have some more shit to drink now
i drank too much whiskey the first time i tried alcohol and now i can't drink without throwing up instantly
Didn't have an interview, nd he didn't seem bothered. Took my resume and asked why I wanted the job, said he'd hand it on to his manager but that's what they all say... Got more to drink once I'm home. What are you on now?
been there man. just give it some time and it should pass
oh okay thats not too bad. hope you get the job bro. im finishing off my last tom collins and about to dip into some millter lite, how about you?
Me me
Thread related
Shit I didn't even have breakfast or lunch so I'm already feelin it. MOM'S GONNA FREAK
it's been 3 years
Thanks. Tom Collins are nice, wish I had beer too. I ran out of juice for mixing w my vodka so I'm gonna have Jager and coke, then vodka and coke if I finish my Jager. Bein all fancy today eh
i had some scrammbled eggs for breakfast and am eating some chips with my drinks so i think im okay but i wish i had something warm to offset the cold drinks. day drniking is great
oh shit how old are you? ive had bad experiences with alcohol but maybe your body just isnt suited for it i think the longest ive gone without drinking in the past decade has been a week or so
i havent had jager since college i sure do miss it. i had the ingerdients leftover from a while ago and didn feel like going out to buy other shit so im just chugging gin til i pass out. what kind of job are you trying to get?
19, it's weird because i didn't even pass out and had no hangover.
It's all about vodka. Stolichnaya, mixed with a bit of water.
Polysubstance abuse ftw.
How did it start friend.
Yeah, Jager is nice and comfy and makes me feel like I'm actually with others as the last time I drank it I had a very nice time at a bar. I am trying to work with anything involving manual labor, since I'm going to become an electrician, so I applied for a car mechanic place. Currently work at McDonald's, which isn't super conducive for what I wanna do later on, yknow. Turnover rate is generally one month them you move on at my location.
Do you work? It's shitty to work but at least you do something, yknow?
Having some /nightdrinking/ in yurop right now hows it going lads
thats very strange was the experience traumatic in other ways? like you embarrassed yourself or something? theres no need to force yourself to drin kbut if you want to try throwing u pand forcing yourself to drink afterwards. chuck and rally is what the US fratboy anthem is
nah im in school right now back at the ripe age of 27 but i worked odd jobs for the 5 years i was dropped out of school and know your pain man. sincerely hope you get the mechanic job i hear fast food is hell. its amazing how some drinks really take you back to the good times
Nothing really "started" i just can't drink alcohol anymore, the "alcoholically" was just to evade the robot.
not really it was traumatic in the sense that i was drinking a bottle of whiskey alone while browsing Jow Forums.
Good that you're improving yourself instead of succumbing to that hopelessness and desire to just exist instead of thrive and do well. Education will do you well, friend. Haha yeah dude fast food sucks, plus I work night shift so I do all the work that the chefs don't do, and my managers dad just died so she's useless too. Very nice. Thanks for the good luck wishes, though.
where you live bro and what you drinking?
sounds like its just not rihgt for you. did you like getting drunk? my first time was awful as well but i liked being drunk a lot
Meh i prefer codeine and bupe but i'll take anything over being sober and alcohol is easier to get.
yeah as much as i wish i just stuck with it when i was younger im glad to be back. lol shit i bet night shift is horror. wish you luck again on your new job
oh at least you have other shit to take your mind off reality thank god. ive only ever smoked weed and done coke but like you said alcohol is easiest to get and im an alcoholic so i prefer being drunnk
France, beer and champagne
Thanks man. Is it lame to ask for discord or other contact deets to befriend you properly? If you don't wanna, that's fine
Heyyy litteralement un alcoolique anonyme
Whoops, mixed up the replies. Well, you're not missing out on anything user.
cheers man. im actualy going on a family trip to paris and prague this august and am excited to get to see europe for the first time
ah sorry i dont have discord but id be down to talk to you in other ways. or rather i do have a discord i made ages ago to use as voicechat when playing lol with friends lemme see if i can find it
Sun's still up, so i call it daydrinking. Cheers from the Netherlands
I'm drinking right now while watching the World Cup. Drinking is the only things that keep me sane in a place where the women are stuck-up, prostitution and drugs are illegal, and there's literally nothing worthwhile to do.
Thank you. The only other things I have are kik and telegram.
nice what you drinking bro? i want to make it over there one day to see what a country filled with tall people is like
where you live and who you rooting for bro?
i found it but do i just give you my screenname plus the # number? sorry i havent really used this much
Et c'est si bon
Europe is great, have fun :)
Watching world cup too, saw a Dutch bro biking last week aswell, sound lad
Yeah, screenname then #. Like if for example your name is paradox and the number is 2793 then you'd write paradox#2793 :)
I cant drink, im working like a decent person does on weekdays.
I'm drinking the cheapest beer on the market, along with some whiskey and rum because it was on sale
okay then im kwakward#9191
nothing wrong with cheap beer im onto drinking miller lite too
Im with you, flexo.
I like to reward myself by popping a regular brand every now and then, just so my taste won't fuck up over water with beer extract. Fuck, of only i could afford buying proper beer all the time...
Proooooooohhhhh :-------DD
im just so used to drinking miller lite from my college days and it also mixes well with soju
I guess the memories help with the taste, might be the reason i enjoy beer in the first place
:--) Proohh