Post legit 1/10 guys

Post legit 1/10 guys.
Like total incels only

Attached: FmjlfQy.jpg (1242x2208, 194K)

Here's another one lmao

Attached: 4tp3uTq.jpg (750x1334, 224K)

even for this incel board this is pathetic hahaha

Attached: 17KpXBu.jpg (745x971, 103K)

A 1/10 is deformed tier

My fucking sides lmao
Please post more

Attached: fbAaiYr.jpg (5184x3456, 1.52M)

god that guy looks like a monster

oh no no no...
please help me

Attached: qNLrapp.jpg (1932x2576, 320K)

>the canthal tilt on this pajeet

fucked from the start. might as well be a sand-nigger eeyore

He is a 7/10, weak b8. I am female(female) btw





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I'm legitimately sorry for you, user.

Working for google is the only way you'll secure the puss.

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Wtf? This is so fucking creepy.

All of them are beyond saving.
This one however is very special case.

not him but i have canthal tilt and its not the end fo the world

t. pajeet in the picture

i assure you im not lol its pretty shitty to point out something someone cant chance about themselves anyways

read the sticky faggots go to

It's obviously one dude who's posting these pictures.

7/10 if he cleaned him self up.

3/10 that head looks like it belongs on a alien

4/10 bad acne isn't helping him

Looks like a future axe murderer

2/10 looks like a picture you would have if you ever feel ugly just look at him and you will feel handsome in comparison

I would fuck all of them. You people don't know what you are talking about.

He looks like generic mullato NBA player #234

dios mio/10
white but still el monstruo