At what age did you realize you were too ugly to get a girlfriend?

At what age did you realize you were too ugly to get a girlfriend?

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Around 16. I was good looking when I was younger but as I aged got ugly.

I'm not too ugly
I'm too autistic/depressed
The few people who have wanted to date me left after a few weeks cause I just didn't give them any attention, as well as me not really having a social life while they did

tfw at least not too ugIy

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See, you're still in denial and haven't accepted that you are physically unattractive.

Big realization around the age of 16/17 not only regarding the lack of physical attractiveness.

Thats not even the problem. Girls online have told me im an 8.5/10 average. Im just socially retarded. I could be Chad fucking Stacy everyday but I get too nervous and sound like a tard

You are too deep in denial territory. If you were a solid 8.5 you would have a gf.

Nigger everyone I've ever dated has only done it cause of my looks, they even made the first move. I'm not a 10/10 but I'm tall, have broad shoulders and not fat. They came for my looks, left cause of my personality

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I'm a 5/10 couldn't be a 6/10 if I worked out
My anxiety, depression, ADHD, and Autistic personality fucks me up.
I've had a few girls hit on me and I just fucked it up because my autism level is to high

im not. i see uglier guys than me with girls every day desu. its not that im that good looking but its the least of my problems

It's not you're autism, it's that you are not phyisically attractive enough. If girls really were attracted to you, they'd be willing to put up with whatever mental conditions have.

Around 13 or 14. Also I kind of look like that guy

> If girls really were attracted to you, they'd be willing to put up with whatever mental conditions have.
Femanon here
No we won't
Not unless you are a Chad

unironically not ugly, just autistic and socially retarded

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10 yrs old yessiryy

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>Not unless you are a Chad
Chad = phyisically attractive male

Exactly my point. Women put up with anything if the guy is good looking, which is not. He's in deep denial.

i thought i was ugly my entire youth. when i look at my old photos i honestly see a 9/10 chad. idk what drove me in such a delusion. i abused my body allot tho so nowdays i trully am ugly and 7/10 at best.

Im just saying what girls have told me. All girls think Im hot. So many approach me then lose interest when they know im socially awkward.

I'm 23 and I look 15
Plus my face is still covered in acne

pretty sure it was 12
i hate it so much

They're just being nice. A girl doesn't actually find you attractive unless she has sex with you.

lmao fuck off back to braincels with your autism

how do I know if I'm ugly? I actually never considered it hm..

take treatment. go dermatologuesomething. just do it or njoy your scars for life.

I once tried to ask a girl in a club for the time and she (didn't hear me and) immediately started making out with me and told me she'd been watching me all night waiting for me to approach her. We danced and made out for ages but I was still too autistic to make any moves before she made them and she didn't invite me back to her place or offer to gvie me her number so eventually she just walked off.

I dont think so. She made suggestive moves, sent pics on snapchat when we first met now she avoids me and hasnt spoken to me in months. She kept making comments about how quiet and awkward I am too. Thats about when she stopped going for me

i'm not too ugly to get a gf, i'm too shy and scared of rejection to make the first move. and even if they make the first move, i'm to scared of getting into a relationship and breaking up eventually to even give it a try.

>what is being intoxicated and not seeing how ugly someone is

When my oneitis on me with a younger guy with a chin

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All I got left is accutane
I'm scared what it will do to my liver though

I got called a 2 several times on soc

the amount of projecting in this thread is amazing. not everyone is an ugly fuck, some of us have bigger problems op. you're shallow as fuck if you honestly believe it's only about looks.

Everyone is shallow as fuck that's the thing. It is all about looks and looks only.

You are in denial about your own looks.

I definitely am ugly as fuck
Maybe if I also wasn't also so socially stunted I could survive but fuck man
No one lasts a fucking conversation with me

you are wrong, but you are too far gone to be reasoned with, so i won't even try. enjoy your scapegoat and excuse for not trying to improve other aspects of yourself.

The only kind of self improvement that matters is improving your looks. But even that has hard genetic limitations


I can't imagine actually believing shit like this. life must be hell for you.

It is hell because I'm ugly.

I'm ugly too but it's not the sole reason I don't have a girlfriend lmao.

It's the only reason. If you were good looking, you would have a girlfriend.

stephen hawking had multiple wifes and kids. how do you explain that when literally "Everyone is shallow as fuck" and "It is all about looks and looks only"?

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hey man you're free to believe what you want. like I said its probably not the SOLE reason meaning there are likely other reasons. im not naive and think looks mean nothing but to think that that's all there is is insane. my personal opinion though

money and status count too. Most guys don't have this and can only get girls by their looks.

>money and status count too.
so you admit that there are other aspects of yourself and your situation you could try to improve in order to attract a mate? you admit that it is indeed not "all about looks and looks only" and that "The only kind of self improvement that matters is improving your looks" is an entirely false assumption? you admit that you were clearly wrong for thinking so?

he won't admit it. then he'd have to give up his self pity and that's important to him. probably a key part of his identity

The thing about money and status is it gets you women, but not women who are physically attracted to you. It makes you into betabuxx.

why is it all about physical attraction to you? have you still not learned the difference between love and lust?
this thread is about girlfriends, not fuck buddies.

love is lust. a woman cannot love you if she doesnt lust for you

I was never too ugly, but too socially inept and autistic to get a girlfriend
But I realized that when I was 15 and decided to be the girlfriend instead

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false assumption. please learn the difference between the two concepts. or die alone.

I'm ugly but ive fucked 3 women and made out with a number that ive lost count of to be honest. not amazing but good for me.

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I knew it the whole time.

So are we just gonna never fuck then?
How often do you see platonic marriages?

>So are we just gonna never fuck then?
how do you think stephen hawking got his kids? why do you think ugly people haven't been bred out by natural selection?

Stephen Hawking was a fucking cuck
He also lived in a different time than now where wives felt obligation for producing children
Not now

You were too ugly to be a male.


that is irrelevant. user asked about having sex, which hawking clearly had.

>wives felt obligation for producing children
some of them still do. shove your delusional generalizations up your ass.

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I've seen people uglier than this guy get a GF
All about confidence and depends on what you're willing to settle for

>some of them still do
And they'll find Chadesque husbands
Meanwhile I'm too undesirable to be a beta provider

stop going back and forth with this self pitying turd. nothing is going to convince him.

>Meanwhile I'm too undesirable to be a beta provider
probably, i get the same feeling from your posts. but it's not just your looks, it's your entire attitude.

you're most likely right.

The attitude was forged in the fires of constant social rejection

out of all the memes on this board this is the saddest one. crab bucket mentality, youre just trying to bring the other 99% of the male population to your level. status and success is attractive to women and to get there you need certain things in your personality thats attractive to women too.
betabux would be like winning a lottery and finding a gold-digger in 5 minutes. not getting a decent job and improving in life
im sure if most of my friends in relationship stopped working, dropped out and played video games all day they would lose their girlfriends. but thats like what? the equivalent of a girl getting fat or something.
self-improvement and having interests is attractive to girls. my mate is a fucking high-school dropout working as a plumber but he makes good money and has a gf way out his league. by his looks he could sit home all day and complain

>be in class
>sit next to the class tard Dylan because no other choice
>hes got a flat face and is pretty fat
>group is playing smash or pass
>"smash or pass: user or Dylan"
>they probably looked to see if i was listening but i just did my own thing
>girl says Dylan
>die a little on the inside

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>When faced with defeatist thoughts, immediately ask yourself, "What's the big deal in failing in an exam? So what if I fail? I can always take it again, and again. And I won't stop until I pass it!" Refuse to give attention to failures. Better yet, tell yourself that failures do not deserve your attention.

but you don't want to try anymore. you have given up. you resigned. you won't try again. if you want to wallow in self pity so much, fine. but don't try to drag down other anons to your level with your pessimistic warped view on reality. in other words, stop whining and accept your fate. clearly you lack the energy to change it.

>proceeds to be an annoying faggot and tell others to kill themselves
maybe stop being an annoying faggot first

absolutely brutal. I can relate.

who tells others to kill themselves. I'm OP and very against suicide.

All I have are failures
Much more I know lots of sad lonely old men who never gave up and now they have nothing to show for it
That's my path
That was always my path
I've just simply stopped fighting it

When everyone at school including my crush told me so and kept telling me constantly

defeatism is not the cause but a logical conclusion of our suffering.

there is nothing logical about giving up on life entirely before you're like 50. you have untreated depression, a shitty attitude and it clouds your thinking. the past is the past and unchangeable. why do you let an unchangeable past affect your entire future? your future is not set in stone.

the past is the best indicator of what your future will be.

if you choose to believe that that's your thing. but that doesn't make it true.

And it doesn't make your optimism not delusional

Well it really sank in when I realized the only girls I've ever been able to fuck were addicted to hard drugs and/or had kids.

>Tfw her ex bf whos like 200lbs 6'4 busts in the house one day and beats the shit out of me when I was in bed with her

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nie spodziewalem sie tu swiezakow

When the girls flirted with me as a joke
>"Oh so you're single now Stacy. Who are you going to date now? user? Hehehehehehe"
I actually overhead that conversation twice

maybe, but i can guarantee you that my slightly optimistic attitude is much more healthy than your self-destructing self-pity.

Who else >Attractive but comes on r9k anyway

I've been called cute a couple of times and even hot once. I still think it was pity compliments

I'm pretty attractive, maybe I could hit the gym but I've had girls and boys attracted to be in the past. But they were put off when they realized how much of an anxious wreck I am.

Same. Only ever attracted really ugly bottom tier girls. But even that's a challenge to attract these days as I get older and uglier myself.

Define healthy
Sure you might live a bit longer but what's a long life to me but just more pain and misery?

Since elementary school, especially after the girls made a ranking on paper. I was just three positions above the one who placed last. No girl ever got interested in me and i'm sure i'm not even that ugly, it's just that i am nothing special, just slightly below the average in looks and zero personality. I really can't do much about it.

I came to Poland and they all started calling me a mutt and "indianin" which is what they call native Americans.

Are you ugly by mutt/Amerindian standards?

>Define healthy
healthy as in it doesn't keep me from getting up again after a failure. healthy as in it doesn't make me depressed or even want to kill myself. healthy as in it doesn't cloud my judgment until i see absolutely nothing but pain and misery in my life. healthy as in it doesn't make me suffer.

if you suffer so much, you should consider going to a psychologist and try to reduce the suffering. or just end it all already. but you choose to remain entirely passive and keep suffering for no reason. that is defeatism straight out of the book. i know you will not even bother reading the article i've linked. there is no helping you, you refuse to be helped.

I'm sure these 80+ senior couples I see all the time in the mornings at the mall are lusting and banging all the time. Nothing but lust could keep them together. They can hardly walk but they're still holding hands, smiling and laughing together. Gotta be the sex

Well, an ugly guy has a choice to work on his personality and circumstances. If he refuses to do that, and acknowledges he is not attractive enough to get women by the sheer virtue of existing, what's left to do? If you're hungry and craving dessert and the best you can get is rice with vegetables, should you eat anyway or slowly starve while crying about being hungry?


Girls in my middle school class said that I was the ugliest and creepiest in class and I overheard them.

got called ugly by my middle school oneitis in front of everyone after lunch let out
from that point I just gave up on ever having a gf

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At least we're realistic and don't go for 10s

So basically I can choose being delusional or accepting reality?

I don't have the opportunity to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist but they can't fix my face or cure my brainletness
So it's not like my life would change
So there's no point in being helped
I've accepted my face

lmfao he pissed himself

How ironic. You're both delusional but the thing is his delusion brings better results.

your attitude is a much, much bigger problem than your face. you don't want to believe this but that is the sad truth.

Your attitude literally doesn't mattrr to women. Hell, your shoe size is more important to women than your attitude. Face> height >>>> shoe size >>>>attitude

There was once this 2/10 girl who basically would try hitting on every guy in class trying to find one that would date her. I was something like her 8th choice. On one hand, that was probably my only shot at a relationship and I threw it away. On the other hand, is it even worth it when you're the septuple-backup guy?