>Women are exactly like little children. We are constantly poking, prodding and testing a man, in order to find out what his boundaries are. If he has no boundaries, we will destroy him, especially if he loves us (more on this in Point 8, below). A man has to have boundaries, and he has to outline them precisely, and he has to force us to adhere to them with the power of his conviction and the power of his action. If he doesn't do that, we will beat him over the head with his weaknesses (his lack of boundaries) until he breaks.
Wanna hear the truth from the horsemouth?
>Women put up a false front about virtually everything. Our faces are fake (makeup), our hair is fake (dyed), our boobs are fake (some of us), everything about us is fake. Most especially when it comes to what is inside of us. We lie constantly, because we are far worse, characterwise, than even our closest friends or lovers will ever know, and we desperately fight to keep all of that hidden. We are looking for our true daddies, basically ? the idealized daddies that we never had ? somebody who can see through all of our false fronts and call us out on our bullshit and put us in our place. The problem is, those type of men are very few and far between.
>If a woman ever tells you, "If we don't have trust, we don't have anything," she is either cheating on you already, or she is planning to cheat on you. There are no exceptions to this rule. We use that as cover, to try and make the man feel guilty for questioning our fidelity. What we are really saying here, is, "I will fuck whomever I want and you'd better keep your nose out of it or I'll cut you off from my pussy and I'll ruin your freaking life if you keep pressing the issue." If we really cared about you, and if we really weren't cheating on you or planning to cheat on you, we would tell you something like, "I am not cheating on you, I love you, and I would never do that. I don't care if we have to stay up all night, for the next week, and go over every single shred of doubt that's currently troubling you about this. I have nothing to hide, I would never cheat on you, and I don't want you thinking these things about me. Please tell me exactly why you think I am cheating, point by point, and I will do anything and everything that I have to do to prove to you that I'm not cheating, in order to ease your worried mind."
>Women are much hornier than men. Vastly, exponentially, hornier than men. A woman will do just about anything, sexually speaking, so long as she is fairly certain she won't get caught. For example, we will occasionally go out of town in order to rendezvous with a man we've been longing to fuck, and/or to have multiple sex partners in the same evening, and/or at the same time. This is something that hot women do, most especially. In our minds, it is a natural desire, and a natural thing, and so long as nobody else finds out, its game on. Women are receptacles for cock, that's how we have been biologically designed. Nothing feels better to us than being completely filled up with multiple penises, than being the center of sexual attention, than being the object of unbridled group lust. Since it's something we cant risk doing on our home turf (don't shit where you eat), we have to think outside the box, in order to get our boxes completely satisfied. And you might find this shocking, but many women, many, many women have sex with dogs on a routine basis. This is just one example of how insatiable we truly are. I can see why you might not believe it, to which I say, look really hard at all of the women you know who have dogs. Look at women who have dogs whenever you see them out on the street, in the act of walking those dogs. Or at the park. You will notice that most of them have male dogs, the vast majority, in fact. This isn't a coincidence. And look at all the female teachers who are exposed in the media for having sex with underage students. We have no self-control when it comes to sex or anything else, for that matter. To our way of thinking, losing control is what makes sex great. Doing anything that is taboo is what makes sex great.
u talk like a man. so i guess ur a fagot
This thread sucks.
>"Truth from the horsemouth"
>One (presumably) woman's opinion
I didn't read past "We" in your post because people shouldn't be categorized that heavily because of what one person who happens to be in a broad as fuck group they didn't choose has something to say. She(?) could be 100% correct but to treat the person's gender as proof that they're "in the know" or the top representative on the behaviors of 3.7+ billion people is fucking stupid.
>Women do not have female friends. We have female competition. We lie to our so-called female friends and pretend we are loyal and faithful to them, just like we do with the men in our lives. Secretly, we are jealous of each other, and we want all of the desirable things that other women have, most especially when it comes to our female friends things. And we consider men to be things. If one of our friends has a hot man, we want him to want us. We will do everything we can to seduce him. Not because we really want him, we don't really want anybody. We do it because we are rarely happy, and we don't want our girlfriends to be happy, either, and we want to boost our own egos more than anything else. And after we get him to fuck us, when our girlfriends find out that he has had sex with us, thats when we finally get what we wanted in the first place. If we break up the previously happy couple, thats fine, too. Its all about our pussy, not hers. Its about winning.
>Women want what they can't have. If a guy doesn't want us, it doesn't matter who he is, if we have expressed an interest in him, and he blows us off, or laughs at us, or sees us for the piece of crap that we really are, it will make us feel miserable inside, and we will pursue him to the ends of the earth.
>Women always lie about the number of sexual partners they have had. They also lie about not wanting men with large penises. If we told the actual truth about the number of different men and women we've slept with, and if we told the actual truth about our fervent desire for big dicks, our pool of potential suitors would shrink drastically, to the point where it would completely dry up. So we lie. Most often, we will claim that we've had between three and eight sexual partners in our lifetime. And, to our way of thinking, it isn't a lie, because if we had five sexual partners last Saturday evening, and our man asks us how many sexual partners we have had, and we answer, "Five", well, technically we aren't lying.
>All women hate themselves. And because we hate ourselves, we hate any man who doesn't see through our bullshit. The more a man loves us, the more we hate him. The more he overlooks our sins, and the more he fails to see how corrupt we are, and the more he gives us the benefit of every single doubt, the more we despise him. We will escalate our bad behavior until we finally break him and he wakes up and realizes how worthless we are and what a fool he has been for believing in us.
>Women don't want a man who wants us. We want a man whom we can't have. We want a man who honestly doesn't give a fuck about us, who doesn't care if we come or go. That's the kind of man we will pursue. Call them bad boys or call them whatever you want, thats the kind of man we want, period. The kind of guy who will make us orgasm, crudely, and give us a huge sexual thrill in the bedroom, and then discard us like used toilet paper, and fuck our female friends afterwards, just because he can. (Just like we would do with his male friends.)
>All women are masochists. And all hot women are narcissistic masochists. We hate it when things are going well, especially if they continue to go well for long periods of time. We know down deep that we are fucked-up and not worthy of anything that is truly good. So when things are going well in a relationship, we eventually sabotage it. We just can't help ourselves in this regard. We could have the greatest, most handsome, most well-hung husband in the world, a one-of-a-kind man who makes all of our girlfriends jealous; we could have the greatest children in the world, who are beautiful, well-behaved and ambitious; we could have the most enviable career imaginable; we could have all of the money and prestige and the truly good things in life, and we could repeatedly tell ourselves over and over, and believe, on the surface, that we would never cheat on our husbands. But down deep we know that its a lie. Because one day, we could walk into a grocery store, and some bad boy could whisper just the right combination of words in our ear, and the next thing you know, we're at the Motel 6 getting it in the ass. Thats just how we are, and any woman, especially a hot woman, any woman who says otherwise, is a liar.
so stop it or you will get hurt badly and probably end up in a worse spot than now, being a robot is a position that many bitch ass boys that worship our feets will actually kill to be in.
yes guys a r9k womenposter is typing at 500 words per minute from the horses mouth. kys virgin larper
yeah im not gonna read all that
why exactly do you think a single person's opinion is some sacred truth? if i say "as a man, all men want to stick their dicks into running fans" would you believe that as well?
>with the power of his conviction and the power of his action
Here's the kicker: this literally doesn't mean anything. Since there is absolutely no power that a man can have over a woman except a legitimate threat of bodily harm or death, which are of course ludicrous in the modern world, it just means that a woman will still do whatever the hell is in her head anyway.
If you disagree, tell me exactly what kind of "power" can a man exert over a woman and how?
Pure conjecture here but ever notice how people can lose their shit in a forest or strange city at night or during a horror movie or game even if there's no actual present danger? Their bodies are reacting to the situation as if there actually is shit in the present environment that's going to kill them or worse right? Theoretically, couldn't a man elicit a similar response in his woman and then have that power over her?
This is a copypasta
but if women really don't want anything, they really want a guy who won't put up with their shit, who will own them like a pet, who won't care if he has her, etc.
why do men who give up because they see this shit not get attention, and why do women try to bitch the men who gave up back into their submission.
No, not really, because she can call his bluff any time and he can't do shit. Unless she's very naive and inexperienced. She'll learn that literally in her first relationship.
I'm an actual fembot so I'll give my own $0.02. Women vary greatly just as men do. There are some general similarities, but there will always be outliers.
They like to strive for "hot" guys and are extremely put off by men who are awkward. Women are generally more agreeable but the ones who aren't tend to absolutely psychotic. Be weary of these women because they will not hesitate to ruin you. Women don't care about dick size unless you have an actual micropenis. They like to brag about dick size like trophies but an average man is best for sex.
Women do not all cheat behind your back and fuck your best friend. Shitty people do those things, male or female.
Women hate being denied sex because the barrier for entry is so low.
A good woman will think of little things to make your life easier and try to be reassuring. When you do something wrong she'll let you know rather than being passives aggressive. She'll try to understand what goes on in your head not to test you, but to understand you and offer the best support possible.
speak for yourself. I'm really not as you've described whatsoever.
I don't see how calling bluffs is relevant, remember you know you're safe in real life when you play a horror game, "Oh that's not real" doesn't seem to actually take most people out of it and they still get scared or feel a sense of foreboding.
It seems like this kind of principle would be an advantage in a relationship, at least in the context you gave.
>We know down deep that we are fucked-up and not worthy of anything that is truly good.
Am I to believe a woman authored this?
I haven't seen this salty of a larp in a minute
nice damage control over there fembot but lets be serious and admit that you lied there
from the info I got on this it seems is veridic since a woman on her deathbed told this guy everything you wrote
>you wrote
damn you auto corrector
written here I meant
If I tell you that I talked to this 30 year old chick with cancer and told you that she said things that will open your eyes to how women /really/ are and you just believed me without asking for proof of any kind or you didn't try to question how someone who didn't live past 30 could speak for half the population then you'd be the easiest sucker in the world to sell bridges to.
t. Gets his contempt for people from actual facts and not stories.
If this is so false, then why are all you roasts so desperate to disprove it.
Cute fan fiction