Is there any plan for a counter attack? Or are we just gonna sit and be cucked by tumblr?
/General/ Quarters
what are they going to do? Post gore? Post porn? Tell people to kill themselves? The only way to even differentiate themselves from any anons is to be nice to everyone and support people
I would like that
Jow Forums pls go, we don't care about your false flags.
who really care about this stupid fucking website
I've been told to kms here so many times by normies they deserve it
who gives a fuck? i can't believe people still do this site war shit after the age of 13
I really hope this works. Its been a good run, but this website needs to shut down.
That would be a great twist of fate
>be cucked by tumblr
Did you just hop off the boat from reddit or what OP. Tumblr has tried this 4 (4) times already. This entire website is shitposting, "raiding" it has ZERO effect
Saged fag
They can't shut down this site. They're too retarded to actually do anything technically involved in shutting down a website, like a denial of service. They're just gonna raid like they've done before, but it doesn't matter, this site is Tumblr 2.0 anyways after their initial raids years ago.
They're only gonna raid the shitty boards too. They're not even going after the actually entertaining and enjoyable ones. Let them have it, this site fuckin sucks already.
Legitimately give me a reason why I should care.
Mods are deleting discussion about this on other boards. Mlpol net is allowing discussion of the Tumblr raid.
>hahahhahaha TUMBLUYR WAWRS hahahahahaha
I looked at that tumblr, I think it's satire
It's been years and they still haven't succeded at closing down this shithole.
I hope they do it this year so that all the infected normiescum ruins others parts of the web thus ending normie activity on the internet once and for all.
No matter how you see it, it's a win for us.
Tbh boards like /b/ are going to be the first ones to fall
>oh look it's this "raid" again
Please. It never does anything.
Just counter like we always do- duck rolling to zoophila, posting gore and rape porn etc
this. OP is actually stupid enough to fall for some shitty falseflag
>shitting in the toilet of the internet and call it a "raid"
ah yes, surely this time we will notice their efforts. we should be scared.
just to prove their point? Give fuel to the their fire? Just fucking ignore them. These are the same kind of people that tried to arrange tumbler convention (dashcon) a couple of years ago.
Do you really consider them a threat to anything?
This site has survived alot more sophisticated attacks than these morons can ever concieve of.
I'll show up instead of sitting on a pron board on 8c han
>This site has survived alot more sophisticated attacks
never forget
story of what happened here?
google Jow Forums.hta
it's the reason we have captchas now
oh that was a great one.
I just miss when mootykins interacted with us the most. Back before everything. When he could just show up and it WOULDN'T completely and entirely derail the thread, only partially.
>mfw these two images are forever burnt into my mind
Heh first post best post again.
sigh, I miss moot, though I completely understand why he left this sinking ship behind. Hope he's doing well.
I give Jow Forums another 5-7 years untill something gives in. Server costs, goverment intervention due to retard incels shooting up another high school, new censor/copyright laws, etc etc
I just dont see how this place can stay up. It has stagneted.
Maybe I'm just getting old and tired of the place.
>planning anything on normie get drunk and blow shit up day
Good luck.
Of course he left this sinking ship, he put the holes in the hull because of butthurt to begin with. He threw us under the bus then sold us off to hiroshimoot because he couldn't take the ribbing about getting cucked, especially after he pushed politics into the limelight on this site by taking a stance on gg.
this is just some false flag bait set up by some Jow Forums user, i saw this same stuff on /v/ yesterday
Honestly, Completely ignoring them during the "raid" would probably cause them as much harm as if we retaliated desu.
>take down Jow Forums
lol nigga you cant take down Jow Forums, we can't be stopped
Anyone else remember TTG vs. 7s?
>Actually being worried about this
They'll come here, post their dumb shit, it gets deleted by mods and that'll be the end of that
I know it's fake but I just want an excuse to unleash the most degenerate bytes on my hard drive.
If someone were to hypothetically false-flag it we'll have the excuse to anyways
go away Jow Forums
it was funny back in 2014 but it's old now
The plan is spread right-wing memes and talking points throughout social media. Same as always.
I feel like most oldtimers want this place to end. lord knows i do.
just ignore them. They draw power from attention and you are giving them exactly that.