Why do socialist males all look the same?

Why do socialist males all look the same?

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im a socialist and I look nothing like them

also most guys that look like them have girlfriends

Why do all young American men look like this?

Attached: heimbach_2.jpg (2048x1536, 488K)

They just don't have that right wing beauty i guess

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It's all the S O Y.

And then there's this faggot.

>also most guys that look like them have girlfriends
"we have an emotional connection, not a sexual one"

How come all japanese girls look like this?

Attached: 1529870911686.jpg (1800x1205, 387K)

Better than leftypol fags.

Attached: leftypolmeetup.jpg (1600x900, 155K)

How come all Dylan's look like this?

Attached: 1529646294991.jpg (1600x900, 114K)

what? absolutely qt? Even the two uggos in the back are perfectly huggabe qts.

>tfw no short commie CCCP gf pussi to violently throw around in the bedroom as she secretly desires.

They're like NPCs from total war games that didn't get many models because they weren't supposed to be used very often

no im pretty sure every single guy in that picture has gotten laid

>also most guys that look like them have girlfriends

Funny how I don't respect them all the same isn't it? I'd rather die a virgin than become some goofy mass culture consuming shitty beard and glasses bugman. That's not a cope, I really mean it.

Yeah and they don't particularly care about the respect they get from someone on Jow Forums's Jow Forums board

They still got some pussy

>tfw vote Trump and hate basedboys but still a virgin
Meanwhile reddit faggots have nintendo switches, wives, and even children.

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Nice try leftypol, lets see what you look like.

We have tryhard in sunglasses, nigress and neckbeard mcgee.

The left look like shit and carry guns around like fucking dangerous cocksuckers the left are. You never see the right carrying around guns at meetups and events.

Attached: leftypoltryhards.jpg (745x474, 134K)

That's what I'm getting at buddy. They all seem to look absolutely amazing. Those japanese males don't know how good they have it.

Should I go to the next Reddit meetup for the lulz?

This is the infamous "onions boy mouth open with switch" guy

Sounds exactly like a socialist to me

Attached: soyboy.png (863x217, 60K)

>You never see the right carrying around guns at meetups and events

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That get fucked by other men.

>That get fucked by other men.
No not really

>All the socialist groups here are filled with just like 60+ year old trotskyists who haven't moved passed Leninism shit.
>KPRF is filled with all hot young girls and the membership is trending younger overall
>Don't even have DSA style hipster socialist group here.

Why even live?

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Leftist Socialist Trump-Hating Redditors
>family men
>high paying tech jobs
>wholesome recreation with basic consoles playing games that people recognize
>full beards

Alt-Right Trump-Loving Jow Forumstards
>underage or an adult living at home with no girlfriend
>minimum wage jobs
>builds a super computer worth thousands to play obscure strategy games and RPGs that no one cares about

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Most of the memes I have seen about reddit tell me allot of people are unironcally cuckholds there

memes you've seen about reddit are memes that exist about people on the internet. A certain people aren't drawn to reddit other than "uses the internet"

One of the most active subreddits on reddit is a trump support board. Are those people cucks too?

Damn he has a really pretty red head wife

I was a computer science major. Almost everyone in my classes were right wing. They loved Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.

>tfw there's no irl nazbol gang presence in america

>Are those people cucks too?
unironically yes

That's because you went to BYU tard. Most of my fellow CS majors were chinese and didn't give a shit about amerifat politics.
>liking AJ and Glenn Beck
You have to be 30 or older for this to even be possible.

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Trump is still pro-Juche though so you may have a chance.

I was a computer science major at stanford, nope everyone here was left wing

>implying those children are theirs
>insisting those men are happy family guys and not just betabux

this, i'm a right wing canuck who goes to a small university in a small town, it's expected that everyone here is either hard right populist or marxist. fucking small town white people are a bunch of extremists

I was born in 1986 so I barely fall under your 30 and older category. My point is computer science majors are right wing.

i actually only come here becuase it is interesting to look at faces with this clarity a dn how happy thoguhtless in joy they are. thy never r9k would come and bash them but aaaaa are they wrong we'll call them cucks and we'll the people that call them cucks on r9k, all on r 9 k. how evolushinised we are men

>defending those basedboys

>basedboy detected

Not defending, just stating a fact

>They still got some pussy
Who gives a fuck
Like that's worth anything

They're NPCs. They don't care what I think. I don't care what they think.

Those guys do get laid, I've seen it, they're got some fatass girlfriends and wives, many of them even got kids and a nice home. For how much Jow Forums makes fun of them, these types tend to be contributing more to the white race genetically. They're just bland uninteresting people though. They just followed the track a nerdy person was told to follow, buy into mass nerd culture, get a job in STEM, act goofy and don't take yourself too seriously, act supportive of liberal and feminist causes, buy the home, have the kids, get the wife. Have one conventional unconventional hobby or passion.

I know one of them very close to me. Objectively they're actually more intelligent than me. More successful than me. More socially skilled than me. Yet I don't want to be him. They're just such generic people. They're just such genuinely fucking uninteresting people. Such forgettable people.

At least a 30 year old virgin has something interesting about him, even if people give him shit for it. The Jow Forums user that's so mentally disabled they're unable to leave their house, they're worse people, but they have some interesting views, they're closer to the rawness of life. The arrogant misanthropes who hate everybody here? At least they have their own personality.

It seems irrational how much I dislike the bugmen. It seems shocking that I'm not jealous of them. They just seem to live life with their eyes closed though. They never seem to have a single interesting insight on life. They never seem to have any complexity. Any uniqueness. They're just forgettable boring people. I'd rather hang with anybody on Jow Forums and I think ya'll are fucking shit. When I'm not hanging on Jow Forums I'm hanging with alt-right morons, a bunch of artsy hippies, and athletes and professional personal trainers. Rather hang with them than do a GOT viewing party or LAN party with the bugmen.

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You went to school with rich kids. Rich kids are more liberal.

Because they are slaves to hive mind mentality, hence why they are all socialist fags

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Pic related is apparently a soiboi

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he'll eventually lose his nintendo switch in the divorce proceedings

She wouldn't divorce him, she's devoutly christian as is he

I always forget that Jow Forums is mostly children who cannot grow beards and boomers who look like Santa when they do. No wonder they are angered by bearded young men.

>beautiful Christian wife
>white children
>wholesome fun video games

Maybe being a basedboy ain't so bad

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They would never call Jow Forums cucks because they're incapable of saying anything mean about another person ever or of holding any strong opinions not related to which comic book hero would beat the other comic book hero up.

It's almost like having a beard, glasses, and liking nintendo has NOTHING TO DO with political stances or something

>and didn't give a shit about amerifat politics.

That's because Chinese are Wumao Commie nutters who think China and it's Leninism is going to take over the world in the next few decades and the west and capitalism are in terminal decline

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Becoming a BASEDboy is the modern day equivalent of a man taking the bluepill. It's weird how I don't want to take the bluepill. But I don't. I really don't.

It's a comfortable life, but I just don't want it. I honestly feel like I can be more than them. I feel like I can be more than a fucking photocopy.

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This is the average Jow Forumstard

It's just some edgy kid who believes he is the unique one out of billions of other people

they don't all look the same the 4th one doesn't have a beard

>you will never have this

It's time to drink the onions anons

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Because we do not separate ourselves by more than name. You can't have a nightmare if you never dream.

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ahahaha oh you have no idea. immigrant chinese are the most conservative demographic in canada, we have a lot who unironically think trump is good because they hate muslims and people who migrate anywhere illegally

doug ford literally won in my province because of all the chinese voters in toronto swinging the election because they wanted to save money and didn't like that the liberals wanted to teach their kids about sex in schools

>doug ford literally won in my province because of all the chinese voters in toronto swinging the election because they wanted to save money and didn't like that the liberals wanted to teach their kids about sex in schools
Also because they want to keep on buying your real estate. But yeah keep on buying the whole BASED IMMIGRANT meme cuck.

Hey uh did you know not all Dylans look like this? Some look like this!

Attached: raise the roof.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

More and more, people who hate leftist back into a corner

>I don't want to pay taxes
>I don't want a family
>I don't want to be like others
>I don't want to have a loving wife
>I don't want to play the games they play

Meanwhile, leftists don't give a fuck and "invade" all your safespaces as they take over that media and content for themselves. So again, which is the group full of alphas?

I'm not talking about xpats but the foreign students who are sent over by the CCP to basically spy on research in western universities.

Pic related of a Chinese student meetup at the University of Illinois.

Attached: universityofillinois.jpg (390x300, 30K)

lol where did i imply doug ford is good

All these alt right fags and tankies

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desu I quit anime because mentally ill discord trannies were spamming it everywhere

*small souled bugmen

shieeeet user how do you walk with that bad brain of yours? your twisted absolutely twisted

What if you're an NPC and don't realize it?

what if we're all npcs

>I stole daddy's AR!

will have to check it out, then. random chinese female students talk to me way too much. perhaps they're trying to get information out of me

Both the progressive movement and alt-right movement are pretty idiotic in themselves. One are just the unknownly (sometimes knowngly, depending on the person) pawns of corporate stooges while the other are barely even comprehensible in what they actually want other than "muh white race" and would devolve into shitflinging over pointless schematics if they would ever obtain any kind of power.

Just be your own man with your own values and look to reform as our solutions for the problems we face in civilized society. Not some kind of barbaric revolution.

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I won't deny having an ego, but that's not my source of contempt for the BASEDboys. The BASEDboys don't have an ego, that's why they make asses of themselves making silly faces on social media. I think they're worse than other niches of people I'm also not a part of. They're worse than commies. Worse then environmentalists. Worse than the alt-right. Worse than artists. Worse than athletes. Worse than cooks. Worse than SJWs. Worse than fucking any goddamned group you can name.

I just have such deep seering contempt for them I think because I recognise they have intelligence generally. Nevertheless they live such a boring fucking consumerist wagie conformist lifestyle. They remind me a LOT of yuppies. The yuppies seemed successful, yet you were never envious of them, because it was like they sold themselves to the borg.

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>unironically using altright
am i on fucking facebook right now?

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>tfw China is going to destroy America eventually and business doesn't care because China makes them so much money
Godspeed Xi.

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The funnyest part about that is that its all airsoft

dont post anime ever again ok sweetie facebook time


is this the thread where we post ugly pictures of people on the other side of the political spectrum to make up for our own faults and insecurities? If so take so ugly leftyfags

Attached: leftypol.jpg (960x720, 184K)

Amazing post user, I couldn't have said it any better myself. The reason they are hated because they lack a soul. Even the most autistic r9k retards has some what of a soul. The bugman is like water or stale organic bread. The robot r9kr is like a week old pizza, at least the pizza still has flavor to it.

Seriously wtf. Why can effeminate guys like that get girla while i cant

That image is like 10 years old.

The guy in gray probably has an amazing boypussi

They're both devout Christians

Okay, but the one in the Fred Perry is cute.

I would say to be fair, in most cases the children are actually theirs.

They DO let their fatass wives get fucked by other men though and masturbate to it. They beileve this is enlightened.

Get the fuck out of here with your faggotry
I wonder what they look like now

this is what you chose to slander leftists? They have a legit qt in a not so large group and hell a couple of normal looking guys

Attached: decentratio.png (960x717, 1.29M)

None of them are really ugly user

I hate nick and his mind raping, doesn't mean I can't like traps.

Makes sense. Any guy can get a girl if he's devout christian.

Atheism is the incel's religion

Liberals in 2016
>couldn't even beat le evil cheeto man
>cucked themselves constantly despite having control over the media and government
Liberals in 2018
>winning everywhere
>chasing Trump officials out of restaurants
>openly calling for anarchy and the abolition of ICE
>de-platforming right wing activists everywhere
What the fuck happened?

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Still cucked out of the supreme court though

When you give idiots a platform, people finally get to recognize them for what they are

>the absolute state
ya that girl is a qt but don't push it boys also i would have chosen that guy in the back wearing a beanie instead of the bowlhair cut guy when choosing normal looking dudes.

>What the fuck happened?
You know how people backed trump cause they got tired of being called racist and such? Guess whos tired of being called basedboy cucks now.

Fixed that image for you, it was missing something

Attached: commie gets blacked.png (697x720, 382K)

You're on Jow Forums user. I have rock-bottom standards, none of them are obese so they're all attractive in my book.

They all youthmog me to hell and back.


lel. you said it yourself, they have autism. there's no original or creative thought expressed here. basedboys are bad, but robots are 3 steps lower.