Why do so many young boys fall for the tranny meme?

I don't mind more boipussy to fuck, but it's a bit sad, isn't it?

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You do not know how bad things really are

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I wish I was a cute grill irl

she is cute
she is a solid 7/10, possibly much higher if she altered the jew nose


She has a rat face and the physique of a quarterback, but if you're into that...

user have you considered skipping straight to the chase and just dating men?

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>user have you considered skipping straight to the chase and just dating men?
some men are cute too

requesting the story of the guy who got the vagina operation then regretted it immediately because it's basically a huge seeping infected pus filled wound that you have to forcefully keep open with objects 12 hours a day

Less and less are, you lying tranny. Trannies always lie.

I h8 captchas

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they doing the best they can to enjoy life, that said it makes me sad to see feminine penises go away and I do subscribe to the idea that SRS is basically creating an artificial wound

You are fucking delusional. And I say that as an ok/slightly above average tranny.

>its not a mental illness

How is a wound artificial? If some wanker shivs your kidney, is that wound artificial because a person made it or is it just a wound?

Faggots may find "feminine dicks" appealing but the truth is that an average tranny is interested in people who actually want a girl and I can assure you normal people or normalfags will throw up if you even mention "feminine penis" cause desu it's just a retarded trap meme. a penis is the most manly feature of a human, whether you want to accept it or not.

Looks a lot like fresco

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Made me feel sick. Why do people do this to themselves?


Mental illness, delusion, and at the cost of sounding like a conspiracy nut I'd say big pharma plays a role in it too

Once you get these trannies on hormones they are customers for life

kek seriously does, fucking amazing

Gay spergs have problems being gay so they think they need to be girls.

She already had a boipussy. I would fuck her as a dick girl but fake vaginas are just gross.

Bullshit. Tons of men will date a team my with a penis as long as her outward appearance is feminine

a tranny

The feminists response to Freud's theories regarding penis envy largely deal with it no so much being about sex as it does with the power and privilege afforded men in a patriarchal society. Using their own rhetoric such a trend as this would be indicative of a society in which women rather than men now have things easier and carry more privilege

Rarely does a tranny even look good to begin with lmao. They have to transition while in puberty. It's also a mental illness and being with someone mentally ill is a burden.

You're just low test. Compared to high test men trannies are feminine.

HE looks like a blobfish
Fucking gross

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Is this the hambeast /tv/ gets off to when they eat fatty foods? Is that considered a feeder fetish if you're not directly feeding the person, but watching them get fat?

Its artificial because you are keeping it from closing you fucking brainlet
A natural wound is one that heals itself

Did he lose weight? I remember seeing webms of him pounding down burgers and wearing mumu's

Transsexualism is at its height of popularity with being a member of LGBT considered trendy. Weak, dangerously mentally ill, feminine men don't want to continue being excluded to they become trannys so they have a group they can cling onto. Also the idea of being a cute girl where the world literally pampers you is a very appealing concept. Unfortunately you're very unlikely to pass and even less likely to be considered attractive. Why do you think suicide rates amongst the transgender community is so high? They finally sober up to what abominations they really are and end up taking their own life

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>She has a rat face
So she's white?

It's what happens when the population runs at 1.06 males per female
I always find it funny when people talk about alphas and betas. It's really supply and demand

what's with the fish lips?

what? rat face is jewish, not white