go make a tinder right now and use a chad pictures and see how much personality matters
Go make a tinder right now and use a chad pictures and see how much personality matters
I hope someone sends this picture to her after she hits the wall.
I don't think you guys understand how over it is
She's not wrong tho.
>tfw you realize this probably happened with you and your ex
Is it weird that i want to torture her to death?
tinder is dead
nowhere near as many girls as there were a couple of years ago.
yeah, that is pretty weird.
What are you fucking new here or some thing?
There were tons of posts in the last few months of anons doing this and posting the conversations.
We already know how it goes
I love this woman. At least she's not virtue signaling or spewing bluepilled lies. She's just brutally honest.
Can't be bothered, can you do it for me
This was a real redpill for me and I suggest everyone do it just to see what the other side is like
I even put that I was a registered sex offended looking to start a new life and I got assloads of matches and a few single moms straight up asking if i wanted to fuck that weekend
It was worse than I thought not gonna lie
Whats wrong with guys?
If i was theoretically smashing some thot and i found out she had a bf id tell him
Loving reminder to everyone that it is the betalet whiteknights fault this is happening.
If men stopped lining up with their dicks out just for a chance at pussy, women would actually have to be held accountable.
she's exactly the type of woman that would go "were have all the good men gone" while also telling you that you don't deserve sex
So... All women?
it's never going to happen though. men are the beggars and women are the choosers. that shit is ingrained in biology.
maybe if we love long enough for fully immersive vr or sexbots
You thought the redpill was bad, just wait until you take the blackpill by writing the same shit and not saying you're doing anything to get your shit back on track. Women will still be more than happy to go to your motel room.
You're absolutely correct. In fact, the threshold for available men to women as a ratio only increases thus bottle-necking the sexual economy. While this doesn't cause permanent entropy, the caveat is that men (both voluntary and involuntarily) drop out or the market, yet women STILL get more than they're worth.
I did this experiment like 2 yrs back and I have a gf now and had similar results, but none from girls that seemed remotely interesting to me (college sluts, single moms). However, posting screencaps of single moms (who got into that position for a reason) isnt exactly showing how most women act.
I'd like to say you can all make it, but just holding my breath for it to blow up and leave me worse off than before. Going good so far though (6 months)
>Make an account on an app thats just for sex
>Is surprised when the girls there are looking for just sex
>Is surprised when people don't read profiles because they just want sex and dont care about your hobbies
You retarded or something?
"Neve"r is a strong word, so let us say that there is very rarely a more apropos time to sing wake me up insidecan't wake up!
This isnt supposed to be a "gotcha! Women are sluts" thing because theyre on tinder. It just shows how different it is for robots. Try having a convo (assuming you can get a match) with your pics vs chad's
This is why people go ER
Then why not go for a girl thats average or below instead of 10/10 stacy?
Contrary to what Jow Forums believes not all girls are looking for a hyper chad to prolapse their vagina
actually rape is ingrained in biology.
>she still cant imagine that a human can not have a wide choice of potential sex partners due to their sex and looks
Unlike you, we cant just choose an average girl because theyre all vying for Chad
Is this your first day on this board?
>because theyre all vying for Chad
But thats wrong user. You've been stuck in the Jow Forums echochamber for so long that its warped your way of thinking
Girls are people just like you, they're not all looking for a 10/10 billionaire. Lots just want a good guy with similar hobbies
Most just acquire the one their boyfriend is doing.
I'm not opposing your argument, but girls with real hobbies besides maybe some sports are hard to find.
Overall most of them seem to be less invested in anything, really.
t. hobby-pro
Do you know this from having lots of female friends or from browsing Jow Forums?
Even if you do have some female friends it seems obvious you would be biased towards then, thats what living in an echochamber does to you
It's not looking good for the bottom 80% of men. Women's standards just keep going up.
I dont get it. Can someone explain this? Why are males the ones that actively search and fight for sex while females can pick and chose? What is the biological factor(s) behind this? Do guys simply truly want sex more than women?
Looking for friends discord: azul#8892
I gave up, internet age made women even more entitled than they usually are. The best we can do is go full celibate or get Jow Forums and try to score some thots.
>Do guys simply truly want sex more than women?
Yes, so they will be more active and desperate in searching for it
Getting Jow Forums wont change your height, jawline, symmetry of your face, the depth of your voice, hairline, etc. It was over for us the moment our parents decided not to abort us.
that feel when your dad is attractive and your sister got his good genes.
that feel when I got my mothers genes and have a big nose, weak chin and no cheek bones.
Genetics is fucked man.
Yes user, there is not a single man with any of those negative traits that manages to get a gf
Nope, none at all
I mean, its not like girls are human and care about personality or anything
>women when given the choice aren't going to go for boring beta bitch bois
>men will still fuck any women no matter how boring, fat or dumb, thus reinforcing the belief that they're all amazing
>somehow men are surprised that 98% of women are now vapid whores who pick and choose
>implying whatever outliers and anecdotes you bring up mean that your average loser here, already cut down by rejection and doubt, will magically be able to score a decent woman
No user, not by magic
But by actually working to improve yourself so that you are actually worth a girls time
not that user, but PLEASE enlighten me on in which way am I supposed to improve myself, and how
>Worth a girls time
>Implying a girls time is worth anything
Stop putting pussy on a pedestal faggot.
There are lots of ways, exercise being the most obvious one
You could also pick up a productive hobby such as music or writing
Possibly volunteer somewhere or join a club
There are lots of ways
productive hobbies or exercise don't matter if I start hyperventlating if a girl starts talking to me for some reason desu yo.
the best I can do I feign indifference
But productive hobbies and exercise are great at raising a persons confidence, which can help with being very nervous around girls
the hobbies I have only raise confidence in muh smart and muh stronk
maybe I should find a calligraphy club or something....
p.s. I am actually a uni student, so I'm getting some socialization, but ugh
>just improve yourself bro
how. not only is that incredibly vague, but girls want different things in men (outside of alpha fucks, beta bucks). additionally, the type of people here who look to improve are ready to quit if they don't see any positive results from them burning up their time. they are pessimistic and hate to be disappointed yet another time, they hate to see their effort go in vain.
>get Jow Forums
>still be socially retarded
>still have a host of other flaws
also what is productive in adding more derivative garbage in the already massive pile of media to sift through. volunteer work gets you nothing but a virtuous feeling, something you only get if you're already a normalfag.
>no evidence or reasoning of any kind to support this
I don't want to be as negative as this user, but i actually have two hobbies + exercise + study + work
and I've lost count to time when I was doing either and tearing up saying to myself
>what I am doing this for?
some time ago I tried to get closer to one girl, asking her directly to date, but some events happened, and it feels like it's not going anywhere, and whatever I do will ruin it either way
you all will learn to regret deifying women
he's obviously not her bf anymore you muppet
>Girls are people
When will this meme die?
>made a tinder account
>0 matches after a week
>make a chad tinder account 12 hours ago with a bio calling them all whores
>12 matches and counting
kek, i'm truly fucked.
and here's my actual account after a week. pretty heartbreaking honestly.
i'll make an Jow Forums decides thread in a few hours, i'm currently playing vidya and most of them wont respond at this time anyway
how does tinder work? is it only for mobile? do i need to buy swipes?
Men attack the man that she cheated with rather than the female ironically.
You realize that right?
You're asking for an ass beating if you rub it in that you fucked his girl.
Plus he won't believe it.
NOrmalfaggots are that conflicted.
user when I try tinder with my own pics I'm not even allowed to try and talk to any of the girls, I don't get a single match after trying for a year. If I put up a Chad pic I'd get tons of matches from women of all attractiveness levels.
>Lots just want a good guy with similar hobbies
>make a fun bio with a few jokes and mention my interests
>mention i like anime and vidya
>link my spotify to show i like screamo, punk and midwest emo
>super like all girls with similar interests
>not a single match
>not just from girls i super liked, just no matches at all
>chad accounts get 100s of matches regardless of what's in their bio, even if they say blatantly sexist stuff
What chad pics do you robots use for this?
ii just went to /soc/. alternatively, you can go to Jow Forums or /fa/
>Possibly volunteer somewhere
>join a volunteer group based on this advice
>lots of women few men
>women never want to speak to the male volunteers more than necessary
>few community service and on probation criminals forced to volunteer by the court
>women love to talk to them, many hook up and date them
>beta male volunteers are disgusting to women
Don't fall for it bros
Would you swipe right if the girl had crooked teeth and was an uggo but her profile talked about her "great personality"
Don't take it personally but if your born ugly then sadly Tinder isn't the way to go. Neither it is for ugly girls. Sure they might have a slightly bigger chance than you but that's just the virtue of having a pussy.
tl;dr quit tinder and "quick fuck apps" and instead try dating websites or just meeting people in real life.
>Would you swipe right if the girl had crooked teeth and was an uggo but her profile talked about her "great personality"
Not that user, but yes 100% yes yes yes I would swipe right
Then I think your a decent person most likely. The problem though is that because of all the lowlife desperates many women are turned off by someome willing to give them a chance simply because of past expieriences
>see how much personality matters
It doesn't if you're into hookup culture and onenightstands but it clearly does when you're going for a long term relationship.
Find a woman, not a bitch and avoid ( ( (Datin Apps) ) )
I'm not a decent person, if I was I'd be able to get a gf like all those people say it's not just looks.
I recently met my current girlfriend over Tinder 2 months ago. We are in a happy, sexually active relationship esp since it was a first for both of us. But I have had a few girlfriends and I am her first boyfriend. Although she isn't exactly IG thotty looking, but she is still hella cute and I feel lucky to have her. Basically if it happened to me, it could happen to you so never give up hope Anons
>Basically if it happened to me, it could happen to you so never give up hope Anons
>I've had girlfriends
You are nothing like us robots, shut the fuck up
personality is the only thing that matters for actual relationships.
you have more options to slam if you're more attractive, but that shouldn't be a surprise. shouldn't necessarily matter, sex addicts who actually fuck random women all the time are usually ugly guys lol. chad and brad don't need to use tinder if they can just fuck the girls in their social circle or at parties.
>use a fake account and assume nobody else is using a fake account lol!
"good men" as in handsome alpha males who aren't assholes.
Not average beta males.
>sluts on hookup apps care about appearance
>this ugly bitch allows herself "not to settle"
this world is over
>men allow her "not to settle"
Take a second look at her. She already hit it face first. It's only that she "settled" to be a wine sipping cat lady, instead of a mom and wife.
You're right everything in the world is men's fault and women are only helpless little innocent victims who don't think for themselves.
sad but true, all these fuccbois giving them huge egos
Isn't that what's the common opinion here? Women are mindless retards who need a strong male hand to guide them? So take responsibility for your dog and train it properly.
your problem isn't thinking that woman care about personality on tinder, it's that they don't care about personality at all. be tall, attractive, muscular, and rich. that's it. you can be a toxic dump of atomic shit and get away with it.
No women are evil vapid manipulative whores. Who care only about themselves and think of men as only tool to be used and not as human beings. What you think is what pick-up artists and stuff believe
t. bluepill cuckold
>"no women are evil vapid manipulative whores"
user, I find that awfully hard to believe.
the worst part is the retards are also lining up for literal 1/10 roasties making the think they ar 8s and above
What kind of pussy texts like that?
>start feeling lonely tfw no gf
>see a thread of this nature
>feel lonely no more and happy im not stuck with one of the bloodyfishjews
Bluepills think women are good dude
Exactly why not? You believe they are not human, that's not a harder belief than they are just bad humans?
A poor sap who thinks women can love men like men can love women
why is sex at the center of your guys lives? honestly lmao it only seems so good because you lack it. (not that I have any). who cares? jerk off and move on. for now at least.
Humans are social animals. Parents hold their children because a lack of skinship can fuck them up. Its been proven that even being picked last for sports can have damaging effects. Its not the sex per say. Its the lack of feeling desired or loved. Not being apart of the group. The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African Proverb
sorry can't relate
but I get it
check this
Why does the second woman look so greasy?
make up , sweat and flash
man I cant even begin to imagine whats life like for this guy (the real one, not the one catfishing). His looks can get him away with child rape. He probably get pussy thrown at him everytime he steps outside
>"Humans are social animals. Parents hold their children because a lack of skinship can fuck them up. Its been proven that even being picked last for sports can have damaging effects. Its not the sex per say. Its the lack of feeling desired or loved. Not being apart of the group. The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth"
that's really strangely phrased for a proverb but okay
you know it was the last line you autistic fuck
no one give a shit about your 'clever' comment
don't post if you have nothing add
She hit the wall coming out of her mother's uterus
You haven't taken the redpill until you've posed as a hambeast single mother
What is this shit? I'm extremely successful for my age and someone of my background.
What makes women worth MY time? Because you're semi attractive and have a pussy? Fuck you.
Has anyone actually done this? I feel it might be interesting to see
godspeed anons
please report back with your findings