How does Jow Forums feel about The Handmaid's Tale?

How does Jow Forums feel about The Handmaid's Tale?

I'm actually curious.

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what is this even? another shitty straight to hulu jewlu special?

n the near future, fertility rates collapse as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution.[5] With this chaos, the totalitarian, theonomic government of "Gilead" establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[6][7][8] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical regime of fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated, and by law are not allowed to work, own property, handle money, or read.[8] Worldwide infertility has resulted in the conscription of the few remaining fertile women in Gilead, called "Handmaids", according to an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah.[8] They are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape by their male masters in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives.

This really sounds like a series for r9k,I should give it a try.

From the thumbnail I thought they were doing a dark and gritty Gilligan's Island reboot.

i like it because it's essentially about women being cuckolded

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Too bad it will take a 180 turn and make the women steal the power from the men or some similar shit.

I want to run her jaw under an industrial saw as I guffaw and hurrah.

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It's what feminists think real life is like

You can tell that a woman wrote it from how ridiculous the story is

This sounds inefficient. It would be more effective to inseminate the women properly. Assuming they start fertilization at the age of 18 and stop at 30 that is 12 years or 144 months of baby making potential, that could easily produce 16 children assuming a single child in each pregnancy.

It is also unsustainable, even assuming the people not reproducing are fine with the wealthy taking all the fertile women, allowing only the rich to reproduce is just going to put the wealthy elite in a world where they exist alone. It is also against the statistical evidence that shows wealthy people have less children, most would be content with 1-2 kids so why would they need to continue raping people after that? It would make more sense to allow for a larger lower class population not a larger upper class one.

I swear poor people writing rich people as the bad guys is always amazingly out there stuff you see on screen. They all seem to think the wealthy want a world without the people below them, do they not realise that the wealthy exist because the people below them are so numerous and willingly to work for them?

It was a book too ya know. It's pretty good one of the classic feminist books written around the same time as them trying to add women to the Constitution

Made out with a chick, had this on in the background. Hard dick/10

The shows tries very hard to establish leftists as victims.
Thats about it.

It's the best dystopian TV show I've ever seen.

Fuck is The Handmaid's Tale?

Swastika Night for plebs. You are now enlightened and if a feminist tells you to watch this you can call her a stupid normalfaggot poseur.

Burdekin > Atwood

>inseminate the women properly
They are a theocratic dictatiorship, artificial insemenation is considerd sinful by their standards. They don't care what makes sense.
Also when you fuck them you get to fuck them, so it's better for them that way, I doubt most of them give a shit about repopulating.

The show makes me sad for the victims of Gilead, but turns me on because I'm a 20 year old sexually frustrated virgin.

Eden is the perfect waifu.

Looks trad. Definitely better than the world we live in now. But still extremely cringey judging by the type of people who watch it.

Garbage TV show that makes no sense, written as a feminist dystopia for "GIRL POWERRRRR". The book is also fucking trash.

Not so great for robots. Normal men aren't allowed to have sex or they'll be punished by law in the book. Only the important and rich upper class whose genes were supposed to be the ones that were propagated were allowed to conceive. So no gubbermint-mandated waifu for you, friend. You just get to sleep in barracks and release inside the arsehole of another man.

I spent a few years studying it in college, feel free to ask questions if someone so wants.

their objective is not repopulation its forming an elite using surrogacy and controlling who can breed more generally
the wife is present during insemination and basically pretends its her own vagina, they even have fake births when the child is born

what on earth was you studying in college?surely there isn't a course made around the plot of dystopian future some feminazi paints in that show.

its basically a load of horseshit, Western religious movements never work like this with the exception of maybe mormies and other very rare ethnoreligious groups. Every widespread trad-related change in the West will try to propagate families to stabilize society.

You can't actually leave most of the dicks dry, the havenots will pull you apart like a ragdoll before the next Star Wars movie comes out.

It's secretly an extreme feminist fantasy.
Alpha chads completely dominate everything and impregnate all the women with their seed and the beta bitch boys don't get anything and also somehow don't destroy everything because... the author bitch is an idiot.
The book/show is written to be some anti-patriarchy shit or whatever but tons of feminist women slick to it every night in secret.

PS the whole thing reeks of some 30-something year old boomer "liberal", who got mentally stunted 15 years ago and never came out of the height of Bush moralism.

>the evangelocons are coming! the evangelocons are coming!
>a-anymoment now

People like that ought to be medicated.

Roland from Gilead?