What is it about male virgins that makes it feel so right to ridicule and despise them?

What is it about male virgins that makes it feel so right to ridicule and despise them?

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May I borrow your shitty bait OP for a little test?
>less than 5 replies before 404
Still some hope, people either remember to sage or just ignore
>5-20 replies
Bad sign, especially if there are any serious replies.
Newfag cancer central, almost all hope is lost
We /reddit/ now

I would be good friends with the Romeo. We can discuss sounding, and I would love to know his life changing anime recommendation.

Why Me here, except I live alone which makes it 10 times worse, except that I can fap at will, which eases the pain. Also,
we been /reddit/ for about 7-8 years now, where the fuck have you been?

>Can recommend a truly life-changing anime
fuck, you got me there, hahaa

actually, I'm a bit of every kind, going into various extremes from time to time

Men are disposable and poeple like bringing down people below them so they feel higher by comparison.

>implying that women dont like money in nature
>implying that women have any worth apart from having a vag

>implying it's right or feels right
>implying you're a normalfaggot

We haven't been legit reddit for that long. Their incel board was only just banned like a year ago or two.

Hegemonic gender norms. Male incels, female whores
Turns out bourgeoisie feminists oppress women too

it's good to compare yourself to someone shittier than you and feel like "heh, at least I'm better than THAT loser". it's pretty much the sole purpose I come to Jow Forums

inb4 "u the phoney, dewd"

I fit perfectly with the denialist, except I'm also depressed

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>be me
>the "why me?"

No point in going on am I right?

heh. bump.

Attached: 10858630_4872125016354_3763206049152711553_n.jpg (465x444, 12K)

More like u the denialist, dewd.

where is the "multiple attractive girls have made the first move on me before and some even kept trying for months, but i was too much of a pussy to actually do something about it due to low confidence and low self-worth and fear of hurting them emotionally at some point and at this point actually stopped caring about girls and avoid them when possible because i will never change anyway so why bother"-virgin?

Go take your roastie bait somewhere else, please.

>we're hitting strawman leveIs that shouldn't be possible

That's The Phoney

but i don't have any friends at all anymore and i never lied about being a virgin. phoney doesn't quite fit for me.

>the "Romeo" is the least pathetic
Oh hey, I think the guy who made this infographic is a "romeo"

Why do you bring up this topic daily?

Because reproduction is prime directive of our species, and being an old, male virgin is nature's red flag signaling that this person is unfit to perform literally the one thing nature wants us to do?

Unless you have severe mental issues or physical deformities, then getting in normal shape, being hygienic, and learning how to act like a normal person for a few hours makes getting laid so much easier.

> tfw phoney
> tfw invited to parties
> tfw multiple female friends
> tfw no one knows I'm a virgin

Attached: Wake me up.jpg (800x522, 173K)

>the phoney except no friends and never been close to sex at all
The only phoney around is that pic, OP.

i am without a doubt 'The Denialist". every time i think about other people having sex, i usually just tell myself "it's a disgusting act of genital parts touching, and giving into your primal instincts as a low IQ mammal." I do think i am smarter than most people to not give into my primal insticts, however i know that a lot of non-virgins are still smarter than me in a lot of science areas.

>Isaac Newton
>Nikola Tesla
>Friedrich Nietzsche
all virgins

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Because you're not making the judgement. I most cases where you would ridicule someone, there's at least a hint of a feeling that maybe you're wrong; maybe you're overdoing it or going too far. Not so with male virgins. Society has already judged them for you - hundreds, thousands of women have already met them and passed judgement beforehand. You can ridicule them with no fear of mistake because it's been proven beyond a doubt that they deserve it.

yeah that's me on the right

I have elements of all five but the part about feeling anguish when somebody mentions their relationship hits too close to home

It's literally a roastie conspiracy to get men to give them more attention

Guess what porn, sex dolls, hobbies, poker night with the guys, jailbait, and video games have in common?

They all take attention away from roasties.

> Nietzsche
Do i really need to tell you that Nietzsche had sex at least once, contracting Syphillis from a whore?