Would you date a 3/10 if she had a personality better and more charismatic than 99,999% of people?

Would you date a 3/10 if she had a personality better and more charismatic than 99,999% of people?

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No. That's what friends are for.

Depends on what you mean by 3/10.

Loud and weird=/=charismatic

I don't care about charisma, I'd rather have someone really intelligent.

Only if she have good hygiene and is not fat

i believe this would be a 3

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So can you post an example of what you consider a 3/10?
And what does "charismatic" even mean?

>Would you date a 3/10 who thinks she has a personality better and more charismatic than 99,999% of people?

She looks like a guy.
Sorry, i wouldn't no matter how great her personality is.

charismatic=charismatic u dumb cunt

That's a 1.

And if by "charismatic" you mean "sassy", then HELL NAH.

That actually would deduct points and not add them.

Id fuck her probably, the only dif between friends and dating is fucking sooo

Would you date a 3/10 if he had a personality better and more charismatic than 99,999% of people?

If your answer is no, then my answer is no.

>decent body
Nah, that's a proper 3. Things can go MUCH worse for women than your cushioned life experience would tell you.

What's 1 if that's a 3?

>yes I am really outgoing and charismatic
>why don't I have friends?

Let's just change the premises

If the girl was 3/10 and your idea of an abselutely PERFECT personality, and also perfect to match with your own, whatever your definition of that is, would you date her?

fat, ugly faced and disproportionate.

Still a nope. People judge you for your mate as well, I'd probably fuck her nonetheless.

Face >>>>>> Body

>The term charisma has two senses:[1]

compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others
a divinely conferred power or talent

what if part of her personality that's perfect to me is her being self aware of how sexy she is, which would then deduct points if she's an ogre 3/10

Only if she is rich.

Would you date a literal 10/10 rarity that was abslutely BATSHIT?

The real question is if a 3/10 would want me over one night with chad.

absolutely yes. but only if i got to fuck her 2 or 3 times before she killed me or something

And you showed none of this.
There was this girl at my workplace that thought she was charismatic because she just said what she thought. But she was an order obsessed humorless naive one dimensional cunt with a special snowflake syndrom. And I am guessing you are the exact same.

Physical health matters.

I wouldn't because I want children, and forcing them to be that ugly would be cruel.

go on, fuck a 500kg landwhale then. the term shrimp-girl exists for a reason. Being fat implicates a whole bunch of mental problems as well.

WHat the fuck are you talking about retard? If you could read you would see that i never said i was charismatic wtf

A good personality is an incredibly vital and underrated trait in a partner, and you're saying she's in the top 0.001% of all mankind? As long as by 3/10 you don't mean overweight, I'd go for it. If she is overweight then I'd need a couple dates to decide.

So you are just orbeting OP?

Yes. If she was that charismatic she wouldnt fuck me though. She would charm Chad.

Yes, I'm a 3/10 too

A 1 would be acne/skin condition central. Excessively overweight/underweight and unhygienic. Also very probable to have a mental/genetic disability

>more charismatic than 99,999% of people?

The thing is that you can't be 3/10 and be that charasmatic. Body language plays a huge part in charisma and makes you look better by result. If someone synergized with me to that extent I'd still date them but be reasonable, most people have completely average personalities and are even cunts but I still get on with them.

Yes, but only if the 3/10 rating, is due to her having bdd and she is actually atleast 6/10 if not more.

Being fat affects their face too dumbass.

I would date a 3/10 with a boring mediocre personality as long as she actually liked me

I mean, the only difference between friends and relationship is sex, right ?

I really can't see other difference, you can fell love with your friends and not having sex.

Would be fine from behind I think. Also you can make women look better. Like with make up, and proper clothes she could easily pull a 6.

I love Veronika, I'm not good enough for a girl like that though

it's not the sole reason fat people are disgusting though
are you retarded? you missed the point entirely

sure but if she described herself that way, she probably isn't charismatic

>more charismatic than 99,999% of people?
Lmao yes, I'd pay her all my wages every month for the privilege of talking to her.

What are those?

there are more feminine traps out there than that horror

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>woman with a personality and charisma

So a mythical creature then?

You think she would settle down with blackops2cel or pic related? I mean, even ogres like that can find a desperate average looking beta that's willing to be with her.

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Whats the difference between friends/dating?
If its just fucking probably

I've given up on women.

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Source? Also that was almost me

Yes, but such a rating is in the eye of the beholder.


What is more important is the concious decisions that you make. Pick up a craft, a trade, personality, groom, dress well, etc.

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That's a 2 at best.

Nigger your retarded

How bad do you think the US reboot is going to be? I know it's gonna suck but I'll still watch it

>haha instead of spelling you're im gonna spell your because that is funny and original
pic related is you

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It is very VERY rare that I see women who could not look amazing if they put just a small amount of effort in. Women have it on easy mode, and yet we still have fat pigs slamming cake into their mouths claiming they were born fat and you should love them for being who they are.

Ummm no.

no, i wouldn't. i simply wouldn't be attracted to her.
the people here saying "oh i'd date any girl no matter how attractive she is" are either liars or have a very incorrect image of what a 3/10 girl looks like.

No, I'd need to be sexually attracted to a woman to date her.

I'd be your friend, though.

I don't think it's possible for a girl who takes care of herself to be a 3/10

basically by the rules of sexual attraction, a girl is always 6/10 or better

Autism is strong with this one.

As long as a girl takes care of her body, she almost always begins at a 5/10 or better.

4/10 or lower tends to be for the fatties.

>Would you date a 3/10 if she had a personality better and more charismatic than 99,999% of people?
Yes. I would do literally anything to speak to a girl who is that charismatic. I would even accept a guy even though I'm not gay.

Ehh, he has a point. It is kind of the same with movie reviews now. Everyone only utilizes 6/10 and up. Like, a 6/10 is a shitty movie.

If you utilize the whole spectrum, anything below 6/10 would be women who just do not take care of themselves or have horrible injuries/deformities (which is rare).

try to show me a picture of an ugly fit girl without posting that spammed supposedly legit ugly russian girl

you can't do it because it doesn't happen

There you go buddy boyo

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I would give her a 6/10. Still prefer that over fatties, druggies, deformities, horrid disabilities, etc...

I mean, her body is amazing. I think the face can be worth 4 points, and she loses them all.

>show me a picture
*shows picture*
>no not this one because you didnt keep these 12 things in mind while choosing this picture
neck yourself retard

>no not this one because you didnt keep these 12 things in mind while choosing this picture

I am so confused by what this even means?

Also, I am not , I am

if its not you nevermind

That's a -3

I'm doing this. My fembot gf is obese. Her personality is 10/10 and she treats me with absolute respect. We love the same shit and being around her is the most fun ever.

I'm in this for the long haul. She is eager to lose weight (for her health) and I help her with that, so weight is a non-issue to me. All she needs is time now. Plus I've been with enough cunty women to know when one is actually a good person deep down (which my gf is) and that's all I mainly care about at this point in my life.



How about you being my cute feminine boyfriend

Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai

>grow a goatee to hide your weak jaw
Can't women see right through this now?
Glad I have a strong jaw

I'm sorry, but I'm not feminime at all

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Fat people can at least lose weight. She can't do shit.

But you will be feminine when i put you on hrt and fucking your boipussy

No. Anime for me

as long as she isn't fat. That's the one thing. fatties can fuck off and die

The thing is that I have never met an ugly girl that didn't also have an ugly personality.
I would rather go for a 5/10 with mental issues instead.

Why would I bother with real women, when I can beat my meat to superior 2D ?

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Yeah I would. But no such girl exists and they propably would have a bf anyway.

No i need to be sexually attracted to the girl or I would never enjoy the feeling of love and gf

why would i fuck some uggu that makes me sick if i can fap to hot girls

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Yes, I'd just talk to her on the internet and enjoy the conversations, and give her money and stuff.


Nah, that bitch sucks at math

I would just take the 3/10 gf. Anything else is a bonus I could only dream of

Is she fat or disfigured?
can't be below 4 without one of those two

Yes i would, picrelated

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without a doubt!

that sounds like my sort of jam.

holy shit you must be the most dead inside person on earth if you think the defining aspect of a relationship is sex

In my experience ugly people rarely have a good personality, that's just a cope people tell others. Often they're ugly BECAUSE of their personality. Often those born ugly DEVELOP a bad personality because they get bitter and angry from the rejection and stigma.

Would I date a athletic butterface who did what she could to look better with a good personality? Sure. I just don't want to date an sassy obese women who hasn't bathed in a week with a '''''good personality'''''

Her body, skin, and hair is too good for her to be a 1.

All people are rotten on the inside, my dude
She's "eager" doesn't mean she's currently working out, if you pressure the point you're falling into the "I can change people" fallacy.
If she was obese before you met her then it's very likely she'll stay the same.

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No. I would date someone with a 3/10 personality who is more attractive than 99,999% of people, however, and so would most people if they're being honest.

>If the girl was 3/10 and your idea of an abselutely PERFECT personality, and also perfect to match with your own, whatever your definition of that is, would you date her?
Fuck no.

I wouldn't mind I guess given I'm also a 3/10