What are some bizarre smaller groups on the web you're aware of...

What are some bizarre smaller groups on the web you're aware of? The strangest I can finger has to be Jow Forumsasianmasculinity. It's a community of asian guys who go around to various porn sites and post angry comments on videos of white men having sex with Asian women

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stfu faggot. Asian masculinty posters created the redpillcomic memes. They are a strong untalked to ally of r9k. We dont like reddit at all but sone subs are allies in times of war against the Roasties and Normies, like gamergate or when a girl needs to be slut shamed on twitter.

Blackpill comics are legit.

Jow Forums

(not originalernre)

Imagine being such a fucking fairy you have to form a suppurt group with other asians to pat each other on the back and remind each other you are masculine.

I bet all the cucks who post on there jerk off to AFWM porn.

Their whole lives revolve around hating asian women for not being bitter angry virgins like them.

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I'm interested in OP's question but can we skip the race bait? A small group I'm personally aware of are Ian Watkins fans on fb. Mad. Also Jillian Epperlys alternative medicine fans. Drink fermented cabbage juice till they shit their stomach lining out and call it detoxing. At least one person died.

Non normie asian males are an ally in the Holy War against Normies and Thots. Asian men usually are bro tier while asian women are toxic dumbwhores. Robots/incels arent racist we just see the facts.

Im not asian either or white. If you think asianmasculinity doesnt have solid sound points then youre not logical youre emotional. The studies back them up on asian females and females in general being dumb thots. You belong to the group of Normies and Thots so naturally you will reject despite logical conclusions

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Original djdjsosjbeje
Posting more pics

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Original ndjdbejjsjsjn

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Jow ForumsAsianmasculinity didn't make them. A retarded Jow Forumshapa poster called Eurasian Tiger did.

He hates whites and any Asian women who date whites.

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you can feel the bitter asian male butthurt

by the way, this is the guy who makes all those comics

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Original jdjdbdbdj

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Has anyone in the history of the earth ever come across a white person raging at asian men for stealing their women? This is some really far fetched shit right here.

He posted on both subs though. just gonna post rndm pics now

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He's been trying to troll Jow Forums for 10 years, 10 YEARS

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Yes it happens all the time


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Original jdndjdndns

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>all the time
No, it really, really doesn't.

Asian women btfo in this thread. Ive been saying for years, almost a decade now, before any asian masulinity sub or anything that asian women are the most racist and prejudice group of people when it comes to dating out there. Im not even white or asian either im Mexican. Just seen how these girls operate in school

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He spams on multiple boards,
He's been doing this for TEN YEARS

Notice how you changed from saying in the history of earth to not all the time? Thats called moving the goal posts. And yes it does happen all the time m.youtube.com/watch?v=llcn1H6ktUo
You can gond countless of stories like this one. I think most of the rage comes from white guys and asian females towards asian guys for no reason like lic related. Asian guys are the innocent bystander in this all

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There is legitimately a cabal of asian guys whose whole lives revolve around being butthurt about white men

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Horrifying. A small cadre of a few asians and mutts are responsible for all this havoc?

Jow ForumsAsianMasculinity aren't the weird ones OP. They're mainly an Asian pride sub. Yeah it's shit that white pride subs on reddit get banned, but Asian ones are allowed. But they generally just talk about Asian pride and how to dress and look better.

The weird subs are Jow Forumsaznidentity and Jow Forumshapas. These subs are just full on hate subs that hate white guys and asian women who date white guys. Here's what the mod of said sub has to say.

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You guys make entire subs where all you do is hate on white guys and Asian women who date white guys. don' try and claim innocence.

Honestly those subs make asian dudes look bad. Thier whole world revolves around insecurely being butthurt about afwm.

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I have no idea why reddit doesn't ban them. They banned incels and subs directed at hating black people or jews. But these subs are allowed to continue.

>Jow Forumshapas think hapas are worshipped in Asia and suffer no discrimination, and that hapa women especially suffer no discrimination

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There's this weird ass community called 4 chan, I dunno if you've heard about it but it's mostly hentai

>Swiss eats dogs and cats

i claim innocence.

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i dont care about hapas, or asians. i care about whites.

im asian.


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Jow Forums btfo


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dumb redigger

Reminder Jow Forumsaznidentity crowd funded a porno where they paid a white hooker to fuck some asian guy. In an attempt to "cuck" white guys.

Reminder that they received a cease and desist because they based the white girls character on a real person, who sued them . The entire project had to be scrapped.

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a group of white males who submit to the black male take over of white society by breeding their women

lol. nobody cares i dont mean that in a mean way.

i remebr they tried spamming it on various pols but then all the white guys just laughed at them and they ran away crying

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>tfw remember this crowdfunded porno
Fucking kek, all racemixers are trash but I always laugh at how angry they get at WMAF when they always spam AMWF everywhere

and now youre the one spamming it, kinda.

did you watch it?

nobody wants to see either its all garbage. but you guys spam white women hate threads and try to force asian women non stop.

chanks stank gooks stank

Except this is objectively false.

>going home from work
>see three WMAF couples
>see zero BMWF couples
Men are fucking whiners and the true race traitors.

t. white chick tired of being accused of being a coalburner by guys who have been obsessing over yellow Stacey and dipping their kielbasa in her plum sauce

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*squid sauce

Why are hapas so fucked up when black/white mixed people tend to be confident strong empowered types?

Come join us and lets laugh at asian men

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>posts shapiro "meme"
>I only ever see WMAF couples
That's because you live in a suburb or gentrified city center you male cuck.

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All mongrels have identity issues.

Obama isnt a real nigga. He is more comfortable hanging out with stuck up white liberals at starbucks then tyrone in the ghetto.

WMBF is def Superior because the black woman knows how to did her daughters hair good and black women and white men are genrally more successful and confident

while black men are lazy shits and white women are BPD

That's funny a fuck dude

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WMAF are most successful

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Why is EurasianTiger so asshurt about everything? Why do his goons shit up various boards with gay porn and interracial porn out of sheer asshurt?

i dont care or know about your gay cuck posting drama

>Reminder that they received a cease and desist because they based the white girls character on a real person, who sued them .

A cease and desist is a letter you send before suing.
>The entire project had to be scrapped.
Not exacty, they just dropped the girl's name. Then posted a NextShark article about how they were somehow triggering white racists (which was clearly the plan all along).

>He is more comfortable hanging out with stuck up white liberals at starbucks then tyrone in the ghetto.
That means he's smart. And he's less likely to get shanked

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Why? I have no quarrel with them.

I work at the University of Toronto, so yeah, my perspective is biased. However, even statistically white women are the most racially loyal and Asian women the least.

Pretty sure they had to scrap the whole thing, it was never released and no one talks about it anymore.

>he doesn't think azn pussy Wans't make for White cock

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super duper original

one butthurt azn boi lmao

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