-cracks open can-

>-cracks open can-
DAD what the FUCK its 12pm I'm trying to sleep
>ssshhhh son now now, no lippy before the sippy
>siiiiiiiiiiip gulp gulp gulp "AAAAAAAHHHH, I think its time to break out the playstation 2 and play some MGS 3

Attached: boomer_reunion.png (1500x761, 276K)

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Unironically love this meme

Why do guys let themselves go once they hit 30?

This hits home. It's kind of a warm feeling. The first generation of Jow Forums is getting old.

Because by that time they've already had sex and started a family so to them there's no real point in being fit since they only lift to attract the opposite sex

How come the guy on the right is shaped like a regular wojack? Was he never meant to be a boomer? Was he born in the wrong generation?

Regular wojack has cancer, just like an old man.

>tfw you'll never wake up to the sound of your dad clapping yelling GOOD MORNING to everyone while slamming the windows in the house open so we can all smell the nicely cut grass again

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I left for bootcamp in March so I never saw this meme arrive. I thought it was making fun of gen z fags but I guess now its making fun of all the oldfags- esp ones without smartphones

>phoneposting? Everyone knows that you can desktops are the best!

stale meme is stale

suck my fat dick you fucking loser

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Hey son, after I cut the grass, lets play against each other in some Cruising USA for the N64!

Go away dad! That game sucks, it doesn't even have rubber band AI! What the fuck is a check point timer?


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Based on this pic, would you say that you're a Xoomer, a Yoomer, or a Zoomer?

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Why is my cock so hard right now

Make it stop

Attached: 572E0149-ADC2-48AB-A938-2D3C12712FF6.png (640x604, 237K)

None of this is culture, this is all surface pop culture.

25-30+ year old boomers are why Ocarina of Time still gets to the top of most "Best Games of All Time" listicles even though it's pretty shit when compared to basically any 8/10 game that has come out since 2014.

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Holy fuck i hate this picture. What generation started piling pictures into vomit like that?

I still meet people my age that unironically say things like the sound track is/almost is spiritual, even though it's literally stock music for a licensed stock music/sound effect CD. The amount of corners that were cut in that game is astounding. I find that people that are the most loving of it don't actually know much about it.

>Hey son, after I cut the grass, lets play against each other in some Cruising USA for the N64!

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I don't understand this meme, boomers refer to people born during the baby boom post world war 2, so it's impossible for a person in their 30's to be a boomer.

>that 13 year old zoomer who is still trying to understand memes

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Someone should fuck their hair up and cosplay the boomer.

> cosplay the boomer.

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