>Chase her for years >grow the balls to tell her how I felt >wasn't returned at the moment so say fuck it( was her best friend btw) >don't really talk to her like in 2 months >had an accident was rushed to the hospital but no real biggie >returned to a school party that same night (all day in hospital without telling anyone what had really happened) >she's there >She comes crying her eyes out and telling me she thought she lost me >fall again like an idiot >push harder than ever to win her >buy her flowers, stay close all that carp >got to go to a school competition for a week >to busy trying to win at the day and to busy hammering myself with booze at night to give a fuck bout what's happening at my home town >come back the day of her birthday >act like idgf but actually doing her a CD with her favourite music (her car doesn't have aux port) >autistic self thinking it would be great to congratulate her at 11:59 and explain her everything >wasn't >get messages from common friends that she's crying cause I didn't congratulate her and shut >call her and try to work everything out get fucking slammed with the "it's ok what could I expect from you" >finish her present next day buy her chocolates and flowers >give them to her at her classroom >doesn't talk to me all day >call her that afternoon inviting her a very expensive ice cream cake all to herself for an opportunity to chat >brings her sister >says she's on a diet so sister star eating everything like a fucking animal >dgaf >trynna talk to her and get fucking yelled at and scolded >told me she had a new boy friend (fucking midget even smaller than her) >get everything kinda sort it out in good terms acting like I wasn't emotionally stabbed >days passed go back to the old best friend kinda routine >something happens we kiss >I know it sounds like fucking normie fag bullshit >make out and get a fucking lecture from her about her boyfriend and how is morally wrong. Don't care 1/2
just finish the story you underaged normalfaggot she sounds like a right cunt lad
Lincoln Reed
that meme is too real.
Austin Jones
Hello summerfag. Shoulda known you were coming here, theres no more school.
Lincoln Evans
>Go to school next day >See her at lunch >Go over to her and try to make small talk >We look into each other eyes >Somthingisabouttohappen.wav >We look into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity >Her dark eyes envelop me as if though I was peering into the darkest region of space >A dark emptiness that is indescribably beautiful and mesmerizing >Stand up in front of the entire lunchroom >Give her an ultimatum >It's either me or the manlet >It's at this time I realize that my oneitus is the giant beast of the seas know as the loch ness monster >God damn loch ness monster wanted tree fitty.
Elijah Ramirez
I hope your mom gets skinned alive in front of you, why do summerfag underages think theyre allowed on my board
1/10 you tried, but I really wish you hadn't. I suggest going to
William Howard
Holy fucking shit, all this drama for some dame you're not even fucking. And she has a bf, classic orbiter stuff right here.
Jonathan Nguyen
OP never finished his story user, you've all been lead on a wild goose chase for naught! YOU HAVE BEEN OUTPLAYED! THE LOCH NESS MONSTER ADDENDUM WAS ME ALL ALONG!
It's common knowledge that the funniest people are completely fucked in the head. For all the bad things people say about me I've always been told I have a sense of humour and make people laugh. Which is half laughing at me and half laughing with me.
Sometimes I think about acting like a more serious person. A person of respect, somebody who isn't self-depreciating, somebody nobody laughs at. I always fall back into humour because it makes people like me. I can't stand to be alone when I'm already so lonely.
That caption is too close to home for me. >Never developed or understood adequate social skills in highschool. >Social pack animals smell it, spend whole teenage years being funny to protect self. >TFW in late 20's and just figuring it all out.