Wait for the whole story

Robots real advice

>Chase her for years
>grow the balls to tell her how I felt
>wasn't returned at the moment so say fuck it( was her best friend btw)
>don't really talk to her like in 2 months
>had an accident was rushed to the hospital but no real biggie
>returned to a school party that same night (all day in hospital without telling anyone what had really happened)
>she's there
>She comes crying her eyes out and telling me she thought she lost me
>fall again like an idiot
>push harder than ever to win her
>buy her flowers, stay close all that carp
>got to go to a school competition for a week
>to busy trying to win at the day and to busy hammering myself with booze at night to give a fuck bout what's happening at my home town
>come back the day of her birthday
>act like idgf but actually doing her a CD with her favourite music (her car doesn't have aux port)
>autistic self thinking it would be great to congratulate her at 11:59 and explain her everything
>get messages from common friends that she's crying cause I didn't congratulate her and shut
>call her and try to work everything out get fucking slammed with the "it's ok what could I expect from you"
>finish her present next day buy her chocolates and flowers
>give them to her at her classroom
>doesn't talk to me all day
>call her that afternoon inviting her a very expensive ice cream cake all to herself for an opportunity to chat
>brings her sister
>says she's on a diet so sister star eating everything like a fucking animal
>trynna talk to her and get fucking yelled at and scolded
>told me she had a new boy friend (fucking midget even smaller than her)
>get everything kinda sort it out in good terms acting like I wasn't emotionally stabbed
>days passed go back to the old best friend kinda routine
>something happens we kiss
>I know it sounds like fucking normie fag bullshit
>make out and get a fucking lecture from her about her boyfriend and how is morally wrong. Don't care

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Other urls found in this thread:


underage and gay

neck urself, underage b&

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this was fucking impossible to read wtf

just finish the story you underaged normalfaggot
she sounds like a right cunt lad

that meme is too real.

Hello summerfag. Shoulda known you were coming here, theres no more school.

>Go to school next day
>See her at lunch
>Go over to her and try to make small talk
>We look into each other eyes
>We look into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity
>Her dark eyes envelop me as if though I was peering into the darkest region of space
>A dark emptiness that is indescribably beautiful and mesmerizing
>Stand up in front of the entire lunchroom
>Give her an ultimatum
>It's either me or the manlet
>It's at this time I realize that my oneitus is the giant beast of the seas know as the loch ness monster
>God damn loch ness monster wanted tree fitty.

I hope your mom gets skinned alive in front of you, why do summerfag underages think theyre allowed on my board

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I was expecting to end as a trap but this one was more funny


I find that hurtful and ask that you please retract that statement.

to, too
there, their, they're

or you could take you underage summerfaggotry and leave

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>ywn be seduce and catfished by a prehistoric marine lizard
why even live

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originally fuck off

I'm not underage nor a summerfag. Quite frankly I find this level of hostility uncharacteristic of this fellowship of robots

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its just summer just trying to fit in, god i cant wait till autumn

You're just mad because you'll never know the sweet pleasure of being young. Boomer!

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*starts mower*

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1/10 you tried, but I really wish you hadn't. I suggest going to

Holy fucking shit, all this drama for some dame you're not even fucking. And she has a bf, classic orbiter stuff right here.

OP never finished his story user, you've all been lead on a wild goose chase for naught! YOU HAVE BEEN OUTPLAYED! THE LOCH NESS MONSTER ADDENDUM WAS ME ALL ALONG!

>3000000000000 IQ LEVEL MASTER PLAYS

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>OPs pic

It's common knowledge that the funniest people are completely fucked in the head. For all the bad things people say about me I've always been told I have a sense of humour and make people laugh. Which is half laughing at me and half laughing with me.

Sometimes I think about acting like a more serious person. A person of respect, somebody who isn't self-depreciating, somebody nobody laughs at. I always fall back into humour because it makes people like me. I can't stand to be alone when I'm already so lonely.

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When you say you both of 'made out' and she said something about 'morally wrong' did you have proper sex (coitus) or not?

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That caption is too close to home for me.
>Never developed or understood adequate social skills in highschool.
>Social pack animals smell it, spend whole teenage years being funny to protect self.
>TFW in late 20's and just figuring it all out.

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Don't understand this giant sea monster you're going on about. The Loch Ness Monster happens to live in a lake.

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you deserve to suffer in pain and die slowly

its an oIder meme, but it checks out

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Only breading your balls in a previous post. Chill and have some light-hearted kinky fun sex talk and boners with other women.