How can you not want children of your own?

How can you not want children of your own?

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money parasites

I do. I just dont want the mother of them to be a used of whore.

>on deathbed
>all alone with no family
>glance at old chad with his granddaughters by his side
>hear the laughter and happiness of chad despite being nearly dead
>you look up at the ceiling thinking about how much money you saved and now you can die a miserable, lonely death

Not everyone should have kids. I would basically have to meet a great woman before I ever considered having kids. Otherwise it's too expensive and stressful for you and the kids.

>stupid kids being loud
>wish they were gone so you can have some fucking quiet

I plan to go the Ernest Hemingway/Hunter S. Thompson route and blow my brain out in my 60s when my body begins to break down.

Already had a kid for someone else but I would love some of my own.

Bloodline and race mean nothing to me. I don't care if I'm the last of my line.

On the same note, the idea of raising a person and the whole "leave your mark on the world" stuff has zero effect for me. I genuinely don't care what happens to society or the world after I die.

Financial Burden. That's an obvious one. I can scrape by alone with a shitty job and still afford my hobbies.

I've seen how much stress I caused my parents. I'm never doing that to myself.

No woman to have my children. Don't trust them.

I like having money too much

I want to fuck children of my own, but that's the extent of it.

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I'm afraid that I see no joy in having those little shits around, maybe it could change, but I dont know.

Same here. I'll probably overdose on heroin though.

money and children + women bring whining and drama

you kidding?! most of them turn on you on a dime

> I genuinely don't care what happens to society or the world after I die.
Oh the edge.

I do. I just know it's a bad idea. I'd be a horrible parent in all likelihood. I can hardly socialize, I'm pretty solitary, what kind of father would I be? I also run a distinct risk that any potential mate is unknowingly not fully white, thus muddying my genes. Or she's a massive slut who doesn't actually love me and my kids still get garbage genes from her telegony.
I wish I could, but I'd just make beings that would suffer, and possibly screw over my ancestors regardless.
At least I have my brother. He's the last hope for my family line.
I pray to god he isn't fucked up like me. He deserves to know to joy of children and having a family of his own. He needs to, for all of us.

because i am a homosexual and its in my beliefs that a child being raised by two men is a recipe for disaster and wouldnt wish a poor upbringing on anyone

>impIying l don't.

I'm an aspie, so high functioning autistic

It makes life shit because you'll always feel out of place and that there's something majorly wrong with your, and if you decide to have children there's a high chance they'll have this retard syndrome too.

I'm married and have been for six years now, but no way would I have children. I can't even tolerate a child crying, let alone be around that the majority of the day and teach a young me how to live in a world I still feel like an outcast in.

>I'm married and have been for six years now

How in the hell and what does she think of the matter of having none?

>Asking for a friend

You'll have plenty of quiet time after you're dead.

But I do. Being a stay-at-home dad has always sounded like the absolute best thing in the world to me. I'm just terrified of an actual relationship. If I found out my gf/wife was cheating on me, I would 100% kill myself.

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I do though. Only a boy because I can't relate to a girl and she'll probably just racemix anyways which would fuck up my life since I'd have to honor kill her.

Despite the fact I'm 5'5", antisocial and kind of weird, I've actually have had some success with women and enjoy having conversations with them. I grew up around all women, so it's actually easier for me to talk to women than it is other men.

I met her online while I was talking to a handful of other girls and just decided to choose her because we just along really well. She's fine with not having kids, and honestly she'd do whatever I wanted. If I said tomorrow I wanted to put a baby in her she'd kiss me and stop taking birth control. She does want a pet, a dog or something eventually but I pretty much have the ultimate say in everything.

It's weird because sometimes I feel like if I wasn't afflicted this autism I'd be normal and even maybe brad-tier.

I do. I just don't have the prerequisite credentials needed to procreate.

I wish I could adopt a cute gril

>unironically wanting to be a deadbeat dad

cause i dont want to cause more suffering. ot to mention i hate god and i hate life and i want to stop my existence when i die, it reincarnate or go to heaven or hell

god is evil and malevolent and i dont want to be a part of life. i highly resent being born and being made to exist and suffer, and when i die i just want to cease existing

Being an egoist is now considered edgy? It's normal behaviour.

Because this world is evil to people with genes similar to mine. I'd never think even, to MAKE someone live a life of despair that I witnessed.

I want a daughter and a son but i dont want a wife

look like elle

on your death bed you will be about to see God, and if god doesn't exist nothing meant anything anyway children were just worthless carbon in cuckville

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Owo , someone is being jelly about people dreams. Hang yourself please desu

I'm gonna go all 'last man in mahana' and move to the middle of fucking nowhere, spend my days gathering firewood, smoking bud, chilling out, and then just fall down a ravine or heart attack to get found months later.

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don't want children.
they'll be living in this shit world.
I wouldn't want them to suffer the same thoughts as me.
life's empty and whatever thought I have made me miserable.

I do.
But as a non chad I won't be reproducting

it's enough i had my childhood ruined by my own parents
i'm not going to destroy someone elses life