Sharing some of

Sharing some of the laminated signs that people have put up on the "suicide bridge" near where I live.

Would any of these stop you anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where's the one that says "do a flip faggot"

Nope if I was ready to die I would die.

Just fucking stop man..all I've wanted is to escape these constant thoughts of wanting to die/what does it mean to want to die/does everyone have some innate desire to die within them? And then after I've spent all day thinking about these things i come here to find this...fuck you man fuck you

Kek, none of that type here.

That's kind of what I was thinking, if someone really wanted to jump I'm not sure what difference a sign would make. Either way I think these kind of things are interesting just to see what people think of them.

Fuck me for what?

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normies who put up these signs don't even understand ourstruggle they want to keep us alive but when we want help for our problems other than suicide it's like we're non existant normals are hypocritical once something becomes not their issue but if they can "save a life" they have some fucking moral obligation to stop suicide yet keep those in a living hell rather than a peaceful death

>fuck you sign. You don't know me

Please add this and take a pic

you can tell by the handwriting that these were written by some roastie whores who think they're saving lives

There is a bridge in my state called Victory Bridge that people have jumped from before

How high is that shit anyway?

That's a fucking tiny bridge, easily survivable fall.

I unironically think they were put up by a guy/woman who was paid to do so, there are more official looking signs at each end of the bridge from the name of the organisation that are on plates of metal that have a phone number.

>How high is that shit anyway?
It really isn't that high at all, I think if someone genuinely wanted to die they'd be better off waiting until 2am and then crossing it as they'd be stabbed to death by some muzzie for sure.

If I had to guess I'd say it's maybe 150ft to the water.

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These signs are really gay. There needs to be one that's a kick in the ass instead of pussy footing around your feelings.

There aren't really any of that type, there's one that quotes the "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" thing, but that's as heavy as it gets.

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Meh, I gave up long ago.
Signs like that are completely useless, their only use is to make the normies who write them feel better.

And likely posted it to social media for the attention. That's all they really care about

Most of these signs look like they've been written by women. What a crock of shit. Seeing that crap would make me want to jump more.

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The roastie who wrote these probably didn't think that some of the shit she wrote could be interpreted as encouragement.

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it gets better guys :-)
how do i know? well yeah i been depressed too lol... ;-) yeah seriosly like.. this one time chad totally cheated on me... i was so sad but.. you know what.. :( things got better...
Now I have a new BF his name is Chad too. :-) see?

Thanks Stacy, your story truly inspired me.

How deep is that water? I used to jump off bridges for fun when I had friends.

the little fucking heats just make it feel like they are mocking me... fuck.
fuck roasties

You need 250ft for the water to act more like concrete and stop padding your fall, unlikely anyone would die unless they got knocked out by the fall and then drowned

these sorts of messages are completely meaningless and devoid of any sort of inspiration when you realize they were written for no one in particular.

They're supposed to make everyone feel special, which means they succeed at making no one feel special. The person who wrote this doesn't even know you exist. They have no idea who you are. So it fails.

Shouldn't they employ real suicide prevention tactics? Not the "I'll try and solve your life in one quote" shit but stuff that stops the person doing it right then and now.

>"Come back tomorrow. Give it one more night."
>"Give us a call, where's the harm?"


That bridge isnt even lethal...

Fuck all the self satisfied cunts who think doing shit like this makes them a good person

This one could literally be interpreted as saying if you commit suicide you are brave, strong, and amazing

lots of people cant swim user...

If i wanted to die i would probably draw a benis on the sign before doing a flip over the edge. The flip really is mandatory. Gotta have a little fun on your way out.

Math user, how high do I need to fall off a cliff to die? Not sure if the surface will be sand or pebbles

the water is still gonna be hard. Obviously multiple people have died from jumping off that that bridge if signs are being put up to stop it.

Not sure desu, don't think it's super deep, very dirty though.

People absolutely do die jumping off this bridge here all the time. It's maybe hard to judge the height from pictures, but where the bridge starts there are a bunch of bars and shit on a road below and it really puts into perspective how high it is. It isn't high on paper, but I guess you'd die on impact for sure unless you really knew what you were doing.

Pretty sure this guy broke his hip bone and it's a lot shorter a height than the bridge in the pics, and this is a guy who obviously wanted to survive. If you dolphin dived that shit and hit it head on you'd be fucked up no doubt.

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Not him but in my ICU we call the 10m (about 3 stories) the 50-50 height if it's onto any hard surface. Basically you have a 50-50 chance of survival if you fall from there (though trying to kill yourself would improve the odds of you land on your head).

>go to suicide bridge to kill yourself because you got fired
>"you are amazing"
very effective and appropriate

Hmmm. I think it's more than 3 stories. How can I tell?

1.5-2 seconds of fall time for a rock basically.

You almost certainly want a higher drop though.

Im not sure about sand/pebbles, the fatality rate for 150ft is around 96% fatal, therefore since it will likely be softer you'll want higher than that (yes lower falls can kill you, but that's like only taking the LD/50 of a drug, you can't guarantee death.) Ideally as high as possible, I would try to shoot for a minimum of 175ft, above that should probably be good. Again, i'm not sure with sand/pebbles so that number may not be 100% accurate

I can't even stop myself from jacking off or eating junk food, this wouldn't do shit if I was set on killing myself

It think it would actually be more encouraging just because of how generic and stupid it is. It only shows that more people don't understand my mental illness and that makes me feel more hopeless.

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>that writing style

Even in death you can't escape the mockery of self important women.

The bridge in question is one of the ones on the river Tyne in Newcastle, England. I don't want to say which as I don't want to dox myself.

>written by dumb stacies whose worst hardship in life was getting dumped by chad
Not even close

These look like an anti-bullying high school project
I feel like something along the lines of "Think of your family and/or friends This (selfish) option is ultimately up to you." Would be more reasonable

To be clear here, jumps from below those heights may be fatal, but lower chances of death, this is for the highest likelihood of success, around 96% as I said

Can you just imagine the roastie waking up in the morning, wiping chad's cum off her face and thinking to herself...
"today im going to do something good!"

Just picture her arriving at the bride and putting up those signs thinking to herself.. "gosh im such a good person... im i hope people see me puting up these signs..."
I bet she would do it really really slowly too to make sure people see her do it..
Then she goes back home and tells everyone about what she did and post it on all her social media sites...
her 1k followers alll telling her what an amazing person she is!
Wow thx guys ;-) lol...

suicide isnt selfish when there's nobody but you.

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In that case it isn't

You're gonna hit the bottom of the river and die. Water isn't a magical pillow that stops everything retard.

clearly you have never seen movies user...

dude, water at a high velocity fucking hurts, its like being punched with a giant water fist. its why the cops used water cannons on niggers and derelicts back in the day.

Jumping from a high place into water could break every bone in your body as you sink and drown

Its virtue signaling. They probably posted them to instagram

I would totally rip off all of those laminated signs.

It will still slow you significantly depending upon how deep the water is

Yeah, it sounds so damn condescending. If I was seriously considering sudoku and saw that sign I'd definitely do it just out of spite. Maybe go back to grab a sharpie beforehand to let them know what I thought about it though.

god I really hate all this normie shit saying it will get better. Its been a constant downward spiral since age 15 and I am currently 34. I have been getting treatment the entire time and its only worked slightly but only for a short time. In the end the treatments did more harm than good and completely fucked up my libido permanently.

These fucking moral fags need to get it into their heads that some of us are just fucked and saveable. The closest we get to being "saved" is getting killed in an accident or something so we don't have to do the deed our selves. I swear this thread and all this shit the normies wrote has me shaking with rage right now.

The weirdest part is if the roastie found out you are an incel she would instantly hate you. I think normies are under some delusion that people with good prospects and good lives kill them selves. Sure some of them do but its mostly the desperate and perpetually mentally ill that do it. In other words the undesirables the stacies ignore and when they are not ignoring they are ridiculing.

niggers arent people

this is now an original comment

OP, you can make a difference. Scribble the instructions on the bridge.
Got you covered.

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There's nothing more obnoxious than virtue signaling """caring""" normgroids and the bullshit they spew.

I would definitely destroy all those signs. What a bunch of pricks putting those up there.

I know this bridge. It's in Newcastle isn't it?


Originally original originammi original.

Some guys have climbed this bride a few days ago and have been banned from the city for it.

I saw that vid, pretty retarded thing to do, better to have done it at night since the city is lit up just the same and the only people who are around to call the police are taxi drivers who have better things to do.

definitely written by women and will only work on other women. Now that I think about it what would you even write to convince a guy not to do it? I don't think anything on a sign would work if they've made up their mind, maybe information that jumping from there is unlikely to work because it doesn't looks that high up