My family forced me to move out of my room and put me into a smaller...

My family forced me to move out of my room and put me into a smaller, worse room that has the weakest internet connection in the house.

The internet is the most important thing for me, I spent literally all my time online and I need it to work properly and be fast.
what do robots?

Attached: dark place.png (633x758, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Move out and get your own place instead of leeching off your parents as an adult

Move the router into your room?

buy one of those connection repetitors whoever they're called

Run some cat5 over there ya pleb


You are gonna be kicked out lmao, better start working on a plan. Fuck you NEET I hope you get cancer, survive and after die in a car accident.

WHats on My mind fb???? MEEEEE? Know that if you carry on conversations with yourself you're not schizophrenic, if you say things to yourself in solitude that's
Pt1.1 lol

>being this mad
stop browsing r9k before you have a heart attack

NEET people are faggots that deserve to be hung, I would rather be a wagecuck instead of being a NEET faggot that hopes to be motivated one day and have everything they want within hours

people like you just remind op what's outside his comfort zone.

Listen you fucking idiot, people like OP are too scared to get out of their comfort zone. When they go out, the moment they go out they become sensitive faggots that wonder why they are depressed. I would love to see all NEET people be kicked out or thrown out of their comfort zone and watch them burst out into tears within the next 2 hours.

Op reading the useless replies from normies do you think this board even needs to exist?

it's sure a waste of time huh?

what does this have to do with anything other than your own sense of sadism?
women who are coddled do very well in society you are probably just anti male or are insecure as fuck.

Fix your wifi.

>I have no arguments so whatever is being said is useless
Not anti male but I am insecure about a few things. Instead of being a NEET and shielding out anything I don't like (in this case my insecure thoughts) makes you a lazy fuck and at a certain point when you want to do things you realize how much time you have wasted and just give up halfway through or before you start.

You're a big guy heuhh

4u heh XD

Here comes santa clause
Here comes santa clause
Right down santa clause lane

Attached: FB_IMG_1530322530922.jpg (480x477, 16K)

Hey look I found a selfie of you! What a funny picture.

Attached: 1524951249951.jpg (750x750, 61K)

yeah and I wish your entire wagekek normie types where genocided
shame niether of us have any power to do what we want huh?

Im not a wagecuck, far from it read what I wrote earlier. Or just dont reply because of how stupid you must feel right now.

get yourself one of these my dude.

Attached: 71i0905j9TL._SY550_.jpg (346x550, 19K)

i would LOVE to see future homeless fags cry because their future looked grim. All that ragie wagie talk and they turn into literal BUMS LMAO

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2017.08.16_10.56.09].png (376x600, 308K)

not a wagie far from it, I know what it's like to be one but those days are done and over with
read what I wrote earlier

Run an ethernet cable through the house, tard.

You're kidding right?
Get some fucking tin foil out of your kitchen
Make a make shift antenna/ dish
Point it at your fucking room
Instantly stronger wifi
Other option, run a long as Ethernet cable to the modem