The sad truth is I come here to look for answers to my problems

>the sad truth is I come here to look for answers to my problems
>I scroll endlessly hoping to fine a needle in a haystack response to whatever feels I happen to be feeling
>I scroll the catalogue looking for some magic stream of words or an image to make everything better
>but that never happens

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r9k losers are the last people you want to be asking, there are better websites let alone boards for this.

I don't know why I come here. I always bitch around about how pathetic I am, nobody even replies to me. I continue to do it anyways. It's an addiction
>Nice trips

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This is literally me right now. Ive been scrolling for 2 hours now just refreshing looking for anything that might help

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Here's the help you're looking for user. KYS. Just do it.

most times I'm not asking I'm just searching for something

This whole board is depressed people trying to bring others down or convince them they have conditions they don't.
If you want help, start by leaving

really I think I have an identity connected to this place, an affection for it, I'm more interested in what a r9k loser has to say about something than a normie. I want to feel vindicated I guess.

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Maybe it's time...I let go.

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I don't really know how to respond beyond iktf, sorry OP.


You get no sympathy for being an over dramatic faggot.

Its simple OP we are all the underdogs of this world and we simply want to see the underdogs win

That will never happen. This isn't fucking Hollywood. Sometimes people just suck, and they keep sucking.

t. Nu-Male millennial soiboi who can only think of the world in pop culture references

It didn't used to be that way. A few years ago I was talking with my sister about why I liked nerds and was on a rant about how nerds are the only people who really see the truth. She said that she likes them because they're nice because they understand what its like for people to hurt you. That's what changed. We used to be nice.

But thats the tragedy isnt it? to be stagnant and miserable for the rest of their lives? When does it end? It ends with ourselves and no one can help us but ourselves

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I wouldn't call it a tragedy. I'd just say that's life. You just have to play the hand you were dealt.

t. 30 year old boomer who cries and swims in his sweat at night

>I'm more interested in what a r9k loser has to say
It never gets better. Might as well just kill yourself now, before it gets worse.

Is this what you wanted to hear?

What piece of pop culture did he reference in his post?

Aren't you the one spouting memes and buzzwords too though?

Nah you're fucking retarded. Most people who have escaped the robot life still lurk here, it's their advice that is most valuable. Everywhere else you'll only get meaningless platitudes from normalfaggots who have never actually struggled with anything.

What is it that you want to hear? Do you want to hear that you are special and different? Do you want to hear that your failures are outside your control, and that you feel the way you do because the world is unkind and cruel to you?

I'm not going to say this isn't the case, I don't know who you are and I don't know your problems. All I can say is that even if someone told you this, and after all your feelings have been vindicated, what will you do then?

>you should stay here to get empty platitudes from normalfags instead of getting the same platitudes from normalfags on some other website
well done retard
fun fact: they were never robots

here, have a (you) on the house