And for the stupidest reason too, because I don't talk at work and keep to myself. Is there any way I can ensure I will keep my job? My boss is a woman by the way and hates me.
Coworkers might be conspiring to get me fired
>females in the work place
you're probably fucked the best thing you can do is just try and placate your co workers by just swallowing your pride and talking to them tb
>shy creepy incel
you're done user. just accept your fate. you're a danger to the work place. just don't shoot up the office ok.
Well you s-
>my boss is a woman
Sorry m8, it's already over. Speaking from personal experience.
Greentext what happened that you think they conspire against you. Genuinely interested.
What's your job? This comment is original. Stupid fucking Jow Forums making me type random shit just to ask a simple question.
They prob think you are going to become the next work place shooter, I would say you are sage from being fired.
>there was someone who literally got fired for being a creep at my last job
>boss was female too
yeah sounds like your gonna get fired user
luckily I didnt get fired because apparently my autism and apathy came off more as "laid back" than creepy
>boss is a woman
Yeah, you're fucked. You might as well quit while you're ahead.
I don't know if it's enough for a greentext, but I overheard two coworkers talk with one another about "risk factors" of disgruntled employees, like lack of sociability and isolation, and they mentioned they knew a particular coworker who fit these descriptors. I'm pretty sure they were talking about me because I am the only one that isn't extroverted and talks a lot.
What really sealed the deal though was an email my boss sent me about attending one of those team-building educational seminars a day later. She said she recommended it to all of the other staff but I know she didn't because no one else got that email.
I work as a copywriter.
>boss is a woman
Your fate was sealed long ago. Put in your resignation letter now. It looks far better on your resume to quit than it is to be fired. Just say that you realize that the company's environment isn't right for you and quietly bow out.
That situation seems pretty shitty but if you could make a little bit of petty small talk maybe they will tolerate you enough to not get you fired.
Are you do your job well enough?
Either quit yourself, act more sociable or go Supreme Gentlemen.
Or all 3
It started off the same way with me for the same stupid reason.
My last day on the job is in a month.
women should never under any circumstance be in a position of power over a man, fucking bitches.
Dude... Have the same problem at work at the moment. This one guy at my workplace just doesn't talk to anyone the whole day, but giggles and curses for no reason sometimes. He scares pretty much everybody around. Most of the women already refuse to work in a team with him.
Why can't you guys just behave like normal people in public?
guys i've just started work right out of college and my boss is going to be a woman.
why are you all saying its bad? post valid reasons
women hate unscocial people
if you arent social you WILL get fired
Say you really need the job. if he hates you then she hates you or work somewhere else
well fuck im unsocial
Let them fire you. If you don't live in a retarded country, you will get money if you're fired. Become a NEET for some time or even forever.
This exact same thing happened to me at my last job, except it was all men and it was security, honestly just pathetic.
The first 8 months or so I was there I did absolutely fuck all, I was the laziest and most apathetic guard you could ever imagine, then when I started kicking up a fuss about covering certain sites they started criticizing me for my performance.
So I decided to actually start doing my job, and I did it extremely well, part of that meant I didn't spend half an hour during rotations talking away to my superiors and coworkers, which meant they started viewing me as cold, weird and aloof.
Within a couple of months I was moved site after they tried to fire me for some trumped up bullshit.
After spending almost a year there doing absolutely fuck all, but getting absolutely no criticism because I talked and sucked up to the manger and those who had been there a while.
Entry level jobs are a fucking joke, bucko, they are not meritocratic at all and women are even worse for that shit. They will take absolutely everything personally so if you don't talk to them you must hate them or be really unfriendly or terrible and weird, then if you do talk to them you're flirting with them.
They're pathetic.
My female boss tried to swindle me into filing a complaint to get an employee fired
She got fired anyway. but it makes me uncomfortable to think she wanted to take advantage of me in that way
Managers are paranoid and insecure as fuck. My manager basically tried to get me fired because I stopped talking to him.
I remember going through the disciplinary and people from higher up in the company were just looking at his list of complaints in pure disbelief.
I'd taken one sick day off in 14 months of working there, and barely received a single complaint from anyone.
Females are evil. They will have you fired just because you are a little weird, and don't talk much. You need to pay rent, and buy food each week and they would happily turn your life upside down because they don't get along with you socially. Also watch them say "Get a job bum" once you're homeless. If I get fired from my job (Which I've already had 2 female co-workers complain about me) I'm probably going to murder them in the store.
I'll post on here before I do it by the way, but I think I'm safe at my job for now.
>Want to say having a female boss is fine
>Remember how awful they are
I've got 0 problem working with women equal to my employment level or helping female managers with tasks (I'm admin) however actually being under their management is completely different in my experience.
Just talk to them like absolute shit and brownnose your manager. That makes the manager feel special and then the low tier bitches just end up taking your shit and respecting you, as they only respect guys that talk down to them.
Worked as a security guard in a store with all women, was super polite and chatty to the manager, insulted and bullied the rest of the girls, especially one she really didn't like.
I was basically immune in that job, they complained about me all the time, about shit I could really have got in serious, serious trouble for, but the manager just didn't give a fuck because she liked me, kek.
Only the good looking and sociable guys can get away with that in our workforce and culture in NZ. I can't pull it off, I've tried to before in highschool and nearly got charged with Sexual assault. The police were called in and I was present during talks with those policemen. Luckily they were cool and realised I was just some autist trying to flirt and not a real threat even though the girls parents were screaming saying I should be in jail.
Either way at work I'm good friends with the Chad types and the women there now and ok with me. It's just at jobs were it's mainly women I get fired very quickly. I work in a supermarket so my whole team could completely change in the next 12 months and my Chad buddies wont be able to vouch for me. I'm worried long term man
Oh wow really? I said some deep, deep shit to those girls, man. Like I would be talking to them about scat fetishes, anal... necrophilia, serial killers, rape etc. etc. I used to annoy this feminist one by telling her a husband couldn't rape a wife, and saying shit about niggers being subhuman even though she had mixed race family members.
I used to tell them when I was doing nofap and one, who had a boyfriend of 2 years, used to keep asking me about it when we were alone together, telling me I wouldn't be able to control myself or last. And she would always stand ridiculously close to me, or make excuses to lean over me and shit.
I also used to grab and touch this other girl a lot, she was 18 and I was 24, kek, Jesus fuck how did I never get any kind of disciplinary or even get spoken to, lol?
Maybe I'm Chad lite or some shit? I dunno, man, could just have been the uniform. I'm going to make some online dating profiles sometime soon and see how well I do.
You have nothing to lose at this point. Ask them straight out no bullshiting and then threaten to sue them into poverty if they do it
Women are just human beings. Some are assholes and some are lovely people. Most are somewhere in the middle. She'll probably be fine. Going into it freaking or already hating her wont do you any good and could potentially do some harm.
Honestly the best thing is to make a complaint before they strike. My complaint against my manager came far too late, when the had already been building a case against me for months, and badmouthing me for longer to higher ups, who I was never given the chance to talk to or defend myself to.
If you get a complain in about her before it gets to the point where she actually makes a move against you, a lot of the time they will back down.
You have to flip it on them, suddenly they're under fire and they're the ones getting pressure and scrutiny.
>working in a workplace with women
get a real job faggots.
Shouldn't you be making a wagie thread you neet fuck?