Take the test and post results.

It took a lot of guts just to convince myself to take it. Now I know why I struggle in college. The ideal college IQ is 120 btw.

Attached: iq 2.png (512x257, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I've always been considered smart by people and have excelled in school n stuff, but I feel like this can't be accurate.

Attached: Wow youre PROUD right now.png (607x521, 18K)

>taking online IQ tests
I'll save you some time: you're not very intelligent

t. pussy who won't take a test

>"awww user you're so smart"
>only 120 most of the time
everyone thinks i'm smart but i'm not really that smart i'm just really fucking autistic, and it pains me. i'd rather be mediocre and not autistic.

Am autist
Had iq taken at school when i was younger, always got around 120
Rather be normie desu
Also a kike if that matters

Attached: download (9).jpg (260x194, 7K)

>taking a 57 question test requiring effort to get a decent measurement

fuck off this thread sucks, this is r9k ffs

t. scored 130-140 from mensa tests

My fluid intelligence is negative four.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-01 at 12.13.23 PM.png (518x259, 29K)

We scored the same and I've had my intelligence professionally measured at 139 Stanford Binet. This is equivalent to a Cattell score (European standard) of 157. So it's possible you're a lot smarter than you realize.

Honestly, this test is pretty good by online standards. It measures more than just one area of intelligence and it's apparently timed, so it's not like a test that just lets you think forever, which would never happen in a professional testing setting.

Attached: IQ meme quiz.png (546x302, 13K)

im the winner and i dropped out of highschool

Attached: firefox_2018-05-10_14-35-29.png (525x277, 10K)

>i dropped out of highschool
That's not uncommon around these parts. This is Jow Forums, home of underachievers.

No thanks,

I'm average at best, but probably dumb. I'd like to stay a bit ignorant of just how dumb I actually am

>people have actually told me they think i'm a genius
>only 111iq

I knew I wasn't smart, I'm not surprised in the slightest. I'm actually kind of relieved to score so low, now I don't have to worry about not being good enough because I already know I don't live up to their expectations, there's nothing for me to worry about anymore.

I scored high as a kid but that's a stupid measure. I guess I just let my brain atrophy or maybe it was all the drugs.

>tfw HFA AND low iq

Attached: aaaaawhat.png (525x275, 16K)

pretty good. Quite happy with this, even though it's not a real test

Attached: iqthingy.png (802x463, 21K)

Think on the bright side: you could have an IQ of 98 like Ciara Horan.

10 iq points probably wouldn't matter, i'm ugly as sin just like she is also.

but i'm a little glad anyways, at least i don't have to give a fuck about the expectations people put on me anymore. i guess how far i've gotten is less a matter of intelligence and more of personal volition.

English is not my native language so I probably fucked up on some of the questions with words

Attached: IQ.png (515x267, 10K)

what a load of crap

this test is bs, im probably somewhere in the 120-125 bracket

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-01-13-14-18-1.png (720x645, 50K)

I really don't think this is accurate.

Attached: doubt.png (540x307, 10K)

it ends with 54, guess it

Try beating my Highscore

Attached: Screenshot_20180701-140847.png (1080x1920, 242K)

>online IQ tests
Fuck off faggot

Attached: 1530432381985s.jpg (250x241, 6K)

That is the 99th percentile if you're in sub-saharan Africa. Congratulations

120 fuck my average brainlet brain fuuuuuck.

>start test
>have to go pee pee
>hold it back anyway
>can't think straight anymore
>have to skip last 10 questions
Can't even test my NEET IQ in peace
got 117 like this, redoing it would be cheating
fucking fuck

I mean, how is that even possible? They can't all just be retards right? They wouldn't be able to build a community. it's probably just cause we use western IQ tests, and they have never learned that stuff from a young age

This ist so relatable. I was the 74 one

Wait, did you take it seriously? Or did you just meme such a low score? otherwise, my condolences

I took it seriously, but at like 40% Greentext kicked in

I know it's an online free test but still it's an average and can't be that far off the real thing innit?
Last time I checked I got 110 iq

Attached: 81iq.png (503x257, 10K)

Alright, what's the catch?
My guts tell me this is a trap question where the answer is straightforward (4), but pretends to hide some complex bullshit.

Attached: ct.jpg (611x206, 24K)

Wtf is a doggie bag. English isnt my motherlanguage

a son, his dad, and his grand-dad (dad's dad) go out for a dinner.

Just a fucking paper bag with a dog related logo on it afaik, English isn't my main language either
Nice, interesting

If you don't finish your meal in the restaurant, you can take the rest home with you and the bags they use are called this way.

>do almost finish test
>get redirected to a gay queendom


Dunning-Kruger effect.

All thse fucking IQ tests, even the official ones more or less consist of a variation of the same questions.
You definitely can up your points somewhat if you know what you are confronted with and even improve more if you kinda get used to it.

For God's sake, someone out there should design a more reliable test that tells you how much intellectual capacity you have.

>tfw 90 iq and can still beat the majority of r9k in arguments

how is this even possible

Arguing on the internet is one of the most stupid Things you can do.

>Arguing on the internet is one of the most stupid Things you can do.

t. someone who got rekt by me at some point

Can't hear you over the size of my throbbing seven inch IQ.

Attached: a.png (758x460, 125K)

not a native English speaker so those verbal word questions probably dragged me down
unironically about what I expected though, I have a big ego and consider myself pretty smart but I do know people who I'm 99% sure are smarter than me so I know I'm not off the charts or anything

Attached: tfwgenius.png (617x542, 17K)

>can't give a shit about the retarded word part so select "i don't know" on all
>get 105
>do it again with words
really fires up the engines

is that the highest it can go?
>gf score = 0
fucking lol'd

a lot higher than i expected ngl

Attached: graph_background_curve_iq.gif (316x153, 6K)

fuck its 117 this isnt what i thought the image save as

in my defense, i knew none of the words since my english is surface level at best
the math questions fucked me badly tho

Attached: roboto.png (614x505, 16K)

t. normiestan

Attached: kd.png (1312x710, 70K)

what does it mean by matrices section? that was my only decent one

lmao I'm a narcissist (and have disposable income) so I actually purchased the full report
apparently I'm even smarter than I though
actually surprised the numbers were my worst score since I thought that was my strongest suit

Attached: tfwbeyondhuman.png (593x855, 25K)

Look at all these geniuses and yet can't get a gf hahahahhahahahaha

>Got 81
>Actually got bored halfway so started guessing

Attached: itsscience_adeptus_mechanicus.jpg (235x156, 10K)

iq and reproduction have a slight negative correlation m8

>tfw too intelligent to breed

Attached: 67675.jpg (562x527, 61K)

>Turns out 90% of r9k has an average iq of 130 and and average penis of 8inches
You expect me to believe this shit? This is a garbage online iq test with retarded questions that can be answered differently depending on how one interprets the word of the writer
>inb4 "ur skare ull get like 90 iq hahihihi"
No, i'd probably get 80

Reddit:retards think they're smart
Jow Forums: smart people think they're retards
Instagram: retards acting like famous people
Twitter:famous people acting like retards

I forgot who said these wise words, but the fit so perfectly

>Turns out 90% of r9k has an average iq of 130 and and average penis of 8inches

>people with average/low scores don't post, because why would they?
>a lot of the posters on these kinds of threads probably aren't frequent posters in general
>some people lie
When you take all of these into account it makes sense.

>Jow Forums: smart people think they're retards
>smart people think they're retards
>smart people
>Jow Forums


Attached: 32432.png (800x729, 48K)

By kike standards that puts you below average.

No, it's more like this
Reddit: retards jerking eachother off
Jow Forums: retards
Instagram: whores
Twitter: normies

>Reddit:retards think they're smart
>Jow Forums:retards think they're smart


Apparently the test is timed, which I didn't know when I left for like 15 minutes to make my eggs. I got 120, not a shock, I usually score like 129.

there are several layers of selection bias here
first of all the absolute retards are filtered from the internet in general
secondly the audience Jow Forums attracts are somewhat computer savvy young males which skews the average upward
thirdly when you see this kind of a thread only the people who know they'll score well bother to take 30-50 minutes to actually take the test
and fourthly if you don't score well you're not gonna post your score here

lol you're probably about 90. Can't even save a fucking image lmao...

>english is surface level at best

Yeah... about that. That means you're fucking stupid.

Nobody with a high IQ and internet access has ANY excuse to not know how to speak/read english in this day and age.

OP here. My first post was the 2nd IQ test I took that night. Pic related is the 1st test that I took that very same night.

The test is from Mensa Norway. You can take the test here.

I decided to post the 101 IQ result because I genuinely believe that it reflects my real IQ, but I scored 128 in Mensa. The Mensa test was shorter and easier in my opinion. Take the test if you want.

Attached: iq.png (827x690, 24K)

I didn't do as well as I expected. I usually score about 135. I've been on disability pretty much not exercising my mind like I should, it might have went down.

Attached: iq-test-120.png (1440x860, 165K)

>got 81
>actually tried

Attached: 1505986408726.png (363x296, 136K)

>get 90 on test link you posted
>get 125 on mensa

hmm rlly makes me think

Attached: lolwut.png (828x499, 21K)

gotta be careful with the time limit on that one
was on question like 32 when suddenly it was just over

Attached: mensatest.png (752x517, 20K)

did the testorino

Attached: iq.png (1024x510, 75K)

went back and finished those
35 was easy but 33 and 34 quite difficult, would not have managed them under time pressure

Attached: ohboi.png (753x525, 20K)

seems like you were so annoying people voluntarily stopped responding

I got similar results, got 94 on test link and 123 on Mensa one, weird

I got 137 on something similar to this a week ago (I was sick with the flu so could have scored higher), 98th percentile. I also scored in the 97th percentile on the ASVAB and graduated 8/400 in my EMT class. I've always struggled with math but never got anything less than a perfect score in (high school) English/History.
Being in the top 2% of intelligence is impressive until you realize that in a world of 7 billion there are 140 million people smarter than you and that unless you're willing to jump through a shitload of hoops and pay a shitload of money to go to college and have your thoughts forced into an incredibly narrow range of "acceptable" beliefs then the world won't let you do anything with it or even acknowledge it. Society is a cage built by the mediocre for the benefit of the mediocre, which celebrates and rewards imitation and herd mentality.
Science has advanced to the point where the garage tinkerer probably isn't going to make any new discoveries, and if you want to do research in a lab you have to spend years learning what is and is not acceptable to study. If you read a book published in the last ten years you'll see that everyone speaks with the same "voice" because anything that's not taught in a creative writing class is wrong. Nothing interesting ever happens on TV or movies because TV is written and produced by people who learn "creativity" in college.
Even in the new frontier of internet media where anyone can make anything, everything on the youtube front page looks the exact same: attractive teenager/young adult with a professional make-up/hairstylist on a soundstage manufactued by some media company run by people who "learned" creativity in college. Every single blog has one of three different voices (snarky/thoughtful/reverent) because again, even the people outside of the mainstream jounralists who write columns ape their writing style and opinions to sound like an expert.

wow I've always felt like my IQ is 90-100 but apparently it's 135, shame really wasted potential also I'm hideous so really it would have had to been at least 145 for me to feel any regret lmao

haha WHOA I got an IQ of 137 now I might just write a paragraph about my life story and put in as many big words as possible

no its because im smarter than them bitch

I answered a bunch wrong on purpose and got a 111. This, like all online IQ tests, are bullshit.

Those of you ITT who scored high (125+) have you actually done anything with your life?

Am ,
>good parts
>was a fairly successful mathlete in high school (2nd place nationally in my small Euro country, competed in a few multi/international competitions as well)
>got degrees in Math and CS
>currently intern for a startup developing some neural network AI stuff

>bad parts
>24 year old khv
>post on Jow Forums
>got terrible grades: finished my degrees one year behind schedule, failed a number of courses and had to retake them, barely passed a number of others - only got the internship because of my high school mathlete according to my boss, usually they would have thrown my application out as soon as they saw the grades
>live with parents

120, it sounds about right. What do I do now?

Nope I dropped out of HS and still lazy. It was EZ to get good grades if I made the effort but never did because I put all my focus on vidya and fell for the "school is indoctrination" meme so I never took it seriously. Now thinking back I regret watching David Icke at 16. Fuck.

Got an 81 without reading a single question. Friendly reminder that anyone who takes IQ tests seriously is an idiot.

Attached: smart.png (1062x570, 77K)

>claims to have a high IQ
>failed courses in college
>trusts the legitimacy of an online IQ test
>gets scammed out of $7 from said IQ test

It just doesn't add up.

did you miss the part where I participated in several multinational math competitions after getting 2nd place nationally? didn't do terribly well in the IMO but the standard there is being like an actual genius which I'm not

About what I usually get.
Got around 311 on revised GRE.

Attached: psychTestsIQ20180701.png (448x219, 16K)

Facebook: where memes go to die

Wow, it must be hard to be the 2nd best mathlete in a tiny European country. I'm truly in awe.

-54 IQ?

more than you ever accomplished
in any case these competitions are tough and at least in my country the competition fierce
you're not going to do well if you don't have a high IQ
I'm kind of the outlier as the underachiever among the IMO team when I competed but the guys who were 6th, 3rd and 1st place when I was 2nd are now math graduate students, one of them in Cambridge, one in Harvard and I think the third is in MIT - the other two I don't really know what are doing

pic related sample problems from a competition I partook in back in high school and actually did really well in (2+ problems solved), if you think anyone can do it please have a go at it

Attached: mathproblem.png (689x802, 97K)

got a professional IQ test when I was ~13 and it came up with 134
20 now and result is 141.
Took me longer then 30mins though (english isn't my mothertongue)

Attached: iqtest.png (501x252, 9K)

Mighty defensive, aren't we? I would be too if my teammates went to Cambridge and Harvard while I'm working as an intern.

yeah you see why I'll stick with my IQ score it's the only thing I have
this board is a safe space for underachievers and disappointments which is why I'm here

>Jow Forums: smart people think they're retards

Attached: 1468392159916.gif (538x572, 338K)

>124 on Mensa
>101 on gib moni pls site for full rezults ;)

Where are the ebin meme tabs

Thanks user, maybe there's hope for me yet

the mensa test is the less credible one
the one in the OP is longer and seems more standard and has actual calibration information (on a big sample of people) if you click the "Scientifically validated" image

god is dead anyway so whats the point

Attached: cry.png (517x276, 10K)

at least that's above average :^)