Who here has actually been cucked? Literally cucked, no memes. You gf/wife fucking another dude kind of cuck

Who here has actually been cucked? Literally cucked, no memes. You gf/wife fucking another dude kind of cuck.

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Choose one.

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i want it to happen but

r9k is the least cucked board on Jow Forums. Purely because you need to have a girlfriend in the first place to get cucked.

So in a way.. we win?

I let my gf fuck this black dude we met on Doublelist. Pic related is him. Honestly, she's been in a much better mood ever since.

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The only girl I've fucked had a boyfriend at the time. She claimed they were about to break up but apparently he had no idea. I never really trusted her though when we continued our FWB deal after they broke up even though she claimed to have a really deep emotional connection and how I was special to her i life and bla bla, and sure enough she started hanging out with male "friends". I wasn't really emotionally invested, the most annoying thing was how insulting it felt that she thought she was being so smart and manipulative that I wouldn't understand what she was doing or connect the dots.
Probably the cuckiest thing I did was when she was at my place, slightly drunk and we were making out, and suddenly she had to leave for a short while. I assumed she was going to buy weed or some pills (she was always shifty about that as well, as if it wasn't obvious) and when she came back she basically passed out on the couch. Her mouth smelled like cum I thought, even though she hadn't blown me. I knew she had a guy around my place that she had been sending nude pics to, so that shit sucked that I had to take care of her gross ass while he got a blowie. I got mad so I fucked her while she was passed out.

Nope, but I've cucked a guy, french people are really into that for some weird reason.

>getting cucked by a 7" dick with sub 5" girth
lol, absolute state of cucks

thats probably just him and hes making up some story to get dudes to look at his dick

Europeans and shit are all on that weird free sex shit its gross

I had a really beautiful dream girl I was talking to online and I let her know where I live. Eventually she showed and brought her cat for me to play with. Caught her in my uncle's room on top of him riding his cock after I heard the moaning through the door. She said he is better looking and has a bigger cock and that I'm retarded and she would never consent for me. He told me he asserted his dominance and that's why she fucked him. Also he started beating me afterward. Cried for days and threw a fit. Also she got pregnant. she said it was justified because he had a girl at his work that he had a crush on that would never f*** him and it happens to every guy, every guy has a woman that he really wants to slay that he just can't.

Can't get cucked if you don't have a gf

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>have 3some with wife and trap
>trap has smaller dick but way more sexual stamina and better technique than me
>wife moans way harder while being fucked by trap than she does with me

does that count?

>My feefee's got hurt, so I raped her
Cool story, bro.

the fuck are you talking about? this place doesn't have anything to do with robots for years now

I kept a prostitute for a few days and actually started to develop a connection with her. That's pretty cuckish but I cut her off and took new ones once i recognized these feelings so i guess i redeemed myself

I've got a friend who unironically got cucked and probably would take his ex back if it was possible.
I hoped he was joking but he was dead serious about it. I feel sorry for the poor guy.

Should have just dragged her out to the door and let her sleep out there

what do you mean kept her? in your house?
I didn't know they did a live in deal

Found out my ex had a one night stand with some dude she met on discord.

It was like 4 months after we broke up and I hated her guts and was glad to be rid of her, but finding that shit out made me see red. I almost drove to her house to confront her.

After everything I've done for her she has the nerve to fuck another man because the relationship wasnt 100% up to her fairytale standards.

Women are all garbage

Yes moron. You let another man stick his dick in your woman.

i've been offered to be a bull
but i couldn't get down for it.

The only real solution here is to fuck that girl at his work that he has a crush on

that is a small dick lmao

i haven't been cucked but i cucked a guy pretty consistently over the span of a month, his girlfriend was looking for new friends and she was into weed culture. So i invited her over t omy place and got her high, we were both high and watching Breaking Bad(I had already seen it) and we were underneath the blankets of my bed, we were cuddling and eventually i had escalated things into sex. After that, she'd sneak over to my house in the middle of the night to get fucked by me.
Only stopped when she mentioned to me that her boyfriend is really depressed, and the only reason she doesnt leave him is because she fears he might kill himself. Couldn't really get it up after that, because damn.

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Hows it feel to be a bad person?

Wouldn't necessarily call myself a bad person. If she wants to cheat on her boyfriend, that's on her, if not me then it would've been somebody else, and i just wanted a hole to shoot my sperm inside.
She also gave me free MDMA, so there were a lot of pluses.

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>Implying women have the ability to take responsibility
Women are children

why so much jojo ?

because i like jojo.
adds a bit of personality to my posts, even if it might be autism

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Here's the closest I've been to being cucked

>meet grill at bar
>invites me and my buddies to drink at her house
>late night drunk as fuck
>couple friends pass out, its just me, my friend and the girl
>she's horny and wants to get double teamed by me+friend
>i am down because that sounds epic
>about to head to her room
>friend pulls me aside
>'yo listen im not down for this gay shit. you can go fuck her or else i'm going to'
>o-ok you can have her its cool
>he goes and fucks her and i go to sleep

She wasn't that hot or anything so I didn't really care, I just thought it would be hilarious to pork this fat girl with my friend. But as I laid there on the couch I thought to myself, 'damn i just got cucked'

I can relate, I've been seeing a married woman with 3 kids on and off for a few years, usually me the one chasing after her but mainly its bc she misses being chased after. Anyways her marriage is crop and the husband cheated on her often which is why she was open to me.

Saw her yesterday after being out of town for a while and asked how things were at home, any improvement, she began to talk about divorce like it was imminent and that things are not improving at all with the husband. Then she dropped this bomb:
>he wants to try, but I'm done
And it caught me completely off guard. Apparently over the past year she even recognized he changed a lot, less drinking, doesnt think hes sleeping around. They still fight and he has a short temper as usual, but now he is the one trying to save the marriage and she is like whatever.

I couldn't make a move after hearing that, felt bad for the guy, so I just left after a bit. Idk if I can see her anymore.

In some countries they will stay with you all night and day for pocket change