What are you doing to actively improve your life and become who you want to be ?

what are you doing to actively improve your life and become who you want to be ?
if your answer to that is nothing and you're unhappy with your life then don't you think you'd be better off dead?

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change your own life you pussy
just try

>don't you think you'd be better off dead?
I would be. Dying creates suffering and those around me would not be better off however. I don't have a strong survival instinct anymore and live because causing pain to others is unethical.

so if you can't die because of your own ethical stand point on suicide, why not try to sharpen yourself as a human and attempt to find happiness? do positive things to improve your life and they will stack up

owowowowowowowowow I don't like that

just try u pussy what do you have to lose? you're already suffering

That's pretty stupid, why would I choose to suffer with doing things I don't like when I could also just stay in here and take it easy? For all the boredom and stagnation that comes with it it still is many times more comfy and makes me want to live as opposed to when I tried the wageslaving taxcuck meme


>why would I choose to suffer with doing things I don't like
because those "things" whatever they are would all come together and build you into a person you'd be proud to be. no one said anything about some bullshit wagecuck retail job, just do some push ups every now and then u faggot

if you are content with doing nothing and living under mommys wing for the remainder of your life then just keep doing what you're doing

I started trying to lose weight at the start of 2017.

I was 130kg / 285lbs, 42 BMI.
I am currently 82kg / 181lbs, 26.7 BMI. Still trying to lose more.

About to do my jog, actually.

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I don't get how anyone can live like that. I moved recently and finally have a job starting monday but this month until then has been fucking torture since I have no fucking money to really do anything. Picked up jogging again cuz of it

I guess if you can live with that then ore power to you but holy shit is it boring

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nice, don't ever give up. never stop trying until you reach your goal - good job user!


Nice job user. At this point are you looking to still just lose weight or are you trying to bulk up as well?

So let's say I did all the things you would expect some one to do and am now "a person you'd be proud to be". What is the reward? What would I get for it? Like, an actual tangible thing instead of some muh personality delusion

Will do

Fun things are fun and lapping up the society koolaid is not one of them. Some people tend to need need obligations and other mindless pretenses or they go crazy but thankfully I'm not one of them.

the reward is you dig yourself out of the depression and self loathing you've found yourself in you goob
if you aren't depressed, don't hate yourself, and are happy doing nothing with your life, why are you even in this thread? does giving randoms on Jow Forums shit make your monotonous life a little less monotonous?

Bro you just sound like someone who isn't willing to put any work in to get anything in life other than what enablers have given to you

The only thing I aspire to be is "myself".
Not that I'm very great or anything, I just don't want to be anyone else.
I have literally no other goals except death.

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I want to kill myself, but I know that people would laugh about my death. My friends would probably tell everyone bad stuff about me. Even my parents would joke about it.

That isn't true in the least though, have a look at Jow Forums or /lit/ or example. You can clearly see that they're still very very bitter and pessimistic, the only difference is they hide their inadequateness behind their pastimes. Inside the unfulfillment is still rummaging but they are already too far in so they just hope they make it like one of their idols. The number of people who actually are uplifted through their improvement are very few.

You're right but for false reasons, I never had anything I particularity wanted to do or get in life and my current living standard is pretty good to say the least. Putting in work would be pretty stupid in my current lifestyle

Lifting and working
I've given up on improving my social skills it's too late anyway
>mom visits me
>oh how come such a charming young man like you doesn't have a gf
>laugh it off

I don't know about bulking up yet. For now I'm just trying to get skinny.

My end goal is to look and feel "small". I just feel more comfortable that way, both in terms of submissiveness relationship wise and just in general. But all my life I've been a big fucking fat fuck and bigger than everyone I know.

I may try and build a little muscle if I end up needing to fill out some loose skin though.

Just waiting for some external impulses to off myself, already cut down psychiatric and psychologist contact to start off.

I am trying to help my sister to improve her life instead.

>wanting to learn guitar
>wanting to learn japanese
>wanting to make my own comic book
The thing is, I haven't made much progress with any of these goals. I have interest in all of these, but I don't think that I would be able to accomplish these at the same time, especially considering the skills I need to develop within those fields. If I were to do them individually, I wouldn't feel content knowing that there are other things that I would like to do. I fear that I would end up in a jack-off-all-trades, master of none situation.
I haven't offed myself because I guess having these ambitions, really feeble ones mind you, keep me in a deluded and comforting state of hope in that things will get better.

I'm doing quite a lot
That picture is deeply unsettling