ITT: We're All from the US: Circa 1940

ITT: We're All from the US: Circa 1940

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pic obviously unrelated originally

>dad raised me to be a man and doesnt pawn me off on mom every chance he gets

Holy shit everthing is different and now Im a normal functioning human with a girlfriend and a car and highschool degree, not some degenerate fag on a basket weaving image posting forum

>just got drafted
N-no! this isn't real!

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image posting fourm....?
george. have you been doing reefer again?

you don't wanna fight for america?

(bumping originally original original orig original o)

Last Friday me and Zeke had to beat some Zoot Suit beaners like a rented mule. Then this Los Angeles flatfoot ran up and arrested them and not us!

Why don't they go back to Mexico?

>The good things in life don't change

Then we took the streetcar home.

>OK maybe not everything

>One of my sharecroppers looked at my daughter and smiled
>That nigger is now hanging from an oak tree
>Let's see how much he smiles now

It was a better world

>also get drafted, kill a bunch of japs on a God forsaken island in the middle of nowhere
>survive and get ptsd
>become beggar and become even more insane over time
>die under some bridge by overdose in 1952, only 28 years old

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Can't wait to get some of that milsurp gear once the war ends, especially some of those Garands and 1911's. You know what they say, 9mm kills the man but .45 kills the soul.

Shut the fricking heck up man you dont know me

Who tf uses a rowboat to attack a beach?

>This French bird moved into the brownstone next door
>Says she's a refugee
>Must be a Bolshevik
>All the Frenchies I met in Bellau Wood during the last war were Bolshies
>Maybe I'll bring her a pie
>I hear those Bolshies believe in free love

i'm a time traveler from 2018. ask me anything.

Are the niggers extinguished yet

How big is ur cock? Include the girth as well pls


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Any nigger presidents?

No, thankfully none so far

15" complications in the space distortion field doubled its size

>just got drafted
Time to get a girlfriend just before i leave for bellau wood so if i don't come home they will mourn me

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>tfw just turned 18
>family isn't rich enough to send me off to college (tuition is like $100 a semester)
>got some shitty job on the docks in Brooklyn
>workers keep joking around about how we'll be going to war soon
>tfw actually really nervous about this because I'll be prime draft material
I really don't like this fellas

What's gonna happen in Europe in the future?

>being proud of a high school diploma

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Boy, I sure am glad no one is sending me to go murder my genetic cousins for a bunch of Jews and Communists so that white countries can gradually be dragged into the third world through mass migration.

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sadly, no.
there was a nigger president.
i'm an engineer, not a politician

Gee, Japan's getting prettytouchy in the Pacific...I mean, they must know well enough not touch touch any of our stuff. You really think they would do that? Attack us directly? They've got at least some sense...

R-right, guys?

Fall off the dock or let smth fall on you and break some bones and there you go