Why are Blue eyed girls so aesthestically pleasing?

Why are Blue eyed girls so aesthestically pleasing?

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yea nah m8

Light blue > Grey > Darker blue > Green >>> Hazel >>>>>>>> Brown

They're not most of them look like they have the eyes of a dead carcass I'd take deep brown or Hazel eyes over blue eyes but green eyes is a mix some girls pull it off amazingly while others look retarded so really blue eyes are extremely over rated brown eyes are on the average line and are somewhat under rated while green eyes are actually pretty good

Fun fact. Blue eyes are not actually blue. They are physiologically different and reflect light in such a way that they appear blue. Blue pigment is extremely rare in nature, only 1 species of butterfly can produce it as far as we know. All other species that appear blue use a mechanism to manipulate light.

This is the main reason we value blue eyes. Novelty, rarity, scarcity. It's the same with blonde hair, it's extremely rare.

>t. Muttie mcmuttmutt

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>reflect light in such a way that they appear blue
So they're blue then?

This. I got blue eyes and when i don't have sunlight they look Greyish.

No, they are grey (no pigment) but have tiny crystal-like formations that reflect light in a specific way.

I'm confused what you think color is other than the reflection of light?
>black hair isn't actually black it just absorbs all the light so you cant see any color and it looks black

Are you legitimately and originally retarded?

Only if they're 2d blue eyes.

Blue eyes + black hair is the most aesthetic choice.

Green > Black > blue > dirt > the toilet paper I wipe my ass with > my unwiped asshole > my shit > other peoples shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brown "eyes"

eyes are the window to the soul, and brown eyes are a window to putrid shit

Aryans are objectively the most attractive people

I would says Russian girls and Aryan girls are both on top. But Aryan men beat Russian men everytime.

Lmdao Aryan men are ugly as shit. Gypsie men are HOT

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I'm not sure. Dark haired French girls are something special.

blue eyes with true black hair is the rarest and most aesthetic combination

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Yeah dude, you might be a literal brainlet. You should go get your head checked out.

Except in world war 2 lel

Russia didn't do shit. Germany simply got fucked over by the weather and Russia could just walk into Europe at that point.

>they're not blue, they're just blue
btw this isn't r"ddit, no one gives a shit about your fun facts

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What an embarrassing post. I feel sorry for you, don't bother replying.

>Germany simply got fucked over by the weather
This is the shittiest, most highschool/reddit tier take on ww2 ever. Bluepilled as fuck

The Russian army was so shit. The Wehrmacht was the most strategically advanced army of the war.

I am a blue eyed/blond haired man and I find blue eyed/blonde haired women unattractive for the most part. I think brown hair/brown eyes with pale skin is the prettiest combination

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first post is ofc zhe best post

You mean jews? Whatever rocks ur boat.

>You mean jews?
Basically, yes. I find the contrast in pale, white skin and brown hair and eyes beautiful