arab gf>black gf>asian gf>white gf
Arab gf>black gf>asian gf>white gf
I agree with the top, but white should go second.
Jew gf>all
the girls are kind of cute but I want to stay far away from their shitty meme religion
you're mom>all
>Unironically wanting 3D shit
Accurate list
Aren't Arab girls all wierd and fucked up about their beautiful brown skin and shit?
We hate generic cock sucking blondes seriously they should be on the bottom of the list
Nah white women are objectively the ones who can be prettiest, but mena girls are close and compensate it with exoticism.
>tfw no turkish gf that thinks she's white
That's an actual Egyptian queen. They weren't black. They were dark caucasoids.Tbey would have looked like modern Turks.
>Tier 1
White, Hapa, Levantine, Persian, Castiza
>Tier 2
Arab, Latina, Asian, Mulata
>Tier 3
Black, Native, Indian
What about white middle easterners, like Lebanese or Israeli girls?
Tier 1: black
Tier 2: Latina, Arab, Indian
Tier 4: abo, white
That's what levantines are
Ah. Nice taste, then.
Forgot. Asian is tier 3.
Semitic women always have absolutely top tier tits. Why?
They have the same variance of tits as any other race, but you only get to see the top tier ones.
Strange, isn't it?
t. Israeli Jew
>all races have the same sized tits
I'm seriously doubtful. An overwhelming majority of the jewish girls I've been with have had 10/10 supermodel DDD tits. Mostly ashkenazim. Arabs & berbers have them too. What's the deal?
Sauce plz oreganolioli
curry > allahu snackbar > kfc > taco > rice > whitebread
I'd rate blacks higher if it wasn't for the abundance of obese feral ghetto trash. A civilized blackfu is top tier though.
But I don't wanna fuck a bob-omb
>Nah white women are objectively the ones who can be prettiest
That goes to Semites or blacks
My god, that Pharah cosplayer whatever her name is
I'd fucking destroy her any day
Even better, she's underage
Semites yes because they're caucasian, blacks no way, they're fucking ugly.
Pale > Amber > yellow > brown
Calm the fuck down the best looking black looks better than the best looking white girl while majority of white girls look a bit prettier than your average black girl and Semites aren't white you can't include Jews you retard
basically arab gf>white gf
You're deluded as fuck
You all people obviously never had contact with actual arab people.
Your fucking retarded seriously you can't just say that and act like it's true even the most pretty white women start to look generic
>her dad will either force me to become muslim or jihad me
>she has ugly dune coon bug eyes
>most likely almost identical to male arabs besides obvious tits and long hair
>probably is muslim just for show and lowkey a whore anyways because i had a muslim gf once irl who told me her friends would go to clubs and get fucked
I think white should go first
>inb4 not a robot becuz gf
I was 13 and she was 34, think on that
Who hurt you so bad m8?
I had an Arab gf for a long time, but I spent most of my time bitching at her that I never got to have sex. Really blows.
Not all jews are white ashkenaz most of them are semite
>le generic white girls memes
Yeah and all niggers/gooks/dune coons/ noble savage tree faggots look the same
Humans all have something that makes them resemble one another faggot, we arent snowflakes, we're animals
Caucasian isn't white. Whites are a subset of caucasians that depigmented.
Your list suvks. White "women" are fucking hideous.
t. shanikua
t. Big tomatoe nosed monkey faced nigger
Yay, straight porn. Time to fap.
White gf>arab gf>mestizo gf>indian gf>native gf>asian gf>black gf> abo gf
I am a caucasian fag
Since it's caucasian its good and beautiful
Aryan, mediterranean, slav, arab, persian, whatever. All these women are beautiful
goooood arab women are the absolute hottest. it's such a shame most of them has the baggage of a sick culture and their fucking family fucking up everything
Islam is the only redeeming quality Arab women have.
A non-Muslim Arab girl is a guaranteed Kim Kardashian-wannabe turbo Stacy.
t. Arab, that has interacted with Muslim and non-Muslim Arab women alike for years
>sick culture
>t. likes Stronk independant roasties