17 hours ago the absolute worst LSD trip I have ever had started. I went through multiple layers of hell and came back

17 hours ago the absolute worst LSD trip I have ever had started. I went through multiple layers of hell and came back.


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Were you alone? Were you outside or inside?

>hellish acid trip
>17 hours later, perfectly lucid

bullshit detected. Enjoy your LARP thread.

Please explain in detail the cosmic horror you felt. Do you think negative media was causative? I can't imagine a super happy person who watches nice stuff having that awful a trip.

>I can't imagine a super happy person who watches nice stuff having that awful a trip.
If the dose is high enough, anything can happen, and the probability of having a nighmare trip increases exponentially, even if you are the happiest person ever.

Harm reduction advice of course.

i want to do LSD
Where can i get it


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You've never done acid huh?

What made it hellish?

Smells like a larp

did you buy it off the deepweb?
im really starting to fucking consider it.....

Not him, but yeah after 17 hours of a high dose nightmare trip, you probably are not going to be perfectly lucid.

The same happend to me like 2 years ago i was being split up ibto 2 parts below my chest and 2 years later i have sharp pain in my ribs so i might die soon but i dont give a fuck and im going to do lsd on the coming friday YEET

I had a nightmare trip on shrooms. Around 3:00 am I was hallucinating monsters and ghosts. At 4:00 am I was really close to going outside and lose my mind because I thought I became a schizo. At 6:00 am the trip was over and I was on my way to eat Jack In The Box. It's izi to recover from psychedelics.

Alone inside.
I was overthinking a thought loop so much reality just faded away and I was left with absolute dread and confusion.
1P-LSD is legal in euro
Smoking a joint on a perfectly normal 100 mcg trip

What thought set it off?

The thought of being OP

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>Reality just faded away
wtf does that mean & lol being inside while tripping

The first loop of the thought loop. I knew I was looping but I kept overanalyzing it
It was 4 am at night when it started.

Why didn't you put on some music or watched porn? Those two are always bad trip killers

I held my phone with headphones in my hand for a solid part of it. I originally planned to do both but I just ended up putting the phone away for some reason. It was a result of all the auditory and visual hallucination madness

Lol retarderino