>TFW no Oswald Mosley BF
the pain
TFW no Oswald Mosley BF
That's pretty gay dude. You'd be thrown in jail too if you lived in England during that time.
how is that gay? it's not 2 dudes so it's not gay
I'm a racist ancap. Am I close enough?
nice joke faggot
ok enough jokes a friend i met on Jow Forums made this exact thread half a year ago and hasn't been online in a few months and im scared he commit suicide his name was Kore on discord
does anyone know him? pls tell me he's OK he was always fun to talk to but he hasn't been online in forever and im worried about him is he ok?
He's dead and you didn't do enough to convince him that life was with living.
He might have gotten a girlfriend or something. What I usually find out when internet friends ghost me.
better than dead i guess he did say he had a Finland GF and he was from Sweden so they must have gotten together i was just hoping for a little more closure
also he showed no signs of depression that i saw i mean he seemed pretty happy and things were going his way
Nice digits. I used to know someone from Sweden with a Finnish gf. Did he go by any other nicknames like salt or mangina? Did he live in Gothenburg?
i remember something about past user names like salt but im sure he mentioned his city somewhere let me check i vaugly do remember salt though did he ever talk about talking with his GF over video or like VC or something like that i think it was like they both masturbated in video for each other IDK
hey want to see some bad nostalgic painful feels guys?
did he ever mention anything like to pic related?
If it was the same guy, he hasn't posted anything on Facebook since January.
he talked to me in april but nothing past that did he ever mention having discord? btw i used to have facebook but just ghosted that but still use other things do you think this possible suicide was gradual making him slowly lose contact with the outside world starting with cutting facebook freinds and eventually discord maybe that explains why he was still on otherwise i wouldn't know
I knew him from an anime forum. Never had him on discord, but we Skyped. His username there was randow6. I haven't talked to him in a couple years. Probably not the same guy. He seemed like he was the bleeding heart liberal type, but idk.
>bleeding heart liberal
oh yeah for sure not him by any chance then
Hopefully you stop worrying then a month or two he pops up online and bitches about how he was just dumped or something.
god i fucking wish im losing hope i do have other things i can do but he was a great person hope he's ok
>Tfw no Kaiser Wilhelm's mustache
why live if you are bearlet.