>tfw small peepee
>tfw secretly want to be forced into a sissy
>tfw want to be plowed by thick NEET cock
>tfw craving impregnation by chunky yellow semen
Tfw small peepee
Your peepee might be small but what about the rest of your body?
Thats sexy user!
also, follow your dreams
Then take the steps to do it like myself.
Slimmed down, only do legs to get a nice butt, buy feminine lingerie, whore yourself.
It's a fun life.
>tfw small pencildick
>tfw sadistic turbodom
stop being a self destructing loser
>embracing cock
>improving situation tenfold
>self defeating
Imagine being this retarded
good job trying to get other faggots fall for the AIDS meme faggot
>tfw sissy fetish but my boyclit is 7 inches flaccid
Oh hey you're literally my preferred type user, except I make good money and am not a NEET
Just give in to superior Fat NEET cock already
how small we talking user?
big cocks in cages are cute too
Besides, they shrink when locked up and with hrt
I would love to suck an user (or anons) cock all day. I don't even use my dick to cum anymore, sucking someone off and riding a dildo or getting fucked really makes me go crazy~
Stop teasing me user
Keep teasing me user
Having a small dick sucks though. I can't even hit 4 inches. You're just a degenerate and people that fetishize it should kill themselves
how is that teasing? What i say is truth. I cum so many times from being fucked in my bp and I'm not a size queen either~
Because I want to find a qt femboy to wife
Ah, I guess it wouldnt be a good idea to tell you that I love cooking and cleaning? Sucking cock is also a must for me.
Be my wife right now user
you're already posting anime so you're on the path of sissydom soon enough
theres lots of benefits user, just give in!
oregon oregano origami
This might sound like gold digging, but would be able to buy me cute clothes? I'd love to show off for you~
What kind of throwaway contact do you want user? I can drop email, discord, or kik.
if you are sub 5 inches you should have to wear a armband or something that shows easily that you are a dicklet, collars or tattoos are fine too
I'd rather not have AIDS. Also not a fan of banging dudes
I can take care of you, I make good money
aids is a myth!
also you wont be doing any of the banging you dumb sissy, you will be locked up and have your mouth and boipussy violated
theres no need for you to do anything actively, you will be a cute fleshlight
skelly and small pp gang, too tall to go full sissy, also I don't want to deal with STDs
is this actually a thing? (Jow Forums incels who are locked up to be sex slaves and shit, sometimes even given female homones by the faggot who fucks them)
I hope it's a myth
it can be if you go out there and do it!
Also you can find something like that on fetlife if you're cute enough
Sadly no, user.
I just want cute clothes that really highlight my style. They're just so expensive that I want to cry
>Sadly no, user.
How the fuck would someone buy you cute clothes if they can't contact you
But why? Having a small dick doesn't mean I'd be into any of that. Retard. It's people like you that give microdick guys such a terrible stigma
I-I don't actually want someone to spend money for me over the internet. That's too much ;;
>it can be if you go out there and do it!
not a degenerate homo
was talking about a jpg I saw on Jow Forums guess it's not that widespread
If you change your mind, just email my garbage account: myr9kthrowaway(at)gmail.com
no user, I dont give microdick bois a bad stigma! You silly goose, your shit genetics is all it takes to have a bad stigma. Not to mention you will never ever please a woman with that clitty. What I offer is a way to escape and turn your negative into a positive
take the pink pill user, it will help!
don't have it on hand, but I remember an old thread that had pictures where some guy 'adopted' and feminized a NEET (NEET since I'm pretty sure it took place before incels became 'popularized')
Yeah but that helps me in no way whatsoever. In fact, probably counter intuitive. Being short or having a small dick doesn't mean I should be a homo
You could also get a job instead of being a neet, but thats a miserable existence. You're free to be a miserable "male" or you can be a cute and loved girl(male)
>managed to find a cute crossdressing bf who adores me
>he has such low self esteem he wants me to fuck other people while being in a relationship with him so that I don't leave him
>he doesn't want to see anyone else though
>he moved to another city with me and he's too shy to make any friends so he's completely dependent on me
>treat him like shit constantly, but it just makes him like me more
>considering just taking him up on the offer and fucking other cuteboys
Maybe this isn't the proper place to post this but I never thought I would have this conflict before and wanted to give you (male)bots hope that you too one day can be taken advantage of. You just have to dream
Friendly reminder for you faggots
make sure to get him to beg you to fuck the other boy
maybe rim the other boy before and after fucking him
I'll keep that in mind, user. Sorry :(
I'm not a NEET though. I don't see how feminizing myself fixes any root issues I have with my being. You seem quite desperate though lol
It's ok user. My quest for a qt femboy wife continues
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find one soon enough~
>>considering just taking him up on the offer and fucking other cuteboys
Damn dude where did you find the CD? Any photos or stats?
>be lonely loser with small dick
>gyno from some autism medication I took from when I was 7-13 years old
>end up stuck underdeveloped and small from medication
>really wide hips from genetics
>no friends ever
>decide to try being a trap for attention on Jow Forums
>within a few months end up getting a boyfriend and losing my virginity
>have huge confidence boost from actually looking decent
>now living with him and never have to worry about going to college or get a job cause he takes care of me
Literally just turned on easy mode for life
Tinder is a great place to find isolated, lonely boys/crossdressers just out of high school who want to become codependent on you because they have no father figure. Bonus points if you use entry level absurdism and depressing literature to make them think you understand them like nobody on Earth has been able to before.
this shit just makes me feel bad for trannies