Be me

>be me
>climbing to plat on league of normans
>10 lose streak 'cause trolls
>autism rage explode
>uninstall lol

Can you guys suggest me a comfy online game? I have nothing to do.

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ye. diablo 2

Oldschool runescape is the comfiest there is. Grinding all the days away

don't fall for the esports jew

yeah desu I'm considering single player minecraft, esports ruined online gaming for me.

or go for coop if you want to play online still, it's a lot rage inducing.
might make a friend or two, like I did when L4D was at its peak.
terraria is pretty comfy to kill a few hours and only a couple dollarinos on steam

a lot less rage inducing*
I have 4k hours logged on Dota2 until I quit and sold all my cosmetics.
felt empty for over a month until I just slowly went through my singleplayer backlog and things are much better now

teammates make me furious, no matter how much you practice, there's always a fucking kid to ruin the entire game.

>tfw have a competitive spirit in me
>most games are team oriented
>hate relying on others and not being in control of the match
>only options are RTS games like starcraft (dead genre) or fighting games
>suck at fighting games but is kinda fun
There's really not much out there that isn't team-based infortunately

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sc2 has too much smurfs, man it's disgusting. Also the global server feels empty, it's dying so hard blizzard tried to save it by making it free2play. SFV is cool tho, good waifus but the learning curve is insane.

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Yeah I bought SFV this year and I'm getting my teeth kicked in despite all my efforts.
All these boomers playing since SFII on the snes seem to have a huge advantage while I can't even chain a few commands properly after months of trying.
And RTS genre is just dead I don't think that will ever come back.

Play DOTA 1

i mainly stick to singleplayer myself, like mario, metroid, zelda, half life, etc. the only online games i play are splatoon, minecraft(rarely), and gmod

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why the fuck do people play online games

everyone is either fucking retarded and piss you off or else they bully you if you're worse than them

the RTS genre feels too bad these days, it only has the freaking boomers that were playing the same game for 2 decades, since it lacks noobs these games feels like a massacre. I'm a level 10 terran, I just played the campaign and a few games with the AI. Man these people can literally do reaper harass, keep 3 bases nonstop. But I still prefer these than other stuff like dota, at least you lose alone.

Kritika Online is a (sorta) grindy game that I just sunk my life into for like a week and had a lot of fun

I just reached diamond 3 with 63% winrate i have 78% winrate with my most played champ

Life is good knowing you can do something better than almost everyone else even if it's something not many people take seriously.

choose one and only one.

they have sent me here

it gives a sense of community if you have no friends

>playing lol ever
I suggest you to reinstall it and don't play anything else, because cancer must be contained in it's containment chamber.

well go back and tell them i sent you, i don't give a fuck.
but online is not comfy.

At first glance it looks just like any pay-2-win MMO the market is currently oversaturated with. Am I wrong?

Ok seriously, who the hell are you OP. That is a picture of my sister's cat I cropped out a picture.

>he doesn't understand how memes work

Warframe solo is comfy af
you can try multiplayer for grinding but I prefer solo for rest of the game

Warframe unironically. Also if anyone has a clan pls inbite