Who /OCD/ here?

Who /OCD/ here?

Other forms of metal illness are also welcome here. Do you guys take meds or anything?
I've been dealing with Pure O (HOCD and POCD) for some weeks now and it's a living hell.
Also it's nice to talk to people with similar problems.

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Diagnosed OCD here. Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, and Generalized Anxiety as well. I have meds, but haven't been taking them regularly for about a month now. They're not specifically for OCD, just general SSRIs.

What kind of OCD? What do you do?

I ruminate, count numbers (and have a complete fascination with them). I actually can't control how much I memorize numbers. If I see a license plate, I have to memorize it.

I also have intrusive thoughts like the fear I'll accidentally stab someone if I walk by a knife, or I'm secretly a pedophile even though I've never once looked at a child that way.

I count my steps, check for cracks, I have to do things over and over if I didn't get the feeling tight the first time. I reread and retype texts several times before sending them. I'll read the paragraphs in my textbooks up to 35 times (no joke) before I'll move on to the next one, which is why school was hell for me. I had to rewrite my notes several times because they grossed me out so much.

I'm on the way out of a transexual OCD episode
been pretty rough but I'm on the way out now

That's autistic even for this board

>I'm secretly a pedophile
I also have this, it's the worst thing ever.
The worst thing about this it happened suddenly. One day you are a normal fellow just living your life as usual, the next day you are wondering if you are a pedo, scanning all the thing you've done in your life and having internal arguments in your head. Feeling like you want to kill yourself even though you know you've been attracted to females of your age and older all your life.

That's OCD for you

Watch this, it helped me a lot.

I'm and this is the first obsession I've had with stuff like this
do the intrusive thoughts ever feel convincing and veer on deluding you?

Yeah that's pretty common, but they are still thoughts and don't reflect who you are

Read this

Yeah I know at heart its all bullshit, but as the stress increases (coupled with depersonalisation etc) things get weird
It feels so good when your mind starts to feel "normal" again though

I'll give that a read thanks
the intrusions still pop in here and there, but fingers crossed they'll gone soon

Schizoid here and I have so many phobias I'm a complete shut in. Although my family seems to think i'm on the spectrum. The two do share a lot of overlap so it's possible, either way it sucks man.

I can't even have a conversation without someone screeching edgelord at me. I can't help it, i just have a warped view of the world. Fuck me i guess.

you got us at least man

I have tics, AMA

What kind of tics?

I tried giving SSRIs a chance, took all the major ones at this point. It was like chemical castration. Not trying to fearmonger but that stuff is poison.

I still have issues getting it up. I regret ever taking that shit.

Paranoid schizophrenia here, taking Risperidone.

Trying to find out how exactly I've been compromised and how can they possibly be following me is not too bad of a hobby, it has it's moments. At least I'm not bored when I'm paranoid.

What are the side effects?
Is it really that bad?

Is it hard to make relationships with your condition?

Severe anxiety i would rather kill myself than do specific things

Mild tics, anxiety triggers it. Hard blinking is all I do atm.

Nothing special just a schizoid progressing to schizophrenia.

Psych meds carry with them a lot of sexual dysfunctions. Most people are fortunate enough for they're libido to return once they go off them. I was one of the unfortunate few to develop something called PSSD. (post ssri sexual dysfunction)

How does being a schizoid feel? I always wanted to know

Ive got schizoaffective bipolar type, Ive taken a ton of different antipsychotics, but none of them have ever done anything for the mood problem, since the schizo part is only mild my psychiatrist is planning to move me over to lithium soon

And as far as i know there's no cure for it. I'm convinced SSRIs cause a dopamine imbalance within the brain. They work by boosting serotonin which also happens to inhibit dopamine causing some sort of conflict within the brain.

have you tried dopamine boosters?

I'm an asexual female, so if there were sexual side effects of my medication, it's not like I'd be able to feel them. The medication helped temporarily, but now it's just a nuisance. I have a major headache from taking it this morning after being off of it for a month.

Pedophilia OCD makes you feel like you'll never be normal again

You just don't feel anything from relationships and you don't want them.
Can spend many months without human contact. Deaths and tragedies in your family
barely affect you. Almost no emotions, lack of wishes or ambitions. You feel empty, but can live with it.

Trans OCD here
Do you thoughts trigger when you see children?
Mine do when I see women it's like "You'd be more comfortable in her body" etc
which progresses to "you're going to have to transition or you'll get gender dysphoria and kill yourself"

I take the occasional amphetamine tablet when I'm in the mood, which can be used as a libido booster. Without it i'm pretty numb. It's become a crutch actually and i hate that.

I had some nasty withdrawals from them as well chills, sweats, electrical sensations. They should pass eventually.

Most of the time yeah, before this I wouldn't feel anything. I try to see if I get a reaction or something, and I never do, but my brain tries to convince that I do. It's fucked up

New relationships are hard, when I'm paranoid I have to cut contact with everyone from college and onward because they're the ones that could be working with them. Those that are close enough know about my condition and understand the reason I cut off contact, so we get back to how we were once I get better.

I never had a large circle of friends to begin with, I'm not very good at friendships or talking to people. And I rarely ever initiate contact, only the most persistent are my friends.