Was cute as a kid

>was cute as a kid
>puberty fucked everything up
am I alone in this? fuck puberty I want to be a kid forever

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>Cute kid
>Puberty gave me a big nose, shitty skin and permanent pedostache that won't grow into a proper beard but won't stay shaved for long

I look better now then I did as a kid because I lost a lot of weight

Its pretty much the same for me.

>ugly as a kid
>still ugly

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Puberty was a blessing to me minus the acne. Still a skelly looking autist though.

I was a tall kid, a smart kid, an energetic and athletic kid with some measure of charisma.
it's partially my fault for getting into anime and getting further into video games, but puberty made me fat.

>puberty made me fat

>what is an endomorph

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>was cute as a kid
>still kinda cute but wish puberty never happened

>Ugly + fat as a kid
>When did I get so handsome?
>Still feel like an ugly shy child deep down


Nnnvh y

I look the same as I always have, I just got taller.

I don't really know why or how but my nose is bent. It's noticeable only if you look directly. It's been like that since 14. Someone in high school pointed it out to me.
>tfw Roman nose

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the same shit happen to me, I always had a small nose and it became big and bent since 13. My face grew a bit so it became a bit smaller. I hope it continues to grow

>>Puberty gave me a big nose, shitty skin and permanent pedostache that won't grow into a proper beard but won't stay shaved for long

same, but I still look like a kid so it's fucking weird, when I shave everyone thinks I'm 12 so it's a hard dilemma... Look like a kid or look like a creepy adult

I'm cute at 22 too. Even still I know I'll hit the wall at some point and I do just wanna be a kid forever.

I rolled a six and threw the dice away.

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I still look 12 at 21. All that happened is I grew taller and my head ballooned somehow. Also got rosacea, but considering both my parents have it, it came as no surprise.

Everyone's cute as a kid.

I must have been the only ugly kid in history

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yeah im 23 and i finally reached that weird inbetween phase where i can kinda grow facial hair but not really and even if i shave it clean (which i do) you can still see the shadow a bit which completely fucks up my boyish looks

so now its just a disaster. im hoping it fills in more around my jaw and maybe ill be pretty hot in my 30s

>started balding at 14
sometimes you're born to lose

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1900s quackery

Puberty made my skin gross and disgusting, and it didn't help me stop being a skeleton.

Was the other way around with me.
>being the disgusting neglected child with autistic traits
>grow up becoming kind of handsome
>mentally fucked now from years of isolation and bullying and being guilt tripped.

were you a mouth breather? i fucked up my facial development as well to the point where my jawline is less defined as an adult than as a kid

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My life went in a weird cycle
>cute kids
>ugly as fuck teenager
>mid 30's and am "hot" compared to other men my age because I don't smoke 20 packs of cigarettes a day and try to stay in shape

I just don't even know what to think anymore. I go from hot to ugly to hot. Life's playing a trick on me.

>tfw you never went through puberty
i went from being an older brother by 5 years to being a younger brother. i stopped growing at age 13

>cute as a kid
>became fat in my tween years
>lost most of the weight in high school
>being working out again after being in ROTC and getting a job
>start to eat once a day to conserve food and money since poorfag
>body is lean now
>chest a shoulders look great, arm muscle is coming in, legs look nice, but my belly fat REFUSES to go away
>manager always comments on me being skinny, but I always disagree to her
>she tells me I have body dysphoria

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