Why is racism bad? I love white people and I hate niggers. Niggers are literally useless...

Why is racism bad? I love white people and I hate niggers. Niggers are literally useless. Am I supposed to feel guilty about hating them? I don't want niggers around me. I don't want to exploit them. I want nothing to do with them.

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Because it supports group think which supports group action which supports group vs group genocide which is ultimately bad for the human species as a collective.

>racism is bad

I don't view it as bad.

I like tyler1 and he is a brotha. Even if he was black I would've watched him. He's funny

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It's not your fault, it's just because you have a low IQ. There's a reason only white trash join racist groups.
>inb4 hitler was smart
Hitler has nothing to do with racist american groups we see today, he wasn't racist; he was fighting the jews because they had plotted to install communism in germany. In fact, in Nazi Germany people like in your pic or the KKK were used as anti-american propaganda.

It's bad when you live right on top of other races.

Good and bad are meaningless unless they're for a specific goal. If you care about humanity, racism is very very good, since killing off inferior groups of people increases the quility of humanity.

Feel free to be racist against me and fight back. This should be decided in a battle not some faggot ass psyop shit where we guilt trip white people into cucking themselves out of existence.

>Racists are low IQ

There was a Nazi with 141 IQ that was an absolute anti-semite

Hitler was racist.
He killed Slavs because they were eastern and not western indo-european. He killed Gypsies and Jews. The man was an atheist with a 125 IQ.

Why would he not be racist?

Racism is only bad if you hurt others. As long as you don't hurt anyone emotionally or psychically racism is fine. Nobody can tell you what you are supposed to love and what you are not supposed to hate.

>Kill off the inferior

Half of the white populace would die.
You can't exactly quantify superiority and inferiority. There are dumb black people that are extremely conscientious, so they're still valuable in their own way.

>Racist people have low IQ
>Only stupid people vote Republican

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>hurt anyone emotionally

What the fuck is this shit? You can't have free speech without offending people. Learn to stop being a faggot and a pussy.

>was fighting the jews because they had plotted to install communism

Wait a fucking second. Wasn't Hitler a communist himself? Or am I missing something here?

>Why is prejudging people entirely based on their supposed ethnic orgin, which they are not even responsible for, and that on a very hateful scale bad?
>But hurr look at muh IQ infograph
>Even if this would be true, and considering there is a large socioeconomic effect it is not likely, the reason you hate people is actually their IQ (or something else that is not race) but instead of hating low-iq people you group the people together so you can feel proud for having similar genes to a group of people that have a specific average intelligence

The people in the US who stand most vehemently against racism are the same ones who idealize and talk about moving to lily white countries like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden.

>be nu male
>have sex constantly with multiple partners because you are sensitive empathy
>get bachelor's degree in liberal arts
>end up working as a code monkey in the pacific northwest. ride bike to work and smoke legal weed everyday

True, but it's best to start with the most inferior groups first. The most obviously inferior groups would be Africans, since they have the lowest IQ's and have contributed the least to humanity.
Plus humanity is reaching the point where the planet would be able to sustain our population, so it makes the most sense to get rid of those you don't contribute to humanity.

If you really cared about humanity, then race wouldn't matter, only genes.

Because they're subhumans

I disagree. You're a faggot

And why should anyone have free speech? If everyone was a hundred percent honest about everything then life would be much different. You have got to keep some things to yourself.(for example you cant just walk up to a women and harass her sexually with words.) Racism is one of those things.

Switzerland is really the only one in that list that counts. Finland doesn't because no one wants to move there. The other three aren't "lily white" lol

>Why is prejudging an ugly white male which they are not even responsible for a bad thing?

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Well I got bored and found an article with research in it from some university
Average my guy I can say there was a certain person of a certain group that was a genius doesn't mean they're all geniuses

Because you are judging people on things they have no control over, rather than the things that have done. There are racial differences, yes, but we strive to remove these and move away from racism. I believe it would be a much better world if everyone could have success and respect through hard work and dedication, without their skintone or ancestry holding them back, because that was not of their own doing.

You're right, but that won't be until we hit that point.

I can easily see Whites/Asians making laws that allow for African genocide.

Asians shit all over black people when black people try and make deals with them. It's actually quite sad. In Angola, they allowed the Chinese access to black resources in return for jobs, and the Chinese ended up only importing Chinese workers because we all KNOW what black laborers do. You wouldn't even have to work hard to wipe out the black race. Just put small-pox in their water supply. They would never catch on.

You can't sit there and test everyone's genetic make-up.

It's too much work.

What do you mean those european countries arent white you absolute retard

It's most effective to start out where the largest populations of inferior people live, and Africa would be the perfect place to start.
Besides, If I was a true racist, would I think highly of Jews and North-East Asians based of their contributions to science and Technology?

I don't think average matters at all if a brilliant genius supports his own race.

It's solid proof the idea is sound.

Guys like pic related amuse me, because you know that Hitler would actually think they're trash.

Race does matter in terms of cost effectiveness. I won't go into the math I used to derive this because it's fairly boring and straightforward, but India requires a population of over 1.3 billion people to get just 7 million people with an IQ of 120 or higher. It's not cost effective environmentally speaking. If America were equally populous and all white, it would have 174 million people in the 120+ IQ range.

>group think
>ultimately bad for the human species as a collective.
That's self contradictory and incorrect. We're better off apart.

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>I don't think average matters at all
Your joking right fuck off faggot

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We're better off apart, true, but we're not better off killing one another unnecessarily.

>wahhh you're prejudging a nigger to be a dangerous animal when that's all his kind has displayed

Sue me faggot.

Somalia has an average IQ of 67 and a population of 15.1 million people. Using a standard deviation of 15 and adjusting for their average, we can gather that there should be approximately 4,003 people in Somalia with an IQ of 120 or higher.

>It's not your fault, it's just because you have a low IQ.
That's not what your study even says. Correlation =/= causation, and your claim that OP is low IQ is not a refutation of his points. It's an insult.

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>blacks are so lazy
>ugh blacks are so good at sports

>Retards support something
>But genius supports it too

What import is it that those of low IQ support something if there's any sort of counterweight to all of their stupidity? If it was just a bunch of 85-110 IQ people sitting in a room going "YEAH KILLUM YEAH" then you would have a point, but if there are people that are brilliant that can think and see clearly that sit in that very room and go "YEAH KILLUM YEAH" then there's probably truth to the position.

Its obvious that you are brain washed by the media.

Why is everyone talking about IQ? The conclusions reached in the Putnam study about ethnic diversity matter far more.

>Putnam study
Source me up

I've never heard of it

Why the fuck would anyone care about sports, they contribute nothing; it's just dumb entertainment.

>Be Somali have an average IQ of 116
Feels good mother fucker. Jokes aside though Somalia was an okay country but collapsed into a civil war a few decades ago and severe malnutrition is pretty common thanks to the great USA and has a huge effect on IQ so I doubt that would be the IQ of your average non-malnutritioned Somali person.

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>it's just dumb entertainment

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High IQ doesnt mean that the person autmatically makes the right choiches in every situation.

And how exactly does posting a picture of a Roman Colosseum change the fact that sports contribute nothing other than dumb entertainment?

>Things will always get fucked up with a idiotic person no matter what
And the smart person can be insane as history has shown us if they follow that fag then we're all fucked.
>That's not what your study even says. Correlation =/= causation
You think a genetic link for IQ has been found between races. It's fucking correlation the whole way you retard.
>and your claim that OP is low IQ is not a refutation of his points. It's an insult.
I already knew that Mr smarty-pants.

>sports contribute nothing other than dumb entertainment

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It's so monumentally important that I believe no one on either side who participates these discussions about the interplay between race and immigration should do so without having familiarized themselves with it.


This is the best argument against mass immigration and multiracialism. The author, a liberal Harvard professor, set out to prove the opposite. His conclusions were instead so dire that he shelved his research for years.

There is absolute value in dumb entertainment.

It pacifies people, and if you can get them excited over dumb niggers, you can get them away from talking about politics and replace it with football instead. Your government is more stable with dumb entertainment.

This means sport monkeys are valuable. They are chosen because they're good at what they do.

>It doesn't mean you make the right choice

But it does mean that there is a logical structure behind that choice.

He wasn't the only person with high IQ that supported his race.

Thank you for sending me this

a lot of jobs and money get made on sports and entertainment.

If I was brainwashed by the media I would love niggers and and faggots. But I don't so their brainwashing failed.

The most obvious inferior group would be Jow Forums posters by that metric
You know this to be true

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Every racial group is racist to a degree whether it be with jokes or something else.
Situational, hypocrite racists are subhumans who cant completely function on a biological level

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