Whats it like not being white...

Whats it like not being white? Im probably asking the wrong place but i just can't fucking imagine being anything but white i can picture myself being a cat almost better.

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>Whats it like not being white?
I don't know? Especially because I'm not white and have never been white (Duh), so I don't know what comparisons to make or whatever. I'm brown and I have curly hair, I guess. That's what it's like.
I don't really think about it on a day-to-day basis, kind of like breathing or being able to see and perceive life. My (mix of) race(s) isn't really a focal point of my identity and it's not important to me.

>my race isnt important to me
Well aren't you quite the rebel

Nonwhite here. Basically my life is defined by fantasizing about what white people are like, resenting white people for being successful and happy while I am not, blaming white people for my failures, and forming an identity based on my proximity to and distance from white people

Essentially, I am obsessed with you. What language am I writing in? English. My brain was programmed by white people before it even developed consciousness. Every modern comfort in my life from Netflix to my toilet was created by and for white people. I breathe white people, I think white people, when I sleep I dream of white people.

And nothing, absolutely nothing makes me more frustrated and petulant than knowing that although every aspect of my existence is dependent on white people--I will NEVER be white. No matter how much I complain, no matter who I vote for, no matter what music I listen to, no matter what grades I get, no matter what clothes I wear--I will NEVER, EVER, EVER be white.

Im half asian half white, but I appear mostly as white. Feelsgoodman

not much different than being any other colour on day to day. give it a couple years and you'll be glad you're not white though.

Its not really a easy question to answer, but Ill give it a shot. Im a Mexican living in the U.S. and I guess my childhood was about the same as any other white kid. If Im being honest, I dont think being nonwhite is very different from white besides the fact that the food I learned to cook at home is slightly different and I can speak another language.
You sound like a faggot

Its not something you ever think about until some retard brings it up, differences being i look down and my skin isnt white and my hair is a bit curly are about it.

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I have a different question. What is it like to have non-white friends as a white guy? The only non-whites I have actual contact with are either the Indian girlfriend of a friend I see like once a month, the friend of a friend that is half black and the Turkish guy(not specific non-white but more ethnic) I talk to during my smoking break at Uni.

Where I live people see me as a white person because I have white skin, but I'm not 100% European.
What I wonder is if I could pass as white in an European country

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And also your IQ is probably about 10 points lower than that of a white American

This is nothing more than a neonazi wank fantasy.

Boring? I used to smoke with this circle of nonwhites when I was in college. They constantly have competitions among themselves to see who has faced the most racism. "What's the most racist thing a white person has ever said to you?" "Can you believe this clearly retarded story CNN told me which must be true?" They're also constantly trying to police white people's opinions, but God forbid they should adhere to their own moral standards to themselves

It doesn't help that they're dumb as pigshit. Obsessed with Twitter, Marvel movies, celebrity gossip, and hip hop, basically not even sentient human beings, just animated piles of slop built to consume and shit

I get called a sandnigger a lot.

I actually was within my year and class the "native white" minority and tried for years to be liberal and open to them. Kind of the reason why I don't have non-white friends and even the nicest friends of mine only have like one token non-white friend.
The migrant crisis didn't make me "racist", but being this close with the "more integrated, well off and more intelligent" ones made me want to get close to my own people.

I don't mind it. I'm me, that's all that matters.

Sure, whatever makes you feel better.

the >muh dik feeling when you see a hot white girl with a phat fucking ass is stronger than any white lad will ever experience

you dont have to be this. You can BREAK through this BRAINWASHING! if you are like me and are "black" there is a way for you to find out the stuff these white people constantly say on here are LIES. Research your own indigenous people and learn about yourself. Its hard but you need to do this. Unless you are too weak of course.....

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I have a good colombian friend. Its pretty normal except i cant communicate with any of his family really minus greetings hello goodbye etc.

No this sounds legit, as an actual "nazi" this isnt what i think about, at all. It sounds more like the origin story of the average huffpost writer.

And here we can see the white "robot" trying his hardest to racebait for no real reason.

Actual white European girls under 200 pounds almost never have a "phat ass". Sounds like youre getting off to pale quadroons or actual landwhales.

Sounds like one of those "azn" subreddits more likely. Go there sometime its chalk full of posts 100% like this.

Only like I don't like is that I don't know what's it like to belong. I'm always the outsider. Hell I don't even know the city I was born, it's on my passport but I have no clear memories.

What if my parents never left their country? I'd be poor as fuck but at least I'd belong somewhere. What does that feel like? What does nationalism feel like? What does it mean to be in a trusted enviroment?

>Green eyes

It's pretty dope desu. I'm like a unicorn.

Like being a human and not a parasitic hateful alien

Tfw hazel eyes and ghost pale skin
*picture of open mouthed mutt*

>My (mix of) race(s) isn't really a focal point of my identity

>white insanity and random hate


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Idk just like being white I guess

I don't think race is really that important unless you make it so

I'm Indian for reference
I like over watch and indie games
My friends are white Hispanic and Asian

They all like the same things

Unless you are some autist polfag I don't think race really matters that much

Tanning makes you look disgusting and dirty (can't help it cause I live in a 365 day summer shithole, everyone here has a farmer's tan) , and people with fairer skin are more desirable.
That's what I hate about being non-white. Other than that it's not bad.

it's true, I suffer from the same condition to an extent.

Wh1ter th4n U Muhammad

I'm black and raised in a middle class home. I haven't experienced any "racism" as the supposed blackbots say. Things are basic for me, I go to college and mainly stay at home. The only things bothering me is the fact that I may not have a triple digit IQ or good facial aesthetics. So I'd say it's overall good if you stay to yourself and not let black culture intoxicate you.

Usually it's not even on my mind at all, despite living in a majority white state. The only times it even crosses my mind is when something is in spanish and people look at me or when watching porn.
In my own mind i suppose i've labeled myself as psuedo white. I really don't view myself as different than any of the people I know.
The only times I've ever been uncomfortable with it was when I visited the south and had some slurs thrown my way and a fleeting thought that I'm the token brown friend. Still though, it wasn't anything major and the feeling passes almost as soon as it happens.

Ask on Jow Forums

look into a mirror

>"dam im ugly"

thats what its like

It's whatever
People don't treat me bad or anything. I was born and raised in U.S so I guess I'm westernized.

Women don't really find me attractive, but I've had several bros.

Well it's fucking horrible T.B.H.

>What is it like to have non-white friends as a white guy?
Honestly? Its shite, thats why in the last years I drifted away from my non-white friends, only one half breed remains and he bother me a lot with his behavior. I do not associate with blacks at all, ever.

The best any white can give to another white is to stay away from non-whites. They will make your life hell, they are not like you, they'll never be your friends, being around them will put your life at risk for stupid reasons and if you insist you'll most likely become statistic like many whites before you who insisted into associating with non-whites.

same as everyone else but you are ugly thats all

Wow. Such compelling, convincing arguments.

You are american, you tell me about it, you should know better than anybody else mutt

this post was written by a baiting Jow Forumsnigger

Wasnt trying to argue anything though
More likely one of those subreddits that always come here. In fact im certain.

>same as everyone else but you are ugly
...and dumb.

>and dumb
Not really. I never felt I had difficulty at school.

When your a robot it overshadows race. People treat me like an intimidating weirdo they are not sure what to make of instead of an ethnic stereotype

I don't get sunburns, and I don't smell like wet dog and sour milk all the time, so I can't complain.

It feels fucking awful, I'm a light skinned spic with European and Jewish features such as big nose or veiny arms but I deeply know I'm not white at all, the weather is fucking awful as well because where i live it is always hot and dry, and winter last like 3 months and it's always shit, it barely reaches the 10 C on average and it never snows here, I wish o was fucking white I'm tired of living in a shithole I want to live in the forest of Norway where it is always cold and dark

>t.self hating cac larp

Lol no I'm not larping what I'm saying is just the reality

t. white autist

The funny and ironic part about this post is that you are literally obsessed with nonwhites. Everything you said here are L I T E R A L L Y your OWN EXACT thoughts except towards nonwhites. Never have i seen someone project this hard before. It is insane.
But you know what? There is actually a core of truth to your post Nonwhites actually have a good reason to be concerned with what whites do because the people in power are white. The actions of whites directly affect their lives. But the reverse is not true. No nonwhite is affecting your life at all. You could forget about nonwhites if you wanted to by simply not seeking out information regarding them. Yet you dont. You eat, sleep and think nonwhites. Your waking hours are spent obsessing over what nonwhites do. You spent your time online following nonwhites and trying to figure out EVERY LITTLE DETAIL about them. Yoi're quite literally O B S S E S S E D with nonwhites. You even have started to try to psychoanalyse them. You are so utterly obsessed by a group of people you never interact with and who have no bearing on your life at all, no wonder you assume everyone is as mentally ill you are.

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>When your a robot it overshadows race.

This. The only skin a true robot knows is cold unfeeling metallic chrome.

>Oh, user? Yeah he's that weird Arab/Mexican/Black/Asian kid. I heard he was a pedo/druggie/dropout. Can you believe he's never had a girlfriend? Do you think he's gay??

That's it. So you get one extra qualifier on top of being the universe's punching bag. Big deal. Another tinkle won't make a difference if you're drowning in a sea of piss.