What was your last day of high school like anons, maybe post graduating too. Did you leave anybody behind?
High school
>What was your last day of high school like anons
Went through the routine as normal and went through the day completely unnoticed. Walked home alone like it was any other day.
My supposed friends said we'd exchange means of contact so we could keep in touch.
Never happened, then they all moved away. No friends IRL since then.
Based desu
I dropped out in junior year.
>What was your last day of high school like anons,
Ok. I was with most of my class and chilling and talking. I walked with my friend.
>maybe post graduating too.
I immediately moved hours away.
>Did you leave anybody behind?
Everyone. It's regrettable.
On my last day I dropped out during lunch.
i graduated and they rented out a nice theater downtown for it
it was alright honestly
I packed up my stuff, say bye to my two friends and walked home alone like always.
>School had special raffle and breakfast for seniors
>Had maybe one or two exams
>Read manga at study hall since there was nothing to study for
>Sat away from anyone else at lunch as they talked about what they were doing with their lives after graduation
Normal day, went for a hike with my buddy and his mom's bf after. I was the one that got left behind by most of my friends after though.
Went to three different high schools all were shit but had some autist I talked to
Ff to last highschool last day passed my last class 6 months before regular school never saw anyone of those autist again
I autistically quoted Cowboy Bebop to myself and walked out.
I left everyone behind. I never had friends I'd hang out with outside high school. Just good acquaintances that I'd see at school. I stayed with them at school so it looked like I had friends and I wouldn't get bullied by anyone.
I ended up dropping out. School bored me. They dont teach anything worthwhile. Got my GED, passed with flying colors and have plans for the Navy. I have a high enough score on their aptitude test to learn how to run a nuclear plant on a Aircraft Carrier or a Sub. As for actually being there, I hated it. Everyone is an asshole where Im at, the only difference is their race. So my last day, I did what anyone who hated everyone would do, I told everyone they were a piece of shit and left. Only thing I miss is the social aspect.
>Last day of school
I smoked a bunch of weed with my friend before school. I don't really remember much of it though. I know I had to work later on in the day. It kind of makes me sad I can't remember what I did.
>Post graduating
I worked at a restaurant for 5 years, until October of last year when I got fired and have been a NEET since. I don't smoke weed anymore either.
>Did you leave anybody behind
No, I was the one others left behind. I deserved it.
Ended up dropping out and the bitcoins I invested in 2011 gain value so esentially I was playing life on cheat codes without playing the campaign
Feel your pain user
>Been out of school for 3 years working at a shitty restaurant for minimum wage
>Recently got in a motorcycle accident haven't worked in 2 months
>See everyone my age getting ready to graduate
>Haven't done anything in life because I'm an autist
>Feel lonely have no girlfriend
Get out of working in kitchens ASAP. It will ruin your body and you will begin to physically breakdown by the time you are 30-40.
>Become a forklift operator
>Get a custodian job at a hospital (usually nice pay and unions)
>Get a kitchen job at a hospital (not as rough as a commercial kitchen and better pay)
>Get a job inspecting stuff like power lines, ect with a power company
>Worse case scenario just be a truck driver and live a comfy robot life on the road listening to music or having movies/anime/ect on a laptop next you while you drive
I believe in you user.
my school had this thing where all the seniors went on a march throguh the school and tossed all our notes as we walked. ripping pages out of notebooks and shit felt great desu and yes i dont keep in touch with most of my HS friends but i still meet up with 2 of them every year or so and its fucking great. dont feel too pressured to keep every single friendship the same, people drift. just find out who you want in your life as you get older and progress and who you dont need as much
Thanks user feels good knowing there's people out there that understand and are willing to give advice
I kissed 6 girls and never saw them again. Otherwise it was an uneventful day. Oh and i brought my ps2 and played mgs3 in history class
My last day was ok left early i walk out my graduation right after i got my diploma i left no one behind didn't care much for those people sounds edgy but it my truth
Sat alone in the library
Last day of highschool was a two hour exam in the morning. Took the bus there, and hung around almost all day waiting for the bus to come back and take me home.
Watched The Goonies about three times trying to kill time, because it was the only form of fucking entertainment they had for stranded kids.
>Did you leave anybody behind?
Yea, Carrie Lee Booth. I think that girl legitimately loved me. Oh well. I can only hope she has a beautiful family and is happy.
I fucking tripped at lunch on the last day. I was so close to not fucking up once throughout high school
Went through the motions, went home, became NEET. That day was the last day I saw any of my friends, ever.
my last day was a religion exam (catholic school) which I cut short because a classmate had shrooms on him so I intentionally finished my exam same time he did despite the fact i was not actually finished just so that I could coincidentally bump into him later. Our teacher was some fag who kept bragging that he owned his own island and knew Keanu Reeves from the fucking matrix. Failed the exam but passed the course with a 63, didn't matter for university admissions anyways since it wasn't in my top six. Canadian universities compile an average from your best six grade twelve courses for admissions, no SAT or entrance exams. We chilled in the smokers pit and went to some guy's house and i ate the fucking mushrooms dude. I didn't go back for yearbook, prom, grad, or any of that shit.
I made lots of memories with my best friends whom I miss a lot because I moved away for uni.
>What was your last day of high school like
it was empty, shallow and uninteresting
>post graduating
went homeless for a few months and managed to get a wagie job
>did you leave anybody behind
there was no one TO leave behind
>What was your last day of high school like anons
Didnt go
>maybe post graduating too
>Did you leave anybody behind
>What was your last day of high school like anons
It was good, because it meant that I was finally free from that hellhole.
>maybe post graduating too
Started working on my degree, and im going to graduate next year. I have plans of working as a geography teacher (since i love teaching, what i hate is people being smug cunts because they are rich), or as an diplomat. Hopefully i'll manage acomplish them
>Did you leave anybody behind
Nope, really hated that place so i was glad that i got out.
>skip weeks before final testing
>come day after finals and do them in a room alone since everyone else is done with them
>look at sheet
>literally understand none of it
>feel akward with myself and a teacher being the only ones in the room
>scribble down some answers and leave quickly
>finish classes and go home to never return
I got a message a few days later telling me I failed multiple classes, having only passed my english classes and a math class
Left highschool with 3 credits and no friends.
I left nothing behind.