"Over 50% of homicides are committed by 13% of the population"

13% of the population in The United States where this stat comes from amounts to round 40 million people, over 50% of homicides were 4,935 in 2016 so using basic maths we can conclude that only 0.0125% of the 13% of the population kills anybody.

What do? I need a reason to justify my irrational hatred of the remaining 99.99% who don't kill.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I need a reason to justify my irrational hatred of the remaining 99.99% who don't kill.
Well, they're ugly and they don't look like you. That's reason enough, right?

What about rape? What about assaults? Add those up too. Homicide is a bad thing but let's not forget about assault, robbery and rape. Niggers love to do those things.

And if they don't, they will rally around the people who do, because the killers and rapists didnu nuffins (except to raciss whipipo) and were good boys.

You are missing the key word "reported." Why do you care so much that the trash is taking itself out, anyway? Most of it is gang related.

At least you're honest. What race are you, if you don't mind me asking?

White. The most beta race

>What race are you, if you don't mind me asking?
Don't worry about it.

Say what again, nigger?

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Negligible. Take for example rape, only a little over 5000 of those are committed by blacks. The percentage if them who's commit then assuming none of then are committed by repeat offenders and none of the perpetrators were falsely accused (Central Park Five come to mind) then still only like 0.0100% of blacks rape. Same goes for all other serious offenses more or less.

Not saying these crimes ain't a big deal, just saying the 99.99% of blacks who don't commit crime don't need to be the victims of the non-black anti-black lynch mob.

White racists aren't good at math or sex. So of course blacks scare them.

>Why do you care so much that the trash is taking itself out, anyway? Most of it is gang related.
Ask racists. You'd think they'd love a bit of black crime since like 90% of it is committed against other blacks.

It takes a real man to chop off a 5-year-old's hands for not meeting rubber production quotas. Real master race shit.

Because crimes spill into good neighborhoods when blacks start moving in.

Plenty of Asians and Hispanics hate blacks too. They just use whites as a shield whenever called out.

When did Jow Forums become Jow Forums lite? You're like the regular nazis but even more lonely and sad

what were u expecting to happen after generations of inbreeding

And as a little bit of calculator wizardry shows us...*squints* far from 1% of blacks commit crime and even fewer people in "good neighborhoods" are victimized by it. Face it, the "muh crime stats" shtick serves to support irrational feelings of hatred and fear and isn't the cause of said hatred and fear.

Pretty much half of all boards are like this now. t. Used to browse /sp/, half of the posters there care more bout the race of athletes than how well they perform

>When did Jow Forums become Jow Forums lite?
Every single time I come on Jow Forums there is racebait is some way or form. Every single time, either shitting on whites, blacks, or asians (but never jews hmmmmmmmmmm). Someone or some group comes to Jow Forums just the sow the seeds of hatred no matter the method.

The vast majority of murders are justified to some extent. I dislike criminals who hurt innocent people for no reason but I'm not going to get worked up worrying about JaQuan shooting Trey over a nickel bag. If you aren't engaging in retarded behavior (getting sexually involved with some psycho, byuing/selling street drugs, commiting other felonies, walking through a terrible hood unarmed at night) the odds that you'll ever be murdered in America are infinitesimal. Without exaggeration, I would estimate that the average robot is at least 100x more likely to commit suicide then to get murded by some random negro savage. That should be the real concern for people on here.

Because Jow Forumstards get out of their containment board every time. The majority are misfits like most of us here.

Y-yeah... only Jow Forumstards can be racist, right?

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I know that blacks commit more crime than other races, but I still judge them on an individual basis.

Have fun getting fucked over multiple times by niggers then, you stupid dipshit.

Jow Forums as a whole is racist but Jow Forums sucks the fun out of hating people. It's like WORK over there.

The problem with blacks is rap ghetto thug culture, single motherhood, senseless violence, and drug use. I don't know if it's genetic but almost everywhere blacks go, a large portion of them fail and make everything worse around them.

And the part I hate the most is that they refuse to acknowledge their problems and blame everything on everybody else.

But what really grinds my gears is the fact that the majority of people, especially the majority of white people and almost all white women side with blacks and treat them like innocent children that can do no wrong and just need to be carried to success because they can't make it on their own. All the BLACKED BBC shit is annoying to, but hey, what are you gonna do? White women love to destroy themselves and the societies that literally built the modern world and the freedom they love to complain about today. Once white men are a minority, that all disappears and they will be placed in rape dungeons and will be raped and murdered in public. And nobody will do anything. Sad.

>get stopped for a simple traffic violation
>escalates into a full frontal gun fight

>get into a car crash
>people want to see if he's hurt
>be difficult to paramedics and firefighters
>tries to take a tazer gun from police

>hanging out with a gun
>police come
>don't reach for gun
>gets shot

>has a gun
>asked him repeatedly to get on his knees
>reaches for a gun to shoot at police

Yeah, we can only judge them by their individuality, right?

>Is confronted with facts that show 99.99% of blacks are harmless

Did you eat crayons as a kid?

>The problem with blacks is rap ghetto thug culture, single motherhood, senseless violence, and drug use

I stopped reading there. What part of "The FBI itself reports that less than 1% of blacks commit any crime at all" don't you understand?

No one said that but of course you have to put words in someone else's mouth to reply to an argument no one ever made. I really wonder which board you must come from, it's a complete mystery huh. Nice pic, faggot, your butthurt is showing.

Based. All pigs must fry

What are you talking about? You're acting like I walk into the hood and try to be best friends with all the hood rats. I dont care much for African Americans but African immigrants are almost always well educated and composed where I live.


Facts don't care about your 4 news stories.



>inb4 omg, whites are DOUBLE the amount of blacks

Hispanics are classified as white, as well as Arabs and Indians. And not only that, whites makes up 60% of the total population.

>If i cherrypick maybe it'll make my deranged world view real!
No shit your shitty american gangsta culture make your nigs chimp out and it's reasonable to think that there's a problem within their community but really thinking that you can judge every single one of them like that makes you pretty close to being subhuman. Only toddlers or brain damaged individuals think in absolutes.


>maybe if i spam that word alot people will start believing me

Doesn't work like that, kiddo.

More anedotes!

We all know who the majority of criminals are.

Attached: NiggerThief.jpg (737x500, 305K)

You have no idea what anecdotal evidence is even after searching it on google. Sad.

You just proved my point. Even in the categories for crime most disproportionately committed by blacks (violent crime) the raw number of offences is low enough for barely 0.3% of blacks to be responsible for them and that's assuming repeat offenders don't exist which they certainly do (you can find studies reporting that over 60% of crime in any western nation is committed by a hardcore 1% made up of repeat offenders).

How are your average black people to blame for this unless you're racist?

crimes are committed by poor people and people with shit education, skin color doesnt matter

89% of black people who gets shot, get shot by black people. This means you are less likely to get shot by a black person if you're white. You're high at risk of getting shot by a black person if you're black. Black people know that other black people are less likely to report a crime to the police therefore black people are easier targets for rape, violence and assault by other black people. White people cant do anything to a black person because it automatically becomes a hate crime no matter what and you'll be hanged alive in media and disappear in jail before trial and nobody will ask questions.

Because of cities like Chicago and Detroit. Really makes me think a lot about race.

Over 80% of white criminals target victims who're white too though. This ain't got shit to do with whose an easy target and who ain't, but who lives closest to the criminals.

Alright, I ain't a burger, but I'm black(ish). Tell me straight, am I a criminal? Do you think I've ever shot/stabbed anybody?

Don't forget South Central LA, East Palo Alto, Sacramento, Oakland, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx.

>Use same FBI crime tables white supremacists use to demonize blacks to prove not even 1% of black people commit crime (for example, 0.0100% commit rape or murder)
>Replies are nothing but posts of "Muh Chicago!" and "Muh Oakland!"

Racism is a feels over reals mindset. Don't @ me unless you can prove the 99.99% of blacks who're peaceful are hardened criminals.

But are they functioning part of society anywhere in the world?

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Yeah, everywhere they go. 85%+ employment rate, all pay taxes etcetera. That's just in Burgerland.

So what have we learned...
>Blacks work
>Pay taxes
>99.99% don't commit crime according to The FBI

Face it, this is a,petty hang up about skin colour you've got. Nothing more.


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Different behaviour, different culture, they are more aggressive and your stats don't hold up. You are just playing the hate game and it is pretty pathetic. I mean if you have no problem being around black people, maybe you should go and live in Africa where everything is so progressive and good. After all, blacks have +85% employment rate like you said.

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If it is an anecdote, I would encourage you to live with them yourself if they are not a problem. After all only a small portion of black people are bad boys and rest of them dindu nuffin.

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My stats hold up just fine. That's my whole point. It's you who can't refute jack shit. I showed you with your own commonly cited FBI statistics that it's impossible for more than like 0.3% of blacks to be committing serious crimes and that's even it there weren't any repeat offenders and all you can do is typical white supremacist shit like spamming videos of anecdotal evidence and .jpgs.

Again, am I a criminal? Yes or no? Are 99% of black people responsible for the crime the 1% commit? Yes or no? If your answer is anything other than no your irrational hate has consumed you and made you mathematically impaired.

I live with them. Not in America, but in The UK. Same shit though, right? All blacks are criminals, right?

Literally no one is making the argument that ALL black people are criminals, but you are too thick to see that and you use strawman arguments, buzzwords like white supremacist and put words into other peoples mouths, because every fact is against you.
What you cannot refute is that black people commit more crime, are more violent, are a burden to the society they reside and that they are ON AVERAGE really low IQ as a group of people.
You just cherrypick a couple of individuals who do function, but that doesn't challenge or refute the base argument. Black people as a group are a negative thing to a country. If you want to take a couple of good and rare blacks in, you must take all the shitty ones too.
Ask yourself if you would want to take a chance of 20%, to be a functioning part of western society. I don't think you would take it.

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I unironically did eat crayons as a kid. But only small nibbles and very rarely.

>Be white nationalist
>Post non-stop about black crime
>0.3% of black people commit serious crimes such as rape, murder or robbery
>Work towards final solution to make America white again which would result in the peaceful 99.7% being held responsible for the 0.3% rapists, robbers and murderers

I R R A T I O N A L.

It is as if you were saying white nationalism is a bad thing. You know what is even worse than being a hypocrite that I just fucked in the ass with simple logic pointing out your cognitive dissonance? Hating yourself and who you are. You seem to think that white people do not deserve a home country. Huh that is pretty racist. If you are so racist, how come you are able to defend a group of racism?
Off yourself and don't have any kids. People like you need to die off.
Sidenote, I bet if you are the kind of people, that if brutally beaten and raped by a black man, you would still blame white people for racism. I think you deserve what is coming for you.

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Jow Forums won't leave popular boards alone.

Jow Forums is one of the top 3 boards on Jow Forums.

Okay, if you're gonna be a dumbass I'll do your job for you.

If niggers make up 13% of the population how come they commit 26.9% of all crime? Across 8.4 million arrests, 2.3 million (rounded up) were niggers.

And the really interesting ones:
>Murder: 52.6% blacks
>Rape: 29.1% blacks
>Aggravated assault: 33% blacks
> Violent crime: 37.5% blacks

Table 21B and 21C separates them into under 18 and over 18 and you can see that the niglets are even worse than their older counterparts in every possible way.

The only crimes that represent their number of the population has to do with alcohol, everywhere else they're heavily over-represented.
>"Soo woo boo hoo they're still only a fraction of the population, it doesn't reflect ALL blacks!"
It represents a trend that black people are more prone to violence and crime, especially the young ones which is the biggest problem IMO.
Food stamps receivers are also 25% black and there remains a race gap in SAT scores. Get it through your thick skull that something's very wrong here.