Reminder that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide...

Reminder that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of them carries the mutated gene that is responsible for it.

This mutation occurs within an gene known as 'SRD5A2', an enzyme that is less active in Asian men and is responsible for processing the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which is more 5x more potent than regular testosterone.(1)

>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a sex hormone created from testosterone in the body. It plays a major role in the development of characteristics that are typically associated with men (body hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice).

This less active enzyme in Asian men(2) is the reason they have lower DHT levels compared to other races of men,(3) it may also explain why their penises are smaller on average (unconfirmed) as DHT is necessary for the maturation of the penis.

The mutation is known as 'R227Q', and is a non synonymous change in the 'SRD5A2' gene.(4) 'R227Q' been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations.(5)

It is time for Asian bois to renounce their masculinity, transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of their lives, content as cock sleeves

>sources (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

aznidenitty,asianmasculinity racist losers who pretend to be white, black, mixed, are obsesed incels who take advantage of American politics, who let them harass people, attack their sons, pretend to be mixed and create racist memes against them taking advantage that American politics

>Most of the racial anti-white male shilling, shitpost are made by loser asian men on internet
>Read the link

Attached: 1525753115821.gif (500x583, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>When asian boys try to over compensate and why they are so obsessed with dick, cuckpost, shitpost and projecting the word "beta" and try to attack white dudes. Majority of this group of loser incel asian boys being from USA, Canada, Australia, UK and New Zeland.

Attached: 1525753115821.gif (500x434, 2.04M)

thats not a micropenis thats just a soft dick you fucking retard.

Thanks op. I knew asians had high test but low dht. I didn't know about that gene though. Saying all of them have it is a stretch though.

lol I'm a mexican with a 5 incher and that shit looks small even to me.

it may be small but its like the size of the guys thumb, its not a micropenis

meh mine's like nearly 7 inches hard but that's about what it looks like flaccid in a cold room. some people are just growers, anons

>R227Q which has been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations

Holy fuck. I need to know how common this is

at least i'm not bald, dhtfag

hmm. That explains why they don't have body hair and struggle to grow beards and strong jawlines. On the flip side, white women like their hairlessness

dudes at max chub

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how do you know? 475

This is a very high IQ post, one that destroys the "Asian men have higher T" meme.

Empirically, it's obvious that Asian men are less masculine relative to whites, blacks, and Latinos, at least when judged by the standards of male secondary sexual characteristics: on average, they have less muscle mass, less body hair, and shorter stature.

The idea that there's some vast conspiracy on the part of "white people" in (((Hollywood))) to emasculate Asian men is ridiculous. Why aren't blacks or Latinos targeted in the same fashion? Why aren't they seen as less masculine than whites, the way Asians are?

EurasianTiger (Tendies Leung Spencer) and every other Asian/Eurasian man who resorts to anti-white conspiracy theories to explain their undesirability is coping.

If anything, the large numbers of sexually frustrated Asian men and black women is just further proof that diversity is disastrous:

Attached: tendies.jpg (1024x768, 218K)

dick size doesn't matter, in the end asian men are still superior. the whites are high class as well.

You realize if you have sex with them there is a chance you could get rid of the bad penis gene and other bad genes

>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands because when it is severely damaged in children, development of the sexual organs and the skeleton are accelerated.[39]
Smallfags are small because their pineal glands didn't calcify.
Smallfags have higher spiritual prowess and can leave their own bodies to travel to other dimensions.

It's not, you can see it flop as he walks. It just sticks out because it's small and it sits on his balls.

Only niggers and women care about dick size.

I'm a half asian.
It's probably true of asian men being the least masculine of males.
God I hate eurasian tiger.
What a faggot.

>mah dick.
Litterally nigger tier

Jow Forums and the whole Jow Forums is asian incel colony.
Asian incels have over representation in Jow Forums compared to their population, so majority of asian men are losers or asian men have the most obsessed losers.

White dudes only wanted to discuss politics and then come the asian incels obsessed and trying to subversive, but niggers have the same behavior fo asian incels in their forums and other websites.

So the solution is to have sex with asian women to weed out bad genes?

Latinos are short and less hairy too though

Not as much as Asians. And they're much more muscular than Asians.

Jow Forums is 90% white cattle
5% asians
4% black
1% jews that is the authority put here by the government

Who cares, Asians are cool peeps.

Yes, we are the majority but I would swap the black and Jew percentage. Nigs dont internet on forums as there is no money or pussy involved in them

Oh man forgot pic related. White power!

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I have quite a small penis when flacid. But it's strange because it can be quite small looking then a decent flacid size. After the gym it goes small which can be quite embarrassing in the changing room.

When erect I'm a decent size though 6inch and a decent girth.

Nobody is really muscular unless they workout though

Any sauce on these gifs? Asking for a friend.

>tfw no buff asianbot bf with his """average""" sized benis

i hate that penis posting is the new thing on this board and, to an extent, Jow Forums as a whole

i hate each and every single one of you degenerate penis posters, especially including op who is a retarded faggot, please do me a favor and go post your penises somewhere else

Attached: 3879796C-0274-4AAD-A15B-B0C2EA0981FC.jpg (249x250, 13K)

>stop posting x on a board with no specific topic

Attached: (you).jpg (360x360, 15K)

He's right though, its extremely bland and its always just back and forth between races. Its especially retarded when you see the same pic but OP claims to be asian or white and its hard to tell. Its especially retarded if nobody posts timestamps, then you can be sure its fake but they still bait newfags.

My dick is not that tiny when its flaccid. Retard

i thought small asian dick was a meme

every time i see JAV porn or any porn with asians in it their dicks look at least thicker than mine, they look at least 4.8" around

stop mate guarding Asian men!